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Integrate & connect
Github with LinkedIn

Integrate GitHub and LinkedIn to automate any workflow. Automate tasks using natural language prompts to Bardeen's AI Agent for repetitive tasks. No coding needed.

How to integrate Github with LinkedIn?

We're Bardeen, we build an AI Agent that does your repetitive work tasks. Companies like Deel and Casafari, use Bardeen connect apps like Github and LinkedIn together to save time and increase productivity.

In today's competitive job market, showcasing your skills and projects is crucial. By integrating your GitHub profile with LinkedIn, you can demonstrate your coding abilities to potential employers and stand out from the crowd. Over 70% of recruiters use LinkedIn to find top talent, making it a powerful platform for career growth.

This comprehensive guide will walk you through the step-by-step process of linking your GitHub and LinkedIn profiles, both manually and using AI-powered tools like Bardeen. You'll learn how to select and present your most impactful projects, attracting the attention of hiring managers and opening up new opportunities.

Are you ready to take your career to the next level? Let's dive in and discover the secrets to leveraging the power of GitHub and LinkedIn integration!


Integrating your GitHub profile with LinkedIn is a great way to showcase your coding skills and projects to potential employers and colleagues. By connecting these two platforms, you can highlight your contributions to open-source projects, demonstrate your technical expertise, and expand your professional network.

In this simple guide, we'll walk you through the steps to seamlessly integrate your LinkedIn profile with your GitHub account, allowing you to display your GitHub projects and activities directly on your LinkedIn profile.

Connecting Your GitHub and LinkedIn Profiles

Integrating your GitHub profile with LinkedIn offers numerous benefits. It allows you to showcase your coding projects, demonstrate your technical expertise, and attract potential employers or collaborators. By following a few simple steps, you can seamlessly add your GitHub profile link to your LinkedIn account and effectively present your GitHub work to your professional network.

1. Benefits of Linking GitHub and LinkedIn

When software developer Sarah connected her GitHub and LinkedIn profiles, she noticed an increase in profile views and connection requests from fellow developers and recruiters. Linking these two platforms allows you to showcase your coding skills, highlight your contributions to open-source projects, and demonstrate your passion for technology.

By integrating GitHub with LinkedIn, you can provide concrete examples of your work, making your profile more compelling and increasing your chances of being discovered by potential employers or collaborators.

2. Step-by-Step Instructions for Adding GitHub to LinkedIn

To add your GitHub profile link to LinkedIn, navigate to your LinkedIn profile and click on the "Edit" button. In the "Contact and Personal Info" section, click on "Add website" and select "Other" from the dropdown menu. Enter your GitHub profile URL and choose a descriptive label, such as "GitHub Profile."

Bardeen's LinkedIn enrichment playbook can help you keep your profile updated by automating data collection, saving you time and effort.

By following these simple steps, you can seamlessly integrate your GitHub profile with your LinkedIn account, making it easier for others to discover your coding projects and contributions.

3. Showcasing GitHub Projects on LinkedIn

Once you've linked your GitHub and LinkedIn profiles, you can take it a step further by showcasing specific GitHub projects on your LinkedIn profile. To do this, go to your LinkedIn profile and click on the "Add profile section" button. Select "Featured" and choose "Links." Add the URL of the GitHub project you want to highlight and provide a brief description.

By featuring your most impressive GitHub projects on LinkedIn, you can demonstrate your technical skills and attract the attention of potential employers or collaborators who are interested in your work.

4. Best Practices for Presenting GitHub Work on LinkedIn

When presenting your GitHub work on LinkedIn, it's essential to choose projects that showcase your skills and align with your professional goals. Provide clear and concise descriptions of your projects, highlighting the technologies used and the problems you solved.

Additionally, engage with your network by sharing updates about your GitHub projects, participating in relevant discussions, and connecting with other professionals in your field. By actively promoting your GitHub work on LinkedIn, you can increase your visibility and open up new opportunities for collaboration and career growth.

Linking your GitHub and LinkedIn profiles is a powerful way to showcase your coding skills and attract potential opportunities. By following the step-by-step instructions and best practices outlined in this guide, you can effectively integrate these two platforms and maximize your professional presence.

Curious about how to get more out of your LinkedIn profile? Check out how to scrape LinkedIn data for enhanced lead generation.

In the next section, we'll dive deeper into the specifics of showcasing your GitHub projects on LinkedIn, providing tips and examples to help you make the most of this integration.

Showcasing GitHub Projects on LinkedIn for Maximum Impact

Adding your GitHub projects to your LinkedIn profile is a powerful way to demonstrate your coding skills and attract potential employers or collaborators. By carefully selecting your most impressive projects, effectively describing them, and presenting them in a visually appealing manner, you can make your LinkedIn profile stand out and showcase your technical expertise.

1. Adding GitHub Projects to Your LinkedIn Profile

To add your GitHub projects to LinkedIn, navigate to your profile and click on the "Add profile section" button. Select "Featured" and choose "Links." Enter the URL of your GitHub project and provide a concise title and description that highlights the project's key features and technologies used.

By adding your GitHub projects to LinkedIn, you create a direct link between your coding work and your professional profile, making it easy for others to explore your projects and appreciate your skills.

2. Selecting the Most Impactful GitHub Projects

When choosing which GitHub projects to showcase on LinkedIn, focus on those that demonstrate your strongest skills and align with your career goals. Consider projects that solve real-world problems, showcase your proficiency in popular programming languages or frameworks, or highlight your contributions to open-source communities.

By carefully curating your featured projects, you can create a compelling narrative that illustrates your technical abilities and passion for coding.

3. Crafting Effective Descriptions for GitHub Projects

To effectively describe your GitHub projects on LinkedIn, provide a brief overview of each project's purpose, key features, and technologies used. Use clear and concise language that is accessible to both technical and non-technical audiences.

Highlight the challenges you faced and the solutions you implemented, emphasizing your problem-solving skills and innovative approaches. By crafting compelling descriptions, you can pique the interest of potential employers or collaborators and encourage them to explore your projects further.

4. Examples of Well-Presented GitHub Projects on LinkedIn

To inspire you, let's look at a few examples of well-presented GitHub projects on LinkedIn profiles:

  • A full-stack web application that utilizes React, Node.js, and MongoDB, with a detailed description of the project's architecture and key features.
  • An open-source library that simplifies data visualization using D3.js, accompanied by a demo showcasing its capabilities and a link to the project's documentation.
  • A machine learning project that predicts stock prices using Python and TensorFlow, with a clear explanation of the data preprocessing, model training, and evaluation process.

By studying these examples, you can gain insights into how to effectively showcase your own GitHub projects on LinkedIn and make a lasting impression on your professional network.

Showcasing your GitHub projects on LinkedIn is a powerful way to demonstrate your coding skills and attract opportunities. By carefully selecting projects, crafting compelling descriptions, and presenting them effectively, you can make your LinkedIn profile a true reflection of your technical expertise. For more tips, check out how to automate LinkedIn profiles to Notion.

In the next section, we'll explore how leveraging the GitHub-LinkedIn integration can take your career to new heights. Get ready to discover the secrets of using your coding projects to open doors and accelerate your professional growth!

Leveraging GitHub-LinkedIn Integration for Career Advancement

Integrating your GitHub profile with LinkedIn can be a powerful tool for attracting recruiters, showcasing your technical skills, and engaging with relevant communities. By effectively leveraging this integration, you can open up new career opportunities and establish yourself as a skilled developer in your field.

1. Attracting Recruiters and Job Opportunities

When you integrate your GitHub profile with LinkedIn, recruiters searching for candidates with specific technical skills can easily discover your profile. By showcasing your GitHub projects and contributions on LinkedIn, you increase your visibility to potential employers.

For example, if a recruiter is looking for a Python developer with experience in machine learning, having relevant GitHub projects featured on your LinkedIn profile can help you stand out from other candidates and increase your chances of being contacted for job opportunities.

2. Demonstrating Technical Skills and Expertise

Your GitHub profile serves as a portfolio of your coding projects and contributions, providing tangible evidence of your technical abilities. By integrating GitHub with LinkedIn, you can showcase your skills to a wider audience, including potential employers and collaborators.

When you feature your GitHub projects on LinkedIn, you provide insight into your coding style, problem-solving approach, and the technologies you're proficient in. This helps establish your credibility as a developer and demonstrates your expertise to those viewing your profile.

3. Engaging with Relevant LinkedIn Communities

LinkedIn is home to numerous professional communities, including groups focused on specific programming languages, frameworks, and industries. By leveraging your GitHub projects and integrating them with your LinkedIn profile, you can actively engage with these communities and establish yourself as a knowledgeable contributor. Share your GitHub projects in relevant LinkedIn groups, participate in discussions, and offer insights based on your experiences. This engagement can lead to valuable connections, collaborations, and even job opportunities within your field of expertise.

4. Success Stories: GitHub-LinkedIn Integration in Action

Many developers have successfully leveraged the power of GitHub-LinkedIn integration to advance their careers. For instance, Sarah, a front-end developer, showcased her GitHub projects on LinkedIn, highlighting her skills in React and CSS. Her profile caught the attention of a startup founder who was impressed by her work and reached out to offer her a lead developer position.

Another example is Michael, a data scientist who actively contributed to open-source projects on GitHub. By featuring these projects on his LinkedIn profile and engaging with the data science community, he attracted the interest of a renowned research institute. They approached him for a collaboration opportunity, which later turned into a full-time research position.

By integrating your GitHub projects with LinkedIn and actively engaging with the platform, you can open doors to exciting career opportunities and establish valuable connections within your field. Learn how to scrape LinkedIn data automatically to save time and improve efficiency.

Use Bardeen's LinkedIn Data Scraper to easily extract and manage data for your GitHub projects on LinkedIn, saving you hours of manual work.

We've covered a lot of ground in this guide, and you're now equipped with the knowledge to effectively integrate your GitHub projects with LinkedIn. But don't worry, you don't need to be a LinkedIn guru to reap the benefits - even small steps can make a big impact on your career journey. So go ahead, showcase your awesome coding skills, and let your GitHub projects do the talking!


Integrating your GitHub profile with LinkedIn is crucial for showcasing your technical skills and attracting career opportunities.

This guide covered:

  • Connecting your GitHub and LinkedIn profiles to display your coding projects and expertise.
  • Showcasing your most impactful GitHub projects on LinkedIn to impress potential employers and collaborators.
  • Leveraging the GitHub-LinkedIn integration to engage with relevant communities and advance your career.

By mastering the art of combining GitHub and LinkedIn, you'll open doors to exciting job prospects and establish yourself as a skilled developer. Don't miss out on the chance to automate your sales prospecting and supercharge your professional presence!

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How does the integration between GitHub and LinkedIn work with Bardeen?

Bardeen allows you to automate tasks between GitHub and LinkedIn. For example, you can set up automations to send an email to a GitHub user from a LinkedIn profile or copy LinkedIn profile data to Google Sheets. These automations save you time and keep your data organized across platforms.

Can I share my LinkedIn and GitHub integration playbooks with my team?

Yes, you can share your playbooks with others. This is useful if multiple team members need to use the same automation. You can share the playbook with clients or other stakeholders as well.

What kind of data can I transfer between LinkedIn and GitHub using Bardeen?

You can transfer various types of data such as company information, contact details, and profile data. For example, you can export LinkedIn company profiles to tools like HubSpot or Google Sheets, or send an email to a GitHub user from their LinkedIn profile.

How much does it cost to integrate GitHub with LinkedIn using Bardeen?

Bardeen offers a free plan that allows you to run unlimited non-premium automations. For premium integrations and actions, there is a paid plan that costs $20/month. The paid plan includes full access to premium features and the ability to run automations on the cloud 24/7.