Bardeen App connector

Integrate & connect
HubSpot with Salesforce

Integrate HubSpot and Salesforce to automate any workflow. Automate tasks using natural language prompts to Bardeen's AI Agent for repetitive tasks. No coding needed.

How to integrate HubSpot with Salesforce?

We're Bardeen, we build an AI Agent that does your repetitive work tasks. Companies like Deel and Casafari, use Bardeen connect apps like HubSpot and Salesforce together to save time and increase productivity.

HubSpot and Salesforce are two of the most popular CRM platforms used by businesses today. Integrating these systems can help streamline your sales process, improve data accuracy, and provide a more comprehensive view of your customers. In fact, companies that integrate their CRM with other systems see a 74% increase in sales productivity on average.

In this step-by-step guide, we'll walk you through the process of integrating HubSpot and Salesforce, from setting up the necessary permissions to configuring your data sync settings. Whether you're a seasoned pro or new to the world of CRM integration, this guide has everything you need to get up and running quickly. Plus, we'll introduce you to the new, automated way of integrating these systems using AI agents like Bardeen. Ready to take your sales game to the next level? Let's dive in!

Key Prerequisites for a Smooth HubSpot Salesforce Integration

Before diving into connecting HubSpot and Salesforce, it's crucial to ensure you have the necessary access and permissions in place. This will pave the way for a seamless integration process.

Your HubSpot account needs to have Account Access permissions to configure and manage the integration settings. On the Salesforce side, an edition with API access like Professional or higher is required.

Having Salesforce system administrator privileges or being assigned the HubSpot Integration Permission set will allow you to set up the integration. The required Salesforce user profile permissions include:

  1. API Enabled to allow communication between the two systems

    The API Enabled permission is essential for establishing the connection and enabling data flow between HubSpot and Salesforce. Without this, the integration won't be able to function properly.

    Imagine the API as the bridge that allows information to travel back and forth. Just like you need a sturdy bridge to cross a river, the API Enabled permission is necessary for the integration to work.

  2. View Setup and Configuration to access integration settings

    Having the ability to view and modify the setup and configuration in Salesforce is key for getting the integration up and running. This permission allows you to access the necessary settings and make any required adjustments.

    Think of it like having the keys to the control room. Without the View Setup and Configuration permission, you won't be able to enter and make the necessary changes to get things working smoothly.

  3. Modify All permission on synced objects

    To ensure data syncs correctly between HubSpot and Salesforce, the Modify All permission is needed on the objects you want to sync. This could include contacts, leads, accounts, or custom objects.

    Consider this permission as the green light for data to flow freely. Just like traffic needs the green light to move through an intersection, the Modify All permission allows data to pass between the two systems without any roadblocks. Using automation for enrichment can further streamline this process.

In summary, having the right access and permissions in both HubSpot and Salesforce is essential for a successful integration. Make sure to check these off your list before proceeding.

Now that we've covered the prerequisites, in the next section we'll walk through the step-by-step process of integrating HubSpot and Salesforce. Get ready to connect these two powerful systems and automate sales prospecting.

Step-by-Step Process to Integrate HubSpot and Salesforce

Integrating HubSpot and Salesforce is a multi-step process that involves installing the integration, logging into Salesforce, granting access, adding the Visualforce module, and configuring data sync settings. Let's walk through each step to ensure a smooth integration between these two powerful systems.

  1. Install the Salesforce Integration from the HubSpot App Marketplace

    Start by navigating to the HubSpot App Marketplace and locating the Salesforce integration. Click "Install app" to begin the process. If you're connecting to a Salesforce sandbox, make sure to select the appropriate checkbox.

    Once you click "Log in to Salesforce," you'll be redirected to enter your Salesforce credentials. After logging in, you'll be brought back to HubSpot to continue the installation process.

  2. Log into Salesforce and Get Redirected Back to HubSpot

    After installing the integration from the HubSpot side, you'll need to log into Salesforce to complete the installation. This step ensures a secure connection between the two systems.

    Once you've successfully logged in, Salesforce will redirect you back to HubSpot, where you can proceed with the next steps of the integration process.

  3. Install the HubSpot Package in Salesforce and Grant Access

    Now it's time to install the HubSpot package in Salesforce. Click "Start the Salesforce package installation" to begin. You'll be redirected to Salesforce, where you'll need to select "Install for All Users" and then click "Install."

    In the dialog box that appears, select "Yes, grant access to these third-party web sites" and click "Continue." Salesforce will then install the HubSpot integration package, which may take up to ten minutes.

  4. Add the HubSpot Visualforce Module to Salesforce Page Layouts

    After the package installation is complete, navigate back to the HubSpot connector wizard and click "Next." Now you'll have the option to add the HubSpot Visualforce module to your Salesforce page layouts.

    The Visualforce module displays valuable information like a contact's likelihood to close and allows you to view and filter contact activity and enroll contacts in HubSpot workflows. Follow the step-by-step instructions provided to add the module to your page layouts.

  5. Configure Data Sync Settings Between HubSpot and Salesforce

    The final step is to configure your data sync settings between HubSpot and Salesforce. You can choose between a recommended setup or an advanced setup, depending on your needs.

    In the settings, you'll define which contacts to sync, set up activity and task sync, map object properties to fields, and determine field mapping update rules. Review your settings carefully before clicking "Finish setup and begin syncing."

Following these steps will ensure a successful integration between HubSpot and Salesforce. The key is to take your time and carefully review each step before proceeding.

Congratulations on making it this far! In the next section, we'll dive into configuring your HubSpot Salesforce integration settings to ensure your data is syncing exactly how you want it to.

Automate repetitive tasks and save hours with Bardeen's AI assistant. Simplify your workflows and focus on what matters most.

Configure Your HubSpot Salesforce Integration Settings for Seamless Data Syncing

Once you've completed the initial setup of your HubSpot Salesforce integration, it's crucial to configure your settings to ensure data syncs seamlessly between the two systems. This involves choosing which contacts to sync, setting up activity and task syncing, mapping object properties to fields, and defining field mapping update rules.

  1. Select the Contacts to Sync from HubSpot to Salesforce

    Start by deciding which contacts you want to sync from HubSpot to Salesforce. You can choose to sync all contacts or select a specific HubSpot list to use as an inclusion list.

    For example, if you have a list of "Marketing Qualified Leads," you may want to sync only those contacts to Salesforce, ensuring your sales team focuses on the most promising leads.

  2. Configure Activity and Task Syncing Between Systems

    Next, set up activity and task syncing between HubSpot and Salesforce. This ensures that important interactions and tasks are visible to both your marketing and sales teams.

    Decide which HubSpot events, such as form submissions or email opens, should be synced to Salesforce as tasks. Choose the appropriate task automation tools for each event to maintain consistency and clarity.

  3. Map HubSpot Object Properties to Corresponding Salesforce Fields

    To ensure data consistency, map your HubSpot object properties to their corresponding Salesforce fields. This includes mapping properties for contacts, companies, and deals.

    For instance, you might map the "Company Size" property in HubSpot to the "Number of Employees" field in Salesforce. This ensures that both systems have the same information for each record. Learn more about lead enrichment to improve your data quality.

  4. Determine Field Mapping Update Rules for Data Syncing

    Finally, define your field mapping update rules. This determines how data will be synced between HubSpot and Salesforce when changes are made in either system.

    You can choose to prefer Salesforce, always use Salesforce, or set up a two-way sync. A two-way sync ensures that the most recent value always overwrites any existing values in both systems, keeping your data up-to-date.

Configuring these settings is essential for maintaining data integrity and alignment between your marketing and sales efforts. By taking the time to set up your integration properly, you'll ensure a smooth flow of information between HubSpot and Salesforce.

Whew! You've made it through the nitty-gritty of configuring your HubSpot Salesforce integration. Give yourself a pat on the back for tackling this important task. In the next section, we'll wrap things up with some final thoughts and takeaways. Also, check out how to build a prospect list to further enhance your sales strategy.


Integrating HubSpot with Salesforce is crucial for aligning your marketing and sales efforts to drive better results. This guide walked you through the essential steps:

  • Meeting the prerequisites for integration, including necessary account permissions and Salesforce editions
  • Following the step-by-step process to install and set up the integration between the two platforms
  • Configuring key integration settings like data syncing, field mapping, and update rules

By mastering the HubSpot Salesforce integration, you'll streamline your operations, enhance data accuracy, and gain a holistic view of your customers. Don't let disjointed data hold you back from reaching your full business potential! For more on aligning sales efforts, read about cold leads vs warm leads.

Bardeen can help you automate sales prospecting, saving you time and ensuring you focus on leads that matter.

Automation is simple.
Just describe your task in words

Type what you want to automate in the Magic Box, then watch Bardeen create its plan - called a playbook.
No coding required.


How can I integrate HubSpot with Salesforce using Bardeen?

With Bardeen, you can automate the process of saving a HubSpot contact as a new Salesforce contact. You can also export leads from LinkedIn Company Search to Salesforce. These automations streamline your workflow and reduce manual data entry.

What are some examples of automations for HubSpot and Salesforce?

Bardeen offers several playbooks for these integrations, including saving a HubSpot contact as a new Salesforce contact, exporting LinkedIn company profiles to HubSpot, and saving a Salesforce account to HubSpot as a new company. These automations save time and keep your data synchronized.

Is Bardeen secure for integrating HubSpot and Salesforce?

Yes, Bardeen is secure. You can run automations locally, keeping all your data within your local browser storage and cache. For always-on automations, data is encrypted and securely processed in the cloud.

How much does it cost to use Bardeen for integrating HubSpot and Salesforce?

Bardeen offers a free plan for individuals and small teams. For premium features, including always-on automations, the paid plan costs $20/month. No credit card is required to start, and you can upgrade, downgrade, or cancel at any time.