Bardeen App connector

Integrate & connect
ClickUp with Salesforce

Integrate ClickUp and Salesforce to automate your workflows. With Bardeen's AI Agent, you can automate tasks using natural language prompts. No coding skills needed.

How to integrate ClickUp with Salesforce?

We're Bardeen, we build an AI Agent that does your repetitive work tasks. Companies like Deel and Casafari, use Bardeen connect apps like ClickUp and Salesforce together to save time and increase productivity.

Tired of manually updating data between ClickUp and Salesforce? You're not alone. Studies show that sales reps spend up to 66% of their time on non-revenue generating activities like data entry. But what if there was a better way?

In this complete guide, we'll show you how integrating ClickUp and Salesforce can drastically improve productivity and collaboration between your sales and project teams. You'll learn the step-by-step process to set up an integration and explore real workflow examples. Plus, discover how AI automation tools like Bardeen make the process even easier - no coding required.

Ready to align your sales and delivery efforts to close more deals faster? Let's dive in!


Integrating ClickUp and Salesforce can be a game-changer for businesses looking to optimize their workflows and improve productivity. By connecting these two powerful tools, you can seamlessly sync data, automate tasks, and gain valuable insights into your sales pipeline and project management.

In this complete guide, we'll walk you through the steps to integrate ClickUp and Salesforce, allowing you to:

  • Automatically create tasks in ClickUp when a new lead or opportunity is added in Salesforce
  • Update Salesforce records with information from ClickUp tasks
  • Sync comments and attachments between the two platforms

Whether you're a sales manager, project manager, or business owner, integrating ClickUp and Salesforce can help you streamline your processes and achieve better results. Build a robust prospect list and let's get started!

Advantages of Integrating ClickUp and Salesforce

Integrating ClickUp and Salesforce provides numerous benefits that can significantly improve productivity and collaboration between sales and project teams. By connecting these two powerful platforms, you can:

  • Automatically sync customer data between apps, ensuring that both systems always have the most up-to-date information
  • Streamline handoffs from sales to delivery teams, allowing for seamless collaboration on customer projects
  • Automate repetitive tasks like creating ClickUp projects when a Salesforce deal closes, saving time and reducing errors

For example, when a new lead is added in Salesforce, a ClickUp task can be automatically created for the sales team to follow up. Once the deal is won, the project details can be synced to ClickUp, allowing the delivery team to get started right away without manual data entry.

Bardeen can help you integrate Dropbox with other apps for hassle-free file management, syncing all your essential docs in one place.

Sync Customer Data Between ClickUp and Salesforce

Integrating ClickUp and Salesforce enables automatic syncing of vital customer data between the two platforms. This means that when a lead or opportunity is updated in Salesforce, the corresponding information in ClickUp is also refreshed in real-time. Connecting ClickUp with Salesforce ensures that both your sales and project teams always have access to the most current and accurate customer details.

For example, if a salesperson updates a client's address or contact info in Salesforce, that data will instantly flow through to any linked tasks, projects or spaces in ClickUp. Having a single source of truth for customer data across apps improves visibility for everyone and reduces the risk of miscommunication or errors. To further enhance your workflow, consider using automation in sales prospecting to save time on repetitive tasks.

Align Your Sales and Project Teams by Connecting ClickUp with Salesforce

Integrating ClickUp and Salesforce is a game-changer for aligning your sales and project delivery teams. When a deal closes in Salesforce, you can automatically create linked tasks and projects in ClickUp. This enables a smooth handoff from sales to delivery, as all the relevant customer details are carried over.

Save time and increase efficiency by using Bardeen to connect Google Sheets with ClickUp and Salesforce. Automate tedious data entry and focus more on important work.

With ClickUp and Salesforce in sync, your project team has full visibility into the client's history, needs, and expectations. They can hit the ground running without having to chase down info from the sales rep. Likewise, your sales team can monitor progress in ClickUp and keep clients in the loop. Integrating these tools fosters seamless collaboration between departments and helps you deliver outstanding results for customers.

Automate Tedious Tasks and Eliminate Errors with a ClickUp-Salesforce Integration

Integrating ClickUp with Salesforce allows you to automate many repetitive tasks, saving your team hours each week while reducing costly errors. For example, when a deal reaches a certain stage in Salesforce, like "Closed Won", you can automatically generate a new project in ClickUp with all the relevant details pulled in.

This eliminates the need for someone to manually re-enter data and set up the project, shaving precious time off your fulfillment process. It also ensures no important details fall through the cracks during the handoff from sales to delivery. By connecting ClickUp and Salesforce, you can build a library of templates to automatically spin up projects, tasks, and docs as soon as a deal progresses in your pipeline. For more on improving your sales processes, check out automated sales prospecting.

Summary of Advantages

Integrating ClickUp and Salesforce offers several key benefits:

  • Automatically sync customer data between the two platforms for improved accuracy and visibility
  • Bridge the gap between sales and project teams for seamless handoffs and collaboration
  • Automate repetitive tasks like project creation to save time and reduce errors

For example, by connecting ClickUp and Salesforce, a closed deal in Salesforce can automatically generate a new ClickUp project with all the relevant details. This keeps both systems in sync while eliminating manual data entry.

Integrating ClickUp and Salesforce aligns your sales and delivery efforts to work together more efficiently. Next, we'll walk through how to set up this integration using Bardeen's automation tools.

Save time and reduce manual work by connecting Excel to other apps with Bardeen's AI-driven automation.

How to Easily Connect ClickUp and Salesforce (No Code Required)

Integrating ClickUp and Salesforce is simple with Bardeen's no-code AI automation platform. You can set up powerful two-way syncs and automations between the two tools without writing a single line of code. Here's a quick overview of the steps:

  1. Install the Bardeen browser extension
  2. Connect your ClickUp and Salesforce accounts to Bardeen
  3. Use Bardeen's visual AI workflow builder to map out automations between the two tools

That's it! With just a few clicks, you can have ClickUp and Salesforce sharing data and triggering actions back and forth. Let's walk through each step in a bit more detail.

1. Install the Bardeen Browser Extension

First, you'll need to download the Bardeen browser extension. It's available for Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Edge. Installing it only takes a few seconds and gives you access to Bardeen's full suite of automation tools.

2. Connect ClickUp and Salesforce Accounts

Once you have the extension installed, open it up and navigate to the Accounts tab. Here you can connect both your ClickUp and Salesforce accounts to Bardeen. You'll be prompted to log in and may need to provide API keys for each tool, which ensures a secure connection.

3. Use Bardeen's AI Workflow Builder

With your accounts connected, you can start building ClickUp-Salesforce automations using Bardeen's no-code workflow editor. Simply pick a trigger in one app, like creating a new opportunity in Salesforce, and then define the resulting action in ClickUp, like generating a new linked task. You can visually configure your automation's logic and data mapping without any coding.

Integrating ClickUp and Salesforce with Bardeen is quick and straightforward. In just minutes, you can have powerful cross-app workflows up and running. Automate sales prospecting to get the most out of your integration. Next, we'll look at some popular use cases and examples.

Install the Bardeen Browser Extension in Just a Few Clicks

To start integrating ClickUp and Salesforce, the first step is installing the Bardeen browser extension. It's a quick and easy process:

  1. Go to the Bardeen download page
  2. Click the "Install Extension" button for your browser (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, or Edge)
  3. Confirm the installation in the pop-up window
  4. Pin the Bardeen extension to your browser's toolbar for easy access

That's it! The whole installation typically takes less than a minute. With the extension now added to your browser, you're ready to connect your ClickUp and Salesforce accounts in the next step. If you need to scrape data from websites, Bardeen can help with that too.

Try Bardeen's free AI web scraper to pull data from any website with a single click and save time on repetitive tasks.

Securely Link Your ClickUp and Salesforce Accounts in Bardeen

With the Bardeen browser extension installed, it's time to connect your ClickUp and Salesforce accounts. Here's how:

  1. Open the Bardeen extension and click "Accounts"
  2. Locate ClickUp in the list of apps and click "Connect"
  3. Log in with your ClickUp credentials and authorize Bardeen
  4. Repeat the process for Salesforce, logging in and granting Bardeen access

Bardeen uses secure OAuth connections, so you don't need to enter any sensitive API keys. However, you may need an admin login for Salesforce if you don't already have one.

Once both accounts are linked, Bardeen can access data in ClickUp and Salesforce, laying the foundation to automate lead management. You're now ready to start building your first automation!

Bardeen's No-Code Workflow Builder: Visually Integrate ClickUp and Salesforce

With your ClickUp and Salesforce accounts connected, it's time to build your first automation using Bardeen's intuitive no-code workflow builder.

Bardeen's drag-and-drop interface allows you to visually map out the steps to integrate ClickUp and Salesforce without writing a single line of code. Simply select triggers and actions from each app, and connect them to create powerful cross-platform workflows. You can even automate sales prospecting to save time.

For example, you could define the following automation:

  • When a new contact is added in Salesforce,
  • Create a new task in ClickUp,
  • Assign it to the account owner, and
  • Link it back to the Salesforce contact record.

Bardeen's AI-powered platform handles all the complex integration logic behind the scenes, so you can focus on designing workflows that align ClickUp and Salesforce and integrate them.

Summary: Integrate ClickUp and Salesforce in 3 Easy Steps

Integrating ClickUp and Salesforce is a breeze with Bardeen:

  1. Install the Bardeen browser extension
  2. Connect your ClickUp and Salesforce accounts
  3. Build automations using the visual workflow builder

No coding required - Bardeen handles the technical integration details so you can focus on aligning your sales and project teams to integrate and connect ClickUp and Salesforce.

Next up, we'll look at some powerful workflow automation examples you can implement between ClickUp and Salesforce using Bardeen.

Powerful ClickUp-Salesforce Workflow Automations

Integrating ClickUp and Salesforce opens up a world of possibilities for automating workflows between your sales and project teams. With Bardeen, you can set up these powerful automations in minutes, with no coding required:

  1. Automatically create ClickUp tasks from new Salesforce opportunities
  2. Update Salesforce records when linked ClickUp tasks are completed
  3. Sync comments bidirectionally between ClickUp and Salesforce

1. Auto-Create ClickUp Tasks from Salesforce Deals

Never let a new deal slip through the cracks. With Bardeen, you can configure a workflow to automatically generate a ClickUp task whenever an opportunity reaches a specific stage in Salesforce, like "Proposal Sent".

The task can be populated with key details from Salesforce and assigned to the appropriate team members in ClickUp for fulfillment. Bardeen makes it easy to integrate ClickUp and Salesforce to ensure a seamless handoff from sales to delivery.

2. Keep Salesforce in Sync with Project Progress

Give your sales team real-time visibility into project status by configuring an automation to update the linked Salesforce opportunity whenever a ClickUp task is marked complete.

For example, when the "Kick-off Call" task is checked off in ClickUp, the corresponding Salesforce record can be updated with a "Project Started" status. This keeps Salesforce current without any manual effort required. To make this process even more efficient, consider using AI sales prospecting automation to enhance your workflow.

3. Enable Seamless Cross-Team Communication

Streamline communication between your sales and project teams by setting up two-way comment syncing between linked Salesforce and ClickUp records.

When a question gets asked on the Salesforce opportunity, it will automatically show up in the ClickUp task comments, and vice versa. Your teams can collaborate effortlessly while staying in their preferred tools when you integrate ClickUp and Salesforce using Bardeen.

These are just a few of the endless ClickUp-Salesforce workflow automations made possible with Bardeen. The opportunities to integrate these tools to save time are only limited by your imagination!

Automatically Generate ClickUp Tasks from Salesforce Opportunities

One of the most powerful automations you can set up when you integrate ClickUp and Salesforce is automatically creating tasks in ClickUp when an opportunity reaches a certain stage in Salesforce.

For example, let's say you want a task generated for your project team whenever a deal moves to the "Contract Sent" stage, so they can begin preparing for the kick-off.

With Bardeen, you can easily configure this automation in a few clicks:

  1. Set the trigger to watch for opportunities moving to "Contract Sent" stage in Salesforce
  2. Map opportunity fields like client name, value, and close date to the new ClickUp task
  3. Assign the task to the appropriate team or team member in ClickUp
  4. Set the due date based on the estimated close date in Salesforce

Now, whenever a promising deal progresses to the "Contract Sent" stage, a task will be automatically generated in ClickUp with all the relevant details, notifying your delivery team to start preparations. For more ideas on how to automate sales prospecting, explore Bardeen's resources.

Keep Salesforce Updated when ClickUp Tasks are Completed

Another highly useful automation when you integrate ClickUp and Salesforce is updating relevant Salesforce records when a task is completed in ClickUp.

Let's say your delivery team marks a ClickUp task as "Complete" once they finish onboarding a new client. You'll likely want to update the corresponding opportunity record in Salesforce to reflect this.

Here's how you can set this up in Bardeen:

  1. Set the trigger to watch for ClickUp tasks being marked "Complete"
  2. Look up the linked opportunity in Salesforce based on matching fields like company name
  3. Update a custom field on the opportunity, like "Onboarding Status", to a value like "Onboarding Complete"
  4. Optionally, post a comment on the opportunity record noting the onboarding completion

With this automation configured, your sales team will always have the latest status on onboarding progress without any manual effort, ensuring Salesforce stays up-to-date when you connect Salesforce and ClickUp.

Automatically Sync Comments Between ClickUp and Salesforce

Keeping everyone on the same page is crucial when your sales and delivery teams are working together on an account. That's where comment syncing comes in when you integrate ClickUp and Salesforce.

With Bardeen, you can set up a two-way sync of comments between linked records in ClickUp and Salesforce. Here's how it works:

  • When a comment is added to a ClickUp task, it will automatically be posted to the linked Salesforce record, like an opportunity or account
  • Similarly, when a Salesforce user comments on a synced record, that comment will show up in the ClickUp task's comment feed

This bi-directional flow of communication ensures that important discussions and decisions are visible to all stakeholders, regardless of which platform they primarily work in.

No more siloed conversations or missed updates. With comment syncing, your ClickUp-Salesforce integration enables seamless, real-time collaboration across teams and tools.

Summary of Workflow Automations

Integrating ClickUp and Salesforce unlocks a variety of powerful workflow automations. Here are the key takeaways from the examples we covered:

  • Automatically create ClickUp tasks when Salesforce deals reach a certain stage
  • Keep Salesforce records up-to-date by syncing data from linked ClickUp tasks
  • Enable seamless communication between teams with bi-directional comment syncing

And that's just the tip of the iceberg. With Bardeen's flexible no-code platform, you can automate sales prospecting and countless workflows to supercharge your productivity. The possibilities are endless!


Integrating ClickUp and Salesforce aligns your sales and project teams, enabling them to collaborate seamlessly and deliver exceptional results for your customers.

In this guide, we covered:

  • The immense benefits of connecting ClickUp and Salesforce for productivity, data accuracy, and cross-team collaboration
  • Step-by-step instructions to set up a ClickUp-Salesforce integration without coding using Bardeen's no-code AI automation platform
  • Practical examples of powerful workflow automations you can implement between ClickUp and Salesforce

Don't let leads and projects slip through the cracks, leaving revenue on the table. Automate sales prospecting with ClickUp and Salesforce today and watch your sales and delivery teams thrive!

Automation is simple.
Just describe your task in words

Type what you want to automate in the Magic Box, then watch Bardeen create its plan - called a playbook.
No coding required.


How can I integrate ClickUp and Salesforce using Bardeen?

You can integrate ClickUp and Salesforce using Bardeen by utilizing pre-built playbooks such as 'Export Leads from LinkedIn Company Search to Salesforce' and 'Copy all Salesforce opportunities to Coda.' These automations help you save time by automatically transferring data between the two platforms, ensuring smooth workflows.

Do I need coding skills to set up the integration between ClickUp and Salesforce?

No, you do not need coding skills to set up the integration between ClickUp and Salesforce with Bardeen. Bardeen offers a user-friendly interface and pre-built playbooks that make it easy to automate tasks without any technical expertise.

Can I customize the automations between ClickUp and Salesforce?

Yes, you can customize the automations between ClickUp and Salesforce. Bardeen allows you to build custom playbooks tailored to your specific needs, giving you the flexibility to automate tasks that fit your workflow.

How much does it cost to integrate ClickUp and Salesforce with Bardeen?

Bardeen offers a free plan that includes unlimited non-premium automations. For premium automations, including 'always-on' actions, the paid plan costs $20/month. This plan provides full access to all premium features, making it a cost-effective solution for integrating ClickUp and Salesforce.