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Pipedrive with SMS

Integrate SMS with Pipedrive to automate your sales processes. Use natural language prompts to automate tasks with Bardeen's AI Agent. No coding required.

How to integrate Pipedrive with SMS?

We're Bardeen, we build an AI Agent that does your repetitive work tasks. Companies like Deel and Casafari, use Bardeen connect apps like Pipedrive and SMS together to save time and increase productivity.

Struggling to keep up with lead nurturing and customer communications? Integrating SMS with your Pipedrive CRM could be the solution. In fact, 75% of consumers prefer receiving texts from businesses over any other channel. By connecting these two powerful tools, you can streamline communication, boost productivity, and close more deals.

But how exactly do you integrate SMS and Pipedrive? And what are the key benefits? In this comprehensive, step-by-step guide, we'll break down everything you need to know. Plus, we'll introduce how AI automation tools like Bardeen make the process even easier - no coding required. Ready to supercharge your sales efforts and leave your competition in the dust? Let's dive in.


Integrating SMS with Pipedrive can be a game-changer for your sales and marketing efforts. By connecting these two powerful tools, you can send personalized text messages to leads and customers directly from your Pipedrive CRM. This step-by-step guide will walk you through the process of integrating Pipedrive SMS using Bardeen's no-code automation platform.

With Bardeen, you can easily set up workflows that trigger SMS messages based on specific events in Pipedrive, such as:

  • New lead created
  • Deal stage changed
  • Upcoming meeting reminder

By automating your SMS communication, you can save time, improve engagement, and ultimately close more deals. Let's get started!

Why Integrate SMS with Pipedrive CRM?

Integrating Pipedrive SMS enables sales teams to communicate more efficiently with leads and customers. By sending timely text messages directly from the CRM, reps can quickly follow up, provide updates, and nurture relationships without switching between tools.

For example, a rep could use Pipedrive's SMS integration to instantly confirm an appointment time with a prospect or to send a relevant case study after a demo call. Texting allows for more immediate and personal interactions than email alone.

Connecting SMS with Pipedrive also centralizes all customer communications and interactions in one place. Both sent messages and replies are automatically logged in the CRM. This provides the entire team with greater visibility into the full context of each relationship for better collaboration and customer service.

Sales and marketing teams can leverage Pipedrive SMS to set up automated text messages triggered by specific activities or changes in the CRM data. Some common examples include:

  • Following up with new leads via text after they fill out a form on the website
  • Sending an automated reminder text 10 minutes before a scheduled phone call
  • Automatically texting a customer when their deal stage is updated to "Contract Sent"

By streamlining communication, centralizing data, and enabling automation with an SMS CRM integration, sales teams can engage leads and customers more efficiently to build stronger relationships and drive more revenue.

Using automation tools like Bardeen can help you automate sales prospecting and improve efficiency by handling repetitive tasks for you.

Text Leads and Customers Directly from Pipedrive

Integrating SMS with Pipedrive CRM allows sales reps to easily send text messages to prospects and customers without leaving the platform. Instead of switching between their phone and CRM, reps can communicate via SMS directly within Pipedrive.

For example, say a rep has a demo call scheduled with a potential client. Right before the meeting, they could quickly send a text confirming the appointment details and including a link to join the video conference. The SMS would be sent from the contact record in Pipedrive. Learn more about sales demo best practices to make the most of these interactions.

Pipedrive SMS integration also enables sending text messages with relevant information and resources throughout the sales process. After an introductory call, a rep might text the prospect a case study PDF or a link to book a follow-up meeting. Providing value and making it easy to take next steps helps move deals forward. To further streamline your efforts, consider automating sales prospecting tasks.

Centralize SMS Conversations in Pipedrive for Full Visibility

Another key advantage of integrating SMS with Pipedrive is that all text conversations are automatically synced and logged in the CRM. When a rep sends or receives an SMS from their Pipedrive account, the messages are added to the contact's communication history.

This provides a centralized view of all interactions with a lead or customer, including SMS alongside emails, calls, and meetings. Reps can quickly review previous conversations for context before responding.

SMS syncing also gives managers and the wider team full visibility into text communications. Others can see if a contact was already messaged about an issue, reducing duplicate outreach. AI email management tools can further enhance communication tracking.

Save time managing communications with Bardeen. Connect Google Sheets with Bardeen and automate your workflow.

Logged conversations enable collaboration and keep everyone on the same page. With a complete communication history, teams can provide a more consistent experience as contacts interact with multiple reps across SMS and other channels. Integrating Pipedrive and SMS ensures no conversations slip through the cracks.

Trigger Automated SMS Messages Based on Pipedrive Activity

Integrating SMS with Pipedrive also enables sales teams to set up automated text messages triggered by specific events or changes in the CRM. Using Bardeen's no-code automation platform, you can easily create workflows that send personalized SMS to leads and customers based on Pipedrive activity.

For example, you could set up an automation to:

  • Send an SMS reminder to a contact 10 minutes before a scheduled call or meeting in Pipedrive
  • Text a thank you message after a demo along with a link to additional resources
  • Alert a lead via SMS when their proposal is ready for review, with a link to the document

The possibilities are endless - any Pipedrive field update, activity, or stage change can trigger a relevant text to keep leads engaged and informed. Automated SMS eliminate the need for reps to manually follow up after every touchpoint, while still delivering a personalized experience.

By leveraging Pipedrive SMS integration and automation tools, sales teams can provide timely, valuable information to nurture leads and win more deals.

How to Quickly Connect SMS and Pipedrive with No-Code Automation

Integrating Pipedrive with an SMS platform is simple using Bardeen's no-code automation tool. You can set up the connection in just a few clicks, without any technical expertise required:

  1. In Bardeen, navigate to the "Integrations" tab and select the Pipedrive option. Log in with your Pipedrive credentials to grant permissions for the two platforms to share data.
  2. Choose the specific Pipedrive account you want to integrate with SMS, then click "Connect Account". Your Pipedrive and SMS accounts are now linked.
  3. Go to "Integration Settings" and follow any remaining prompts to finish setup, like mapping your SMS number, users, contacts, and custom fields to the corresponding data in Pipedrive.

Bardeen offers pre-built connectors for popular SMS tools like Twilio and MessageBird, so you can quickly integrate Pipedrive with your existing messaging stack. Once connected, you can use Bardeen's intuitive drag-and-drop builder to create SMS workflows triggered by Pipedrive activity.

For example, you could automatically text a prospect when their Pipedrive deal stage changes to "Proposal Sent". Or send an SMS reminder 10 minutes before a scheduled meeting in Pipedrive. Bardeen makes it easy to personalize the texts with Pipedrive contact and company data.

Integrating Pipedrive and SMS enables you to communicate with leads and customers more efficiently, while keeping all interactions logged in one central CRM. Bardeen's no-code platform empowers anyone to set up the integration and start building automated SMS workflows in minutes. You can also automate sales prospecting to save even more time.

Bardeen's AI tools can automate your sales processes like prospecting and lead generation. Use Bardeen for smarter outreach and to save time.

Link Your SMS Platform and Pipedrive CRM in a Few Clicks

Integrating Pipedrive and your SMS tool is a breeze with Bardeen. No coding skills required - just follow these simple steps:

  1. Log into your Bardeen account and navigate to the "Integrations" page. Search for Pipedrive in the app directory and click "Connect".
  2. Enter your Pipedrive API token to authorize the connection. If you don't have a token yet, generate one in your Pipedrive settings.
  3. Next, choose the SMS platform you want to integrate, such as Twilio, MessageBird, or one of the many other tools Bardeen supports. Provide your account credentials to link it with Bardeen.
  4. Now that both Pipedrive and your SMS app are connected, you can start building automations! Use Bardeen's intuitive workflow editor for sales prospecting to set up triggers and actions.

For example, you could configure Bardeen to automatically send an SMS to a lead whenever their deal stage changes in Pipedrive. Or notify your sales rep via text when they are assigned a new contact. The integration possibilities are endless.

Bardeen makes it simple to integrate Pipedrive SMS messaging without any technical hassles. Just link your accounts, design your workflows, and let the automations handle the rest. You'll be texting from your CRM in no time!

Automate SMS Messages with Bardeen's Simple Workflow Builder

Once you've connected Pipedrive and your SMS app to Bardeen, it's time to create automated workflows. Bardeen's intuitive drag-and-drop builder makes it a breeze to set up SMS automations, no coding required.

To build a workflow, simply select the "Pipedrive" trigger that will kick things off, like when a new deal is added or a stage is changed. Then choose "Send SMS" as the action and pick your connected SMS tool.

For example, let's say you want to automatically send an SMS to the lead whenever a Pipedrive deal moves to the "Proposal Sent" stage. Just set up this trigger and action combination in Bardeen:

  1. Trigger: Pipedrive - When a deal enters a stage
  2. Action: Your SMS App - Send text message

You can add filters, conditions, and additional actions to make your workflow more targeted. Customize the SMS template using data from Pipedrive, like including the lead's name or deal value.

With Bardeen's workflow builder, you can automate sales prospecting and keep leads engaged at every stage. Set up personalized sequences and let Bardeen handle the follow-up, so nothing falls through the cracks.

Use Bardeen to automate enrichment. Save time and focus on higher-quality leads while Bardeen takes care of the rest.

Personalize SMS Messages with Pipedrive Data for Better Engagement

When you integrate Pipedrive SMS using Bardeen, you can easily customize your text messages to include relevant data from Pipedrive. This allows you to send personalized, targeted communications that are more likely to resonate with leads and customers.

Bardeen lets you insert Pipedrive fields like Name, Company, Deal Stage, and more directly into your SMS templates. For example, you could set up a text that automatically pulls in the lead's name:

Hi , thanks for requesting a demo! I'll be sending over a few time options shortly. Let me know if you have any other questions!

By leveraging Pipedrive data to tailor your messages, you can:

  • Address contacts by name for a personal touch
  • Reference their specific company, industry, or project
  • Provide relevant updates based on deal stage or last interaction
  • Trigger different messaging based on lead status or priority

Personalizing your SMS outreach in this way helps build stronger connections, keeps contacts engaged, and ultimately moves them through the pipeline faster. Instead of sending generic blasts, you can hone in on each individual's needs and context.

Common Use Cases for Integrating SMS with Your Pipedrive CRM

Integrating SMS messaging with your Pipedrive CRM opens up many opportunities to improve communication and processes across sales, marketing, and customer service. Here are some of the most common and effective use cases:

  • Sending automated lead nurturing text messages to new Pipedrive contacts
  • Texting Pipedrive leads to confirm demo or meeting times
  • Notifying sales reps via SMS when a deal stage changes in Pipedrive
  • Automatically texting customers a survey link after their support ticket closes
  • Sending bulk promotional SMS messages to a Pipedrive list segment
  • Triggering SMS alerts for upcoming tasks or appointments logged in Pipedrive

Let's walk through a few specific examples of how integrating Pipedrive SMS can streamline your team's daily work and improve the customer experience.

1. Automate Personalized Lead Nurturing

When a new lead comes into Pipedrive, use Bardeen to automatically send them a personalized welcome text. You can pull in their name and other relevant details from Pipedrive fields to tailor the message. Here's a quick example:

Hey , thanks for requesting a product demo! I'll be reaching out shortly to schedule a time. Let me know if you have any questions in the meantime. Cheers,

2. Quickly Confirm Meetings

If a sales rep schedules a demo or meeting with a Pipedrive contact, they can easily shoot over a confirmation text so nothing falls through the cracks. Bardeen lets you set up SMS reminders that automatically pull in appointment details from your CRM. For example:

Hi , just confirming our demo scheduled for at . I'm looking forward to showing you how our solution can help ! Text back "YES" to confirm or "RESCHEDULE" if we need to find a new time.

3. Get Instant Notifications of Important Pipedrive Activity

Want to know the moment a big deal moves to the next stage in Pipedrive? Or maybe when a high-value lead opens your last email? With Bardeen, you can set up real-time SMS notifications for sales prospecting when important changes occur inside your CRM. That way, sales reps can strike while the iron is hot and marketing can track engagement. The options are endless!

As you can see, integrating SMS with Pipedrive empowers your team to have timely, relevant, and personalized communication with leads and customers. It connects your data, automates manual tasks, and ensures a seamless experience across every interaction.

Automatically Send a Personalized SMS to New Pipedrive Leads

One of the most impactful ways to leverage SMS integration with Pipedrive is setting up an automated welcome text for new leads. With Bardeen, you can easily build a workflow that triggers a personalized SMS whenever a contact is added to Pipedrive. Learn how to automate sales prospecting for better efficiency.

Here's how to automatically send an SMS to new Pipedrive leads:

  1. Set the workflow trigger to "New Person in Pipedrive"
  2. Pull in relevant fields like AI sales automation to personalize the text
  3. Craft a friendly, concise welcome message template
  4. Add an "Send SMS" action and insert your template
  5. Turn on the workflow and watch the welcome texts roll out!

Here's an example welcome SMS template you can use and customize:

Hey , thanks for contacting ! I'm here to answer any questions about our . Feel free to book a quick call with me at or reply to this text. Talk soon!

Automating this initial touch point ensures every new lead receives a timely, personal response. It kicks off the relationship on a positive note and opens the door for further conversation. Integrating Pipedrive and SMS empowers you to make that strong first impression at scale.

Send Targeted SMS Promotions to Pipedrive Segments

Another powerful way to leverage Pipedrive SMS integration is sending targeted promotional texts to specific segments of your CRM contacts. With Bardeen, you can easily sync contact data from Pipedrive to your SMS tool and create custom segments for personalized batch messaging.

Here's how to send promotional SMS to Pipedrive contact segments:

  1. Use Pipedrive filters to build a targeted segment, such as high-value leads or lapsed customers
  2. Set up a Bardeen workflow to sync that Pipedrive segment to your SMS platform
  3. Craft an SMS promo template with personalization like extracting LinkedIn data and
  4. Select your target segment and schedule the batch SMS campaign

For example, let's say you want to text a limited-time discount to opportunities stuck in the "Proposal Sent" stage in Pipedrive. You can build that segment, sync it via Bardeen, and send them a personalized SMS like:

Hi , as a thanks for considering , we'd like to offer you an exclusive 20% discount on . This offer expires in 48 hours - just reply "YES" to claim it! Let me know if you have any other questions.

Integrating Pipedrive and SMS allows you to automate sales prospecting and micro-target your messaging for higher relevance and conversion rates. You can slice and dice your CRM data to engage the right leads at the right time, all automated through Bardeen.

Get Alerted Instantly of Important Pipedrive Activities via SMS

Integrating Pipedrive and SMS is not just about outbound messaging. You can also set up workflows to receive SMS notifications when important changes or events occur in your Pipedrive account.

For example, you may want to get an immediate heads up when:

  • A high-value deal moves to a new stage, like "Contract Sent"
  • A new contact is added to Pipedrive with a lead score above a certain threshold
  • A task owned by you is coming due within the next 24 hours
  • A lead opens and clicks a link in one of your sales emails

With Bardeen, setting up these SMS alerts is simple. Just choose the Pipedrive trigger event, like "New Deal" or "Activity Completed", specify any conditions, then add an SMS action to notify you (or another team member).

This helps you stay on top of key developments in your pipeline without being glued to your CRM all day. Get the information you need, when and where you need it by integrating Pipedrive SMS notifications into your workflow. For a more efficient sales process, learn how to automate sales prospecting tasks.


Integrating SMS with Pipedrive is crucial for sales teams to communicate efficiently and track all interactions in one place. Consider using tools that automate sales prospecting to make your processes even smoother.

In this guide, you discovered:

  • The benefits of connecting SMS and Pipedrive, like streamlined communication and automated follow-ups
  • How to integrate the two tools using Bardeen's no-code platform
  • Real-world examples and use cases of SMS workflows with Pipedrive

Don't let disjointed communication tools slow down your sales process. Become a pro at integrating Pipedrive and SMS, or risk losing deals to more responsive competitors!

Learn more about the apps

Available actions & triggers

Create Pipedrive activity
Find Pipedrive organization
Update Pipedrive lead
Find Pipedrive person
Send text message
Find Pipedrive deals
Find Pipedrive note
Update Pipedrive person
Find Pipedrive lead
Create Pipedrive organization

Automation is simple.
Just describe your task in words

Type what you want to automate in the Magic Box, then watch Bardeen create its plan - called a playbook.
No coding required.


How can I use Bardeen to integrate SMS with Pipedrive?

You can automate SMS notifications for your Pipedrive deals and contacts. For example, you can set up a playbook to send an SMS to a Pipedrive contact when a deal reaches a specific stage. This ensures timely communication and improves your follow-up process.

What types of automations can I create with the SMS and Pipedrive integration?

You can create various automations such as sending SMS notifications when a new deal is created, updating contact details in Pipedrive from received SMS info, or sending deal information via SMS. These automations help keep your team updated and maintain consistent communication with leads.

Do I need any coding skills to set up these automations?

No coding skills are required. Bardeen offers pre-built playbooks like 'Send a Pipedrive deal's information in Slack' and 'Copy LinkedIn company data to Pipedrive' which you can easily customize to fit your needs without any technical background.

How much does it cost to use Bardeen with SMS and Pipedrive integration?

Bardeen offers a free plan with unlimited non-premium automations. For full access including premium integrations and always-on automations, the paid plan costs $20/month. No credit card is required to start the free plan.