Bardeen App connector

Integrate & connect
Github with Glassdoor

Integrate GitHub and Glassdoor to simplify your recruiting and hiring workflows. Use Bardeen's AI Agent to automate tasks with natural language commands. No coding skills required.

How to integrate Github with Glassdoor?

We're Bardeen, we build an AI Agent that does your repetitive work tasks. Companies like Deel and Casafari, use Bardeen connect apps like Github and Glassdoor together to save time and increase productivity.

Tired of manually updating your Glassdoor profile with GitHub projects? Wish there was a way to sync your coding skills across both platforms automatically? You're in luck! In this step-by-step guide, we'll show you how to integrate GitHub and Glassdoor like a pro.

Discover the benefits of connecting these powerful tools, from showcasing your latest repos to recruiters to gaining insights into top developer talent. Plus, learn how Bardeen's no-code automation platform makes the integration process a breeze.

Ready to level up your online presence and impress potential employers? Let's dive in and unlock the full potential of GitHub and Glassdoor together!

Step-by-Step Guide: Integrating GitHub and Glassdoor with Bardeen

Connecting GitHub and Glassdoor is easy with Bardeen's no-code automation platform. Here's how:

  1. Download the Bardeen browser extension
  2. Sign up for a free Bardeen account
  3. Connect your GitHub and Glassdoor accounts in Bardeen
  4. Set up automations between GitHub and Glassdoor, such as:
    • Automatically update your Glassdoor profile when you push code to GitHub
    • Get Glassdoor company insights right in GitHub when evaluating job opportunities
    • Sync your GitHub contributions to your Glassdoor profile to showcase your skills
  5. Run your automations with a single click or on a schedule

Bardeen makes it simple to integrate GitHub with Glassdoor and streamline your workflow, no coding required. Download the Bardeen browser extension to get started scraping and monitoring data from websites today.

Why Integrate GitHub and Glassdoor? Top Benefits for Developers and Recruiters

Connecting GitHub and Glassdoor unlocks major benefits for both developers and recruiters:

  1. Automatically sync developer data across platforms. Connect LinkedIn profiles to import GitHub repos, contributions, and skills to Glassdoor profiles. Keep developer info current on both sites to give recruiters more context on candidates.

  2. Streamline common recruiting tasks. Trigger Glassdoor profile updates when devs push code to GitHub. Get alerts on promising candidates based on their GitHub activity. Scrape LinkedIn for more data insights. Cut out manual data entry between tools.

  3. Gain richer insights into developer talent. Identify top prospects based on their GitHub portfolios. Analyze coding skills, languages, and projects at a glance. Make more informed hiring decisions by combining Glassdoor and GitHub data.

Integrating Glassdoor with GitHub empowers better collaboration between developers and recruiters. Connecting these platforms saves time, improves data accuracy, and provides a more complete picture of a candidate's skills and experience.

Use Bardeen to connect Google Sheets with GitHub and Glassdoor. This saves time by automating data entry and keeps all info updated across platforms.

Step-by-Step: Integrate GitHub and Glassdoor with No Code Using Bardeen

Connecting GitHub and Glassdoor is simple with Bardeen's codeless automation platform:

  1. Download Bardeen's browser extension. It's free and works on Chrome, Edge, and Firefox. Available for Windows, Mac, and Linux.

  2. Link your GitHub and Glassdoor accounts in Bardeen. Navigate to the Integrations page, click to connect each app, and grant necessary data permissions.

  3. Use the visual workflow builder to integrate GitHub and Glassdoor. Select them as your trigger and action apps. Map how data should flow between them. Set filters and schedule the automation to run.

That's it! Bardeen will run the integration on autopilot, syncing key info between GitHub and Glassdoor. You can also browse pre-built workflows for lead management in the Bardeen catalog to integrate these apps in just a few clicks - no coding needed.

With Bardeen, you can easily automate repetitive tasks and integrate your core work apps. Its intuitive AI-powered platform makes building custom GitHub-Glassdoor workflows a breeze.

Powerful Integrations: GitHub + Glassdoor Use Cases

Integrating GitHub and Glassdoor unlocks a range of possibilities for recruiters and developers. Here are some powerful ways to leverage the integration:

  1. Automated Profile Updates. Automatically sync a developer's latest GitHub projects, contributions, and skills to their Glassdoor profile. Trigger real-time updates whenever they add new repos or push code. This keeps candidate profiles fresh and current for recruiters to review.

  2. Consolidated Candidate Reports. Generate comprehensive candidate reports that pull together key data points from both GitHub and Glassdoor. Include insightful metrics like top programming languages used, commit frequency, project popularity, peer reviews, and more. Share these consolidated PDFs with hiring managers to enable data-driven decisions.

  3. Skill Analysis & Matching. Aggregate data on a developer's technical skills and experience across their GitHub and Glassdoor profiles. Analyze their competencies in specific programming languages, frameworks, and tools. Compare their qualifications to job requirements for an at-a-glance view of fit.

The GitHub-Glassdoor integration possibilities are endless. By connecting these two key platforms, you can automate time-consuming recruiting tasks, gain deeper candidate insights, and ultimately make better hires faster.

Save time and cut down on manual tasks by using Bardeen's linkedin profile scraper for automated data extraction and integration.


Integrating GitHub and Glassdoor provides a powerful way to streamline your recruiting workflows. In this guide, you learned:

  • The benefits of connecting GitHub and Glassdoor, such as syncing developer data, automating processes, and gaining talent insights
  • Step-by-step instructions to set up the GitHub-Glassdoor integration using Bardeen's no-code platform
  • Example use cases like automatically updating Glassdoor profiles, generating candidate reports, and analyzing skills

By leveraging the integration between these two key platforms, you can supercharge your hiring processes to find the best developer talent faster and more efficiently. The GitHub Glassdoor integration is a game-changer that no modern recruiting team can afford to ignore.

Don't miss out on the competitive advantages of connecting GitHub and Glassdoor. Implement this integration today using Bardeen and take your developer hiring to the next level!

Learn more about the apps

Available actions & triggers

Open issue link
Add label to Github issue
When GitHub review is requested
Find GitHub projects
When stargazer is added to GitHub repo
When GitHub repository is created
Find GitHub issue on current page
When GitHub pull request is closed
When GitHub pull request is added
Find email of GitHub user

Automation is simple.
Just describe your task in words

Type what you want to automate in the Magic Box, then watch Bardeen create its plan - called a playbook.
No coding required.


What can I do with the GitHub and Glassdoor integration using Bardeen?

With the GitHub and Glassdoor integration, you can automate tasks like saving Glassdoor job posts to Google Sheets, Coda, or Notion. You can also create recruiting emails from GitHub profiles and copy GitHub contributors to a Google Sheet.

Is there a free version of Bardeen available for this integration?

Yes, Bardeen offers a free plan that allows you to run unlimited non-premium automations. This plan is suitable for individuals and small teams who want to get started with integrating GitHub and Glassdoor.

How secure is using Bardeen for GitHub and Glassdoor integrations?

Bardeen ensures your data stays secure. You can run automations locally, keeping all data within your local browser storage. For always-on automations, Bardeen runs them in the cloud with best practices for security.

How much does it cost to use Bardeen for GitHub and Glassdoor integrations?

Bardeen offers a tiered pricing model. The free version covers non-premium functionalities. The paid version, costing $20/month, provides full access to premium integrations and 24/7 cloud automation.