Bardeen App connector

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Miro with Slack

Integrate Miro with Slack for a smoother workflow. Automate tasks with natural language commands to Bardeen's AI Agent. No coding required.

How to integrate Miro with Slack?

We're Bardeen, we build an AI Agent that does your repetitive work tasks. Companies like Deel and Casafari, use Bardeen connect apps like Miro and Slack together to save time and increase productivity.

Miro and Slack are two powerful tools that, when integrated, can take your team's collaboration to the next level. By connecting these apps, you can seamlessly share Miro boards, get notifications, and access features without switching between platforms. In this guide, we'll walk you through the step-by-step process of integrating Miro with Slack, both manually and using AI automation. You'll learn how to streamline communication, boost productivity, and unlock the full potential of these tools. Ready to supercharge your workflow and impress your colleagues? Let's dive in!

Why Integrate Miro and Slack?

Integrating Miro and Slack can significantly improve team collaboration and productivity. By connecting these two powerful tools, you can streamline workflows, enhance communication, and ensure everyone stays on the same page.

1. Improved Communication and Collaboration

When you integrate Miro with Slack, you can receive real-time notifications about board activity directly in your Slack workspace. This means you'll be instantly alerted when someone comments on your work, mentions you, or makes updates to a shared board.

For example, let's say you're collaborating on a project planning board in Miro. With the Slack integration, you'll receive notifications in your designated Slack channel whenever a teammate adds a new task, assigns a due date, or marks something as complete. This keeps everyone informed and allows for quick discussions and decision-making.

2. Streamlined Workflows and Increased Productivity

Integrating Miro and Slack can help streamline your workflows and boost productivity. Instead of constantly switching between apps, you can access Miro boards and share information directly from Slack. Automation tools can further enhance these workflows.

Imagine you're in a Slack conversation and someone suggests a new idea for a project. With the Miro integration, you can instantly create a new Miro board from within Slack to capture that idea and start brainstorming. This saves time and ensures valuable insights don't get lost in the shuffle.

3. Enhanced Visual Information Sharing

Miro is a powerful visual collaboration tool that allows teams to create diagrams, flowcharts, and other visual assets. By integrating Miro with Slack, you can easily share these visuals with your team without leaving the conversation.

For instance, if you're discussing a complex process during a Slack meeting, you can quickly share a relevant Miro diagram to help clarify the steps involved. This enhances understanding and keeps everyone on the same page.

Integrating Miro and Slack brings numerous benefits, including improved communication, streamlined workflows, and better visual information sharing. In the next section, we'll dive into the specifics of setting up the Miro-Slack integration so you can start reaping these benefits for your team. Learn how to connect Google Drive as well to further enhance your team's productivity.

How to Set Up the Miro-Slack Integration

Setting up the Miro-Slack integration is a straightforward process that can be completed in just a few steps. By installing the Miro app in Slack, connecting your Miro account, and granting the necessary permissions, you'll be able to access Miro features directly from your Slack workspace.

1. Installing the Miro App in Slack

To get started, navigate to the Slack App Directory and search for the Miro app. Click on the app listing and then select the "Add to Slack" button. You'll be prompted to choose the Slack workspace where you want to install the app. Once you've made your selection, click "Allow" to grant the app permission to access your workspace.

For example, let's say you're part of a marketing team that uses Slack for internal communication. By installing the Miro app in your team's Slack workspace, everyone will be able to access Miro features and receive notifications without having to switch between apps constantly.

2. Connecting Your Miro Account to Slack

After installing the Miro app in Slack, you'll need to connect your Miro account to complete the integration. Click on the "Connect" button within the Miro app in Slack, and you'll be redirected to a page where you can enter your Miro login credentials. Once you've logged in, you'll be asked to authorize the connection between Miro and Slack.

It's important to note that you'll need to have a Miro account to proceed with this step. If you don't have one already, you can easily create a free account on the Miro website before connecting it to Slack.

3. Using Bardeen to Automate the Integration

While the manual setup process is relatively simple, you can save even more time by using Bardeen to automate the integration between Miro and Slack. Bardeen is an AI automation platform that allows you to create workflows between your favorite apps with just a few clicks.

To use Bardeen for the Miro-Slack integration, start by downloading the Bardeen app and creating an account. Then, connect both your Miro and Slack accounts to Bardeen. Once your accounts are connected, you can use Bardeen's AI workflow builder to create custom automations between Miro and Slack based on your specific needs.

Save time by letting Bardeen handle tedious tasks. Check out how you can automate lead management and make your work simpler.

4. Granting Necessary Permissions

During the integration process, you'll be asked to grant certain permissions to allow the Miro app to access and interact with your Slack workspace. These permissions may include the ability to post messages, access channels, and receive notifications.

Review the requested permissions carefully and ensure you're comfortable granting them. Keep in mind that these permissions are necessary for the Miro app to function properly within Slack and provide you with the full range of features and benefits.

By following these steps and granting the necessary permissions, you'll have successfully set up the Miro-Slack integration. You can now start using Miro features directly from Slack and experience the benefits of a more streamlined workflow.

Now that you've got the Miro-Slack integration up and running, let's explore the various features and functionalities it offers to help you collaborate more effectively with your team.

Using the Miro-Slack Integration Features

The Miro-Slack integration offers a range of features that make collaboration seamless and efficient. By sharing Miro boards in Slack channels, getting real-time notifications, creating new boards directly from Slack, and accessing Miro features without leaving your workspace, you can streamline your workflow and keep your team in sync.

1. Sharing Miro Boards in Slack

One of the most useful features of the Miro-Slack integration is the ability to share Miro boards directly in Slack channels and conversations. This allows you to quickly share visual information, brainstorming sessions, and project plans with your team without the need to switch between apps.

For example, let's say you've created a new Miro board outlining the strategy for an upcoming marketing campaign. By sharing the board in the relevant Slack channel, you can instantly notify your team and provide them with access to the information they need to move forward with the project.

2. Real-Time Notifications in Slack

With the Miro-Slack integration, you can stay up-to-date on board activity and updates without constantly checking your Miro account. Whenever there's a new comment, mention, or change made to a board you're collaborating on, you'll receive a notification directly in Slack.

This feature is particularly useful for keeping track of feedback and ensuring that everyone is on the same page. For instance, if a teammate leaves a comment on a specific section of a Miro board, you'll be notified in Slack, allowing you to quickly respond and address any questions or concerns.

3. Creating New Miro Boards from Slack

Sometimes, great ideas emerge during conversations in Slack. With the Miro-Slack integration, you can easily create a new Miro board directly from your Slack workspace, allowing you to capture and expand on these ideas in a visual format.

To create a new board, simply use the "/miro" command in any Slack channel or conversation. This will generate a new Miro board that you can immediately start working on, without the need to navigate away from Slack.

4. Accessing Miro Features within Slack

The Miro-Slack integration allows you to access many of Miro's features and functionalities without ever leaving your Slack workspace. This means you can view, edit, and collaborate on Miro boards, as well as manage notifications and settings, all from within Slack. For example, you can connect Google Sheets for better data management.

By centralizing your workflow and reducing the need to switch between apps, the Miro-Slack integration can help you save time and stay focused on the task at hand. Plus, with the ability to access Miro on-the-go through the Slack mobile app, you can stay connected and productive no matter where you are.

The Miro-Slack integration offers a powerful set of features that can help you and your team collaborate more effectively and efficiently. By leveraging these features, you can streamline your workflow, improve communication, and ultimately drive better results.

Thanks for sticking with us through this guide! We hope you've found it helpful in understanding how to make the most of the Miro-Slack integration. Just remember, the more you explore and experiment with these features, the more productive you'll become - no pressure, though!


Integrating Miro with Slack is crucial for teams looking to improve collaboration and productivity.

In this guide, you discovered:

  • The benefits of connecting Miro and Slack, such as better communication and streamlined workflows
  • A step-by-step process for setting up the Miro-Slack integration
  • How to use the various features of the Miro-Slack integration to collaborate effectively

By mastering the art of integrating Miro and Slack, you'll avoid the chaos of disjointed communication and missed opportunities for collaboration. Don't let your team fall behind - become a Miro-Slack integration expert today!

For more ways to boost productivity, consider how you can automate sales prospecting tasks with AI.

Save more time by using Bardeen’s automation to integrate Dropbox with other apps. Simplify your workflow and focus on what matters most.

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How can I use Bardeen to integrate Miro with Slack?

You can use Bardeen to automate tasks between Miro and Slack. For example, you can create a Miro board and automatically share it in Slack, or get daily summaries of your emails and send them to Slack. This helps keep your team updated without manual effort.

Can I share my Miro boards in Slack using Bardeen?

Yes, you can. Bardeen allows you to create a Miro board and share it directly in Slack. This is useful for collaboration and keeping everyone in the loop with ongoing projects.

What kind of automation can I set up between Miro and Slack using Bardeen?

With Bardeen, you can set up various automations such as creating a Miro board and sharing it in Slack, summarizing and sending new emails to Slack using OpenAI, and classifying and sending important emails in Slack. These automations help save time and keep your team organized.

How much does it cost to use Bardeen for integrating Miro and Slack?

Bardeen offers a free plan for individuals and small teams. For full access to premium integrations and 24/7 cloud automations, the paid plan costs $20/month. You can start with the free plan and upgrade as needed.