Bardeen App connector

Integrate & connect
Asana with YouTube

Integrate Asana and YouTube to automate any workflow. Use Bardeen's AI Agent to create tasks and manage projects with natural language prompts. No coding needed.

How to integrate Asana with YouTube?

We're Bardeen, we build an AI Agent that does your repetitive work tasks. Companies like Deel and Casafari, use Bardeen connect apps like Asana and YouTube together to save time and increase productivity.

Embedding YouTube videos in Asana tasks provides project teams with more context and improves collaboration. By connecting these two powerful apps, you can centralize resources and save time switching between them. In fact, 78% of teams using integrated tools report higher productivity levels.

In this comprehensive guide, you'll discover step-by-step instructions for integrating Asana and YouTube, both manually and using AI automation tools like Bardeen. You'll also explore creative use cases to take your projects to the next level. Ready to unlock the power of YouTube videos in your Asana workflow?


Integrating Asana and YouTube can streamline your project management and content creation process. By connecting these two powerful platforms, you can easily track video projects, collaborate with team members, and stay organized throughout the production lifecycle.

Here's how you can set up an automation workflow to integrate Asana and YouTube:

  1. Download Bardeen, an AI automation platform that simplifies connecting apps like Asana and YouTube
  2. Create a new workflow in Bardeen and select the triggers and actions for Asana and YouTube
  3. Set up the workflow to automatically create tasks in Asana when a new video is uploaded to YouTube or vice versa
  4. Customize the task details, assignees, and due dates based on your project requirements
  5. Test the automation to ensure it's working as intended and make any necessary adjustments

With Bardeen, you can effortlessly integrate Asana and YouTube without any complex setup or coding. This integration will help you save time, improve collaboration, and keep your video projects on track from start to finish.

Benefits of Connecting Asana and YouTube

Integrating Asana with YouTube provides several advantages for project management and collaboration. By embedding relevant videos directly into Asana tasks, you can give team members more context, improve communication, save time, and centralize resources. Here are some key benefits:

1. Embedded Videos Provide More Context

When you embed a YouTube video in an Asana task, it gives your team additional information and context related to the project. For example, if you're working on a product launch, you could include a demo video showcasing the features and functionality.

This helps team members quickly understand the project requirements and deliverables without having to search for information across multiple platforms. The video content is readily accessible within the relevant Asana task.

2. Improved Collaboration and Communication

Integrating YouTube videos into Asana tasks facilitates better collaboration and communication among team members. Instead of just relying on written descriptions, you can use videos to clearly explain complex ideas, provide visual examples, or give feedback on creative assets.

For instance, a design team could embed a walkthrough video in an Asana task to guide developers on how to implement a new UI feature. This reduces miscommunication and ensures everyone is on the same page.

3. Time Savings from Centralized Resources

By having YouTube videos directly accessible within Asana, you eliminate the need to constantly switch between apps or search for relevant content. All the necessary resources are centralized in one place, saving valuable time and increasing productivity.

Instead of team members spending minutes or even hours tracking down a specific video, they can quickly find it embedded right in the Asana task they're working on. This streamlines workflows and allows teams to focus on actual project work.

4. Centralized Project Assets and Resources

Integrating YouTube with Asana helps centralize all project-related assets and resources within the project management platform. You can embed training videos, customer interviews, competitor analysis, and more alongside tasks, conversations, and other project details.

This creates a single source of truth for the project, making it easy for team members to find and reference important information. It also ensures that everyone has access to the same up-to-date resources throughout the project lifecycle.

Integrate Google Drive with other apps using Bardeen to further enhance your project management by automating repetitive tasks and centralizing all resources.

Connecting Asana with YouTube offers significant benefits for embedding videos, improving collaboration, saving time, and centralizing resources. In the next section, we'll walk through the step-by-step process of setting up this integration using Bardeen and Google Drive.

Step-by-Step Integration Guide

Integrating Asana with YouTube using Bardeen is a straightforward process. By following a few simple steps, you can connect your accounts, set up an automation workflow, and start embedding videos in your Asana tasks. Here's a quick overview of the integration process:

1. Download and Install Bardeen

To get started, download the Bardeen browser extension from their website. It's available for Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge. Once downloaded, install the extension in your browser.

The Bardeen extension will add an icon to your browser toolbar, giving you easy access to its features and settings. With the extension installed, you're ready to connect your accounts.

2. Connect Your Asana and YouTube Accounts

Open the Bardeen extension and click on the "Accounts" tab. Here, you'll see options to connect various apps and services, including Asana and YouTube. Click on the "Connect" button next to each app and follow the prompts to authenticate your accounts.

You'll need to grant Bardeen permission to access your Asana and YouTube data. This allows the platform to automate interactions between the two apps seamlessly.

3. Set Up an Automation Workflow

With your accounts connected, it's time to create an automation workflow. Click on the "Workflows" tab in Bardeen and select "Create Workflow." Choose Asana and YouTube as the apps you want to integrate.

Bardeen provides a visual workflow builder where you can define triggers and actions. For example, you can set a trigger that watches for new Asana tasks with a specific tag or in a particular project. Then, add an action to automatically embed a relevant YouTube video in the task description.

4. Customize and Activate the Integration

Once you've set up the basic workflow, customize it to fit your specific needs. You can add filters, conditions, and additional actions to fine-tune the automation. Bardeen offers a wide range of options to tailor the integration to your unique requirements.

After customizing the workflow, activate it and let Bardeen handle the rest. The platform will automatically embed YouTube videos in Asana tasks based on your defined triggers and actions.

By following these simple steps, you can quickly integrate Asana with YouTube and start leveraging the power of automation in your projects. In the next section, we'll explore some creative use cases for this integration.

Creative Use Cases

Integrating Asana with YouTube opens up a world of possibilities for teams to collaborate more effectively. By embedding relevant videos directly into Asana tasks and projects, you can provide additional context, share knowledge, and keep everyone on the same page. Let's explore some creative ways to leverage this integration.

1. Team Training and Onboarding Videos

When onboarding new team members or providing training, embedding YouTube videos in Asana tasks can be incredibly helpful. For example, if you have a series of training videos on your company's YouTube channel, you can create an onboarding project in Asana and embed the relevant videos in each task.

This allows new hires to easily access the training materials right within Asana, without having to switch between multiple platforms. They can watch the videos, complete any associated tasks, and ask questions or provide feedback directly in the task comments.

2. Product Demo and Walkthrough Videos

Product teams can greatly benefit from embedding demo and walkthrough videos in Asana. When working on a new feature or product update, create tasks for each stage of the development process and embed corresponding demo videos.

This helps keep everyone aligned on how the feature should work and what the user experience will be like. Designers, developers, and stakeholders can all reference the same videos, provide feedback, and ensure that the final product meets the desired specifications.

3. Creative Brief and Asset Review Videos

For creative projects, such as marketing campaigns or video productions, embedding YouTube videos in Asana can streamline the review and approval process. Create tasks for each deliverable, such as ad concepts or storyboards, and embed the corresponding YouTube videos.

Team members can watch the videos directly in Asana, provide feedback, and discuss any necessary changes. This keeps all communication and assets centralized, making it easier to track progress and ensure that everyone is working with the most up-to-date versions.

4. Video Engagement Tracking and Analytics

By linking YouTube analytics and reports to Asana tasks, you can keep track of how your videos are performing and make data-driven decisions. Create a task for each video campaign or initiative, and regularly update it with key metrics such as views, likes, comments, and audience retention.

This allows you to monitor the success of your video content and make informed decisions about future strategies. You can also use this data to identify areas for improvement and optimize your content for better engagement. To further streamline your workflows, consider how to automate sales prospecting.

Save time on repetitive tasks by using the connect Google Sheets integration. Let Bardeen help you focus on key actions while it automates routine work.

Integrating Asana with YouTube offers numerous creative possibilities for enhancing collaboration and streamlining workflows. Thanks for sticking with us through this article! We hope you're now inspired to try out some of these use cases in your own projects.


Integrating Asana with YouTube is crucial for teams looking to optimize their project management and collaboration.

In this guide, you discovered:

  • The benefits of connecting Asana and YouTube, including improved context, collaboration, time savings, and centralized resources.
  • A step-by-step guide on how to integrate Asana and YouTube using Bardeen's automation platform.
  • Creative use cases for leveraging the integration, such as team training, product demos, creative briefs, and video engagement tracking.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to take your projects to the next level by combining Asana and YouTube! Consider also how you can automate sales prospecting to further boost your efficiency.

Automation is simple.
Just describe your task in words

Type what you want to automate in the Magic Box, then watch Bardeen create its plan - called a playbook.
No coding required.


How can I create an Asana task from YouTube channel info?

You can use Bardeen to automate the process of creating Asana tasks from YouTube channel info. For example, using the playbook 'Create Asana task from Youtube channel about info page,' you can quickly extract relevant information from a YouTube channel and turn it into a task in Asana, helping you stay on top of your content planning and collaboration.

Can I create Asana tasks from other social media profiles?

Yes, Bardeen offers various playbooks that allow you to create Asana tasks from other social media profiles. For instance, you can use 'Create an Asana task from a TikTok profile' or 'Enrich TikTok links and create Asana tasks.' These automations help you gather and organize content across different platforms efficiently.

What types of tasks can I automate between Asana and YouTube?

You can automate a variety of tasks between Asana and YouTube, such as creating tasks from YouTube channel info, saving labeled emails to Asana, including attachments stored on Google Drive, and even creating Asana tasks from screenshots of web pages periodically using Google Drive. These automations streamline your workflow and keep your team organized.

How much does Bardeen cost?

Bardeen offers a tiered pricing model. The free version covers certain non-premium functionalities. The paid version, which costs $20/month at the time of writing, provides full access, including premium integrations and the ability to run automations on the cloud 24/7. This allows you to leverage the full potential of Bardeen’s automation capabilities.