Bardeen App connector

Integrate & connect
Github with Slack

Integrate GitHub and Slack to automate workflows. Use natural language prompts with Bardeen's AI Agent to handle repetitive tasks. No coding skills required.

How to integrate Github with Slack?

We're Bardeen, we build an AI Agent that does your repetitive work tasks. Companies like Deel and Casafari, use Bardeen connect apps like Github and Slack together to save time and increase productivity.

Tired of constantly switching between GitHub and Slack to stay on top of your development projects? You're not alone. Over 65% of software teams use GitHub, and 70% rely on Slack for communication. Imagine the time you could save by connecting the two!

In this guide, you'll learn how to integrate GitHub and Slack using both classic manual methods and new AI-powered automation tools like Bardeen. Get ready to centralize your workflow, boost productivity, and become a GitHub-Slack integration pro. Let's dive in!

Why Integrate GitHub and Slack?

Integrating GitHub and Slack allows developers to stay informed about important project updates without constantly switching between the two apps.

  • Get real-time notifications in a dedicated Slack channel whenever a new pull request is opened or an issue is assigned on GitHub
  • Save time by not having to check GitHub for the latest changes
  • Collaborate more effectively as a team with GitHub info flowing into Slack

Some key benefits of connecting GitHub with Slack:

  1. See pull request and issue notifications right in Slack channels
  2. Discuss and review code from Slack without opening GitHub
  3. Get notified when teammates push code, open pull requests, or merge changes
  4. Quickly respond to GitHub activity and unblock development from Slack

By integrating GitHub and Slack, development teams can streamline their workflow, enhance collaboration, and ship code faster. Information can flow seamlessly between the two platforms, so the team is always in sync on project activity without wasting time checking multiple tools. If you also use Google Sheets, consider how you can integrate Google Sheets with other apps to boost productivity.

Centralize Communication and Collaboration

Integrating GitHub with Slack brings all your development communication into one central hub. No more switching between multiple tools to stay in the loop.

  • Discuss code changes, issues, and pull requests right in Slack channels
  • Loop in the right people with @mentions to get input or approvals
  • Share GitHub links and they will unfurl with rich context in Slack

By connecting GitHub and Slack, you can keep all project discussions in one searchable place. This makes it easier for the whole team to integrate Google Drive and collaborate efficiently without losing context.

Need to manage files without stress? Use Bardeen to integrate Google Drive with other apps and save time on repetitive tasks.

Stay on Top of Code Changes with Real-Time Updates

Integrating GitHub and Slack means you'll never miss an important code update again. Get instant notifications right in Slack whenever:

  • A new commit is pushed to a branch
  • A pull request is opened, merged, or closed
  • Code is pushed to a specific branch like main or develop

For example, set up notifications for your team's main repository and get pinged in a dedicated Slack channel as soon as a new feature is merged or a hotfix is pushed. This allows you to stay in the loop without constantly checking GitHub.

By integrating the two tools, you can keep your finger on the pulse of your codebase and react quickly to changes. Automate follow-ups with Bardeen and stay organized. No more wondering if that critical bugfix went out yet!

Manage Pull Requests and Issues Efficiently

By connecting GitHub and Slack, you can also simplify your team's pull request and issue management process. For example:

  • Get notified in Slack when a new pull request is ready for review
  • See pull request details like title, description, and assignee without leaving Slack
  • Merge or close pull requests with the click of a button in Slack
  • Receive alerts when new issues are opened or assigned to you
  • Update issue status and add comments directly from Slack

Integrating the two tools eliminates the need to jump back and forth between GitHub and Slack to manage your development workflow. Your team can review code, provide feedback, and track issues all within your Slack workspace.

With the GitHub Slack integration, you'll spend less time context switching and more time shipping quality code. Efficient pull request reviews and streamlined issue tracking - what's not to love? For more tips, check out how to automate email management and further improve your workflow.

Bardeen makes it easy to connect LinkedIn and automate your workflow. Save time and focus on what really matters.

Pick the Best GitHub Slack Integration Option for Your Team

When connecting GitHub and Slack, you have a few different integration methods to choose from:

  1. Native Slack app
  2. Third-party automation tools like Bardeen
  3. Custom webhooks

The native Slack app offers a quick setup but may lack advanced customization options. It's best for teams that want a simple, out-of-the-box solution to sync GitHub activity to Slack channels.

Third-party platforms like Bardeen provide a no-code way to deeply integrate the two tools. With Bardeen's AI-powered workflow builder, you can tailor exactly what GitHub events get posted in Slack and how they look - no technical expertise required.

For developers who need maximum flexibility, configuring custom webhooks is the way to go. This requires more upfront effort but allows you to fine-tune every aspect of how GitHub data flows into Slack.

Consider your team's technical skills and notification requirements when picking an integration approach. The right GitHub Slack integration empowers seamless collaboration without excess noise.

Native Slack App: The Simplest Way to Connect GitHub and Slack

The native Slack app for GitHub offers the quickest way to integrate the two tools. Simply install the app from the Slack App Directory, connect your GitHub account, and choose which repositories and events to sync. If you need more integrations, you can also connect Google Docs or other apps.


  • Fast, guided setup process
  • No coding required
  • Covers basic GitHub event notifications


  • Limited customization options
  • Cannot filter notifications granularly
  • Lacks advanced features like interactive messages

The native integration works well for teams that want to quickly connect GitHub and Slack for high-level visibility. However, it may be too basic for power users who need fine-grained control over their workflow. For those users, tools to scrape Twitter data might offer better functionality.

Save time by automating tasks between GitHub and Slack with Bardeen's AI Agent. Download Bardeen now and simplify your workflow.

Automation Platforms: GitHub Slack Integration Made Easy

Third-party automation tools like Bardeen provide a user-friendly way to connect GitHub and Slack without writing any code. These platforms offer pre-built templates and intuitive interfaces to set up the integration in minutes.

Key benefits:

  • No coding skills required
  • Customizable workflows and notifications
  • Ability to connect multiple apps beyond just GitHub and Slack

With Bardeen's AI-powered automation builder, you can visually design your ideal GitHub Slack integration. Simply select the GitHub events you want to trigger notifications for, choose the relevant Slack channels and message actions, and let Bardeen handle the rest.

While automation platforms are incredibly powerful, some may find the additional cost and learning curve to be drawbacks compared to native integrations. However, for teams looking to build advanced, custom workflows, tools like Bardeen are a great choice.

Webhooks: Advanced GitHub Slack Integration

For developers comfortable working with APIs, setting up custom webhooks offers the most flexibility in connecting GitHub and Slack. Webhooks are essentially automated messages sent from one app to another via HTTP POST requests.

When you configure a webhook between GitHub and Slack:

  1. GitHub sends event data to a unique Slack URL
  2. Slack receives the payload and parses the information
  3. Slack can then perform actions like posting a message or updating a channel


  • Full control over what data is sent and how it's formatted
  • Ability to integrate GitHub with Slack in unique ways


  • Requires coding knowledge to set up and maintain
  • More time-consuming than pre-built integrations
  • Lacks a visual interface for configuring the integration

While webhooks are the most powerful way to link GitHub and Slack, they may be overkill for simpler use cases. For less complex workflows, consider using automated lead management tools that require no coding.

Bardeen can help you connect Microsoft Excel with other apps and automate your tasks seamlessly. Save time on repetitive work.

How to Integrate GitHub with Slack in 5 Easy Steps

Connecting GitHub and Slack is a straightforward process that can be completed in just a few minutes:

  1. Install the GitHub app in your Slack workspace
  2. Sign in to your GitHub account and authorize the app
  3. Choose which GitHub repositories and events to sync with Slack channels
  4. Customize your notification settings for each channel
  5. Test it out by creating an issue or pull request on GitHub

Let's walk through the process step-by-step using Bardeen, a no-code automation platform that makes it easy to integrate GitHub and Slack without any coding required.

1. Install Bardeen and Connect Your Apps

First, download Bardeen and create a free account. From the dashboard, click "Add an app" and select GitHub and Slack from the list to connect them.

2. Set Up Your GitHub to Slack Integration

Open Bardeen's automation builder and choose GitHub as the trigger app. Select "New event" as the trigger, then pick which event types you want to sync, such as new issues, pull requests, or comments.

3. Configure Your Slack Notification Actions

Next, add Slack as the action app and choose "Send a message" as the action. Map the relevant GitHub event data, like the issue title and description, into the Slack message fields. Customize the notification frequency and channel as needed. If you also need to scrape LinkedIn data, consider using Bardeen's tools for that too.

4. Activate Your Automation and Test It

Once you've reviewed your automation, activate it in Bardeen. Then go to GitHub and create a test issue or pull request to trigger a Slack notification. Verify that the automation is working as expected.

And that's it! With Bardeen, you can integrate GitHub and Slack without writing a single line of code. The visual automation builder makes it easy to customize your integration and get notified about important GitHub events right in Slack.

1. Install Bardeen and Link Your GitHub and Slack Accounts

To get started with integrating GitHub and Slack, first download Bardeen and create a free account. It only takes a minute to set up.

Once you're in the Bardeen dashboard, click on the "Add an app" button. Search for and select both GitHub and Slack from the list of available apps.

Next, you'll be prompted to sign in to your GitHub and Slack accounts and grant Bardeen the necessary permissions. This allows Bardeen to access your repositories and channels to set up the integration between GitHub and Slack.

After successfully connecting your accounts, you're ready to start building your custom GitHub-Slack automation in Bardeen's no-code workflow editor.

2. Configure Your GitHub-Slack Integration with Bardeen's No-Code Automation Builder

Bardeen makes it simple to set up a GitHub Slack integration without writing any code. Just use the visual automation builder to define your desired workflow.

In the Bardeen builder, you'll see a trigger step and an action step. For the trigger, choose GitHub and select the specific event you want to monitor, such as new pull requests, issues, or commits on a certain repository.

Then, for the action step, pick Slack and decide what should happen when the GitHub trigger event occurs. You can send a customized message to a particular Slack channel or user, for example.

Bardeen's automation builder also lets you add filters, conditions, and multiple steps to create more advanced GitHub-Slack integration flows. But even with just the basic trigger and action, you can start syncing key updates between the two apps. For more complex workflows, consider using tools like the LinkedIn data scraper to automate data extraction from LinkedIn profiles.

3. Fine-Tune Your GitHub-Slack Integration with Custom Event Triggers and Actions

Bardeen offers granular control over your GitHub Slack integration. In the automation builder, you can select from a wide range of GitHub event triggers, such as:

  • New pull request opened
  • Pull request merged or closed
  • New issue created
  • Issue assigned or labeled
  • New commit pushed

Choose the specific events you want to sync from GitHub to Slack. Then, customize the resulting Slack notification to include key details like the repository name, pull request title, issue number, or commit message.

You can also set up filters to only trigger notifications for certain repositories, assignees, labels, or branches. This helps reduce noise and keep your Slack updates relevant.

On the Slack side, pick the desired channel or user to receive each notification. Format the message with markdown, emojis, and links back to the relevant GitHub page.

By fine-tuning your GitHub Slack integration with Bardeen's custom event triggers and actions, you can create a tailored workflow that keeps your team in the loop without overwhelming them with unnecessary updates. For more advanced integrations, check out how you can automate sales prospecting with AI.

4. Activate Automation and Test Your GitHub Slack Integration

With your GitHub Slack integration configured in Bardeen, it's time to turn it on and take it for a spin:

  1. In the Bardeen automation builder, click the "Activate" toggle to enable your new workflow.
  2. Head over to your connected GitHub repository and perform one of the trigger actions, like opening a new pull request or creating an issue.
  3. Check the designated Slack channel for the expected notification. It should arrive within seconds!
  4. If you don't see the Slack message, double check that your automation is active and configured correctly in Bardeen.

Feel free to test out different scenarios, like merging a pull request or assigning an issue, to confirm each trigger is working properly. You can also fine-tune the notification details and filters as needed.

Once you've verified your GitHub Slack integration is running smoothly, sit back and let Bardeen do the heavy lifting of keeping your team in sync. You'll wonder how you ever managed your development workflow without it! Enhance your workflow further by generating emails with AI for better communication.

Advanced Tips to Customize Your GitHub Slack Integration

Once you have the basic GitHub Slack integration set up, you can take it to the next level with these customization ideas:

  1. Tailor your Slack notifications for specific GitHub events, like new issues, pull requests, or releases in a repo. Use the /github subscribe owner/repo [feature] slash command to fine-tune what you get alerted about.
  2. Set up granular filters to only get notified about the GitHub activity that matters most to you or your team. Focus on particular issue labels, pull request reviewers, or branches.
  3. Craft custom Slack messages that include key GitHub context like repository details, pull request descriptions, and code snippets. Make it easy for your team to see what's happening without leaving Slack.

Want to turn your GitHub Slack integration into an interactive experience? Here are some ideas for that:

  • Configure interactive Slack buttons to let users take action on GitHub issues or pull requests directly from Slack threads.
  • Set up slash commands to open new issues, close existing ones, or merge pull requests with a quick Slack shortcut.
  • Create a Slack bot that can assign GitHub issues, request pull request reviews, or provide repository status updates in channels.

The options to integrate GitHub and Slack are nearly endless - it just takes a little creativity and configuration to build the perfect workflow for you and your team. With the right customizations in place, you'll be well on your way to GitHub Slack integration mastery! If you're interested in other integrations, learn how to integrate Dropbox with other apps.

Tailor Your Slack Messages for Personalized GitHub Notifications

When you integrate GitHub and Slack, you can customize the format and content of the Slack messages to make them more meaningful for your team. Here are some ways to personalize your notifications:

  • Include key details from the GitHub event, such as the repository name, branch, issue or pull request number, and the user who triggered the event.
  • Add context with excerpts from issue descriptions, pull request titles and bodies, or commit messages. This helps team members quickly understand what happened without having to leave Slack.
  • Use Slack's message formatting options to make important information stand out. For example, bold or italicize key phrases, use code blocks for snippets, or add links to relevant GitHub pages.
  • Craft different notification messages for each type of GitHub event. A new issue might include the full description, while a pull request could highlight the proposed changes and any review comments.
  • Tailor notifications to specific Slack channels or individuals using @mentions. This ensures the right people see important updates without overwhelming everyone with noise.

By customizing your GitHub Slack integration's message formatting, you can provide your team with rich, relevant notifications that keep everyone in the loop. Experiment with different formats to find what works best for your projects and workflows. For more tips on effective communication, check out buying signals in sales.

Fine-Tune Your GitHub Slack Notifications with Filters

When you integrate GitHub and Slack, the default settings often send too many notifications, leading to information overload. Luckily, most integration methods let you filter notifications based on specific criteria. Here are some ways to fine-tune your GitHub Slack notifications:

  • Choose which repositories to sync. Limit notifications to only the most relevant projects to reduce noise.
  • Select specific GitHub event types, such as new issues, pull requests, commits, or releases. Only get notified about actions that matter to you.
  • Filter by labels or assignees. For example, only receive notifications for issues labeled as "bug" or assigned to your team.
  • Set up separate notification settings for each Slack channel. Have a dedicated channel for critical alerts and another for less urgent updates.
  • Use Slack's "Do Not Disturb" feature to pause notifications during focused work hours or off-hours.

By setting up granular notification filters, you can ensure that your GitHub Slack integration sends only the most relevant updates to the right people at the right time. This helps reduce distractions and keeps your team focused on what matters most. Learn more about how to enrich your workflow with automated tools.

Build Powerful Slack Apps to Supercharge Your GitHub Integration

Want to take your GitHub Slack integration to the next level? Consider building a custom Slack app. Slack apps are interactive bots that can perform complex actions and provide a more seamless experience for your team.

With a custom Slack app, you can:

  • Create slash commands to quickly view GitHub data like pull requests or issues directly in Slack
  • Add interactive buttons to Slack messages for actions like merging a PR or closing an issue
  • Set up dialogs to capture user input and pass it to GitHub, such as creating a new issue with a title and description
  • Display rich, formatted GitHub data in Slack, such as code snippets, issue/PR statuses, and more

Building a Slack app does require some coding skills, but Slack provides excellent documentation and tools to make the process easier. By investing in a custom Slack app, you can create a powerful, tailored integration between GitHub and Slack that boosts your team's productivity and collaboration. You can also connect OpenAI to bring advanced AI capabilities into your Slack apps.


Integrating GitHub and Slack is crucial for streamlining development workflows and boosting team collaboration.

In this guide, you discovered:

  • The benefits of connecting GitHub and Slack
  • Different integration methods and how to choose the right one
  • Step-by-step instructions for setting up the integration with Bardeen
  • Advanced tips for customizing and extending the integration

Don't miss out on the power of a seamless GitHub Slack integration - your productivity (and sanity) depends on it!

Learn more about the apps

Available actions & triggers

When GitHub review is requested
When stargazer is added to GitHub repo
Open issue link
Get Slack user info
Get Slack user info
When comment is added to issue or PR in GitHub
Find Slack users
Find Slack channels
Find GitHub issue on current page
Update status to do not disturb

Automation is simple.
Just describe your task in words

Type what you want to automate in the Magic Box, then watch Bardeen create its plan - called a playbook.
No coding required.


How can I integrate GitHub with Slack using Bardeen?

Bardeen allows you to connect GitHub with Slack easily. You can set up automations like creating a GitHub issue labeled 'bug' and sending notifications to Slack. This keeps your team updated in real-time without switching between tools.

What are some useful automations for GitHub and Slack integration?

Some useful automations include getting daily summaries of your emails and sending them to Slack, creating GitHub repositories, and summing up new emails to Slack using OpenAI. These automations help keep your team informed and organized.

Is Bardeen secure for integrating GitHub and Slack?

Yes, Bardeen is secure. You can run automations locally, ensuring your data stays within your browser. If you enable the Always-on option, your automations will run in the cloud following best security practices.

How much does it cost to integrate GitHub with Slack using Bardeen?

Bardeen offers a free plan for non-premium automations. For full access, including premium integrations and cloud-based automations, Bardeen has a paid plan at $20/month.