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Airtable with Jira

Integrate Airtable and Jira to automate your workflows. Use Bardeen's AI Agent to handle tasks with simple language commands. No coding skills required.

How to integrate Airtable with Jira?

We're Bardeen, we build an AI Agent that does your repetitive work tasks. Companies like Deel and Casafari, use Bardeen connect apps like Airtable and Jira together to save time and increase productivity.

Airtable and Jira are two powerful tools used by teams worldwide. However, manually transferring data between them can be time-consuming and error-prone. Did you know that 83% of employees feel they waste time on tedious data entry tasks? Integrating Airtable and Jira can help you reclaim that time and boost productivity.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the step-by-step process of connecting Airtable and Jira, both manually and using AI-powered automation tools like Bardeen. You'll learn how to sync records, customize field mappings, and set up filters to keep your data clean and consistent. By the end, you'll be able to seamlessly connect these two tools and streamline your workflow. Let's dive in and discover how you can save hours each week by mastering the art of Airtable-Jira integration!

Benefits of Integrating Airtable and Jira

Integrating Airtable and Jira brings numerous advantages to teams working on projects. By connecting these powerful tools, you can improve data visibility, enhance collaboration, and streamline workflows. Let's explore the key benefits of integrating Airtable and Jira.

1. Improved Data Visibility and Collaboration

When you integrate Airtable and Jira, you break down data silos and enable seamless information sharing between teams. Project managers can easily track progress, identify bottlenecks, and ensure everyone is on the same page. For example, a marketing team using Airtable can sync campaign data with Jira, allowing the development team to prioritize tasks based on real-time insights. You can also connect Google Sheets to further enhance data management.

2. Consistent and Synchronized Data

Syncing Airtable records with Jira issues ensures that data remains consistent across both platforms. No more manual updates or discrepancies between tools. When a record is updated in Airtable, the corresponding Jira issue is automatically updated, saving time and reducing errors. This is particularly useful for cross-functional teams working on complex projects.

3. Automated Data Transfer and Time Savings

Integrating Airtable and Jira automates data transfer between the two tools, eliminating manual data entry and reducing the risk of human error. This automation saves valuable time that can be better spent on high-value tasks. Imagine a customer support team using Airtable to track customer inquiries. By integrating with Jira, they can automatically create issues for the development team to address, streamlining the resolution process. To further streamline these tasks, consider using automated sales prospecting tools to manage leads efficiently.

4. Customizable Field Mappings

The Airtable-Jira integration allows you to customize field mappings to match data between the two tools. This flexibility ensures that the right information is captured and synced accurately. For instance, you can map custom fields in Airtable to specific Jira issue fields, enabling seamless data flow and maintaining data integrity.

Integrating Airtable and Jira unlocks a world of possibilities for efficient project management and collaboration. By leveraging the strengths of both tools, teams can work smarter, not harder.

In the next section of this guide, we'll dive into the basics of setting up the Airtable-Jira integration. You'll learn everything you need to know to get started and harness the power of these tools together.

Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up the Airtable-Jira Integration

Setting up the Airtable-Jira integration is a straightforward process that enables seamless data synchronization between the two platforms. By following a few simple steps, you can connect your Airtable base with Jira, ensuring that your team has access to the most up-to-date information. Let's dive into the setup process and explore the key considerations along the way.

1. Step-by-Step Walkthrough

To set up the Airtable-Jira integration, start by navigating to your Airtable base and clicking on the "Sync" button. From there, select "Jira" as your integration option and follow the prompts to connect your Jira account. You'll need to provide your Jira credentials and grant the necessary permissions for Airtable to access your Jira data.

Once the connection is established, you can choose which Airtable table you want to sync with Jira. Map the relevant fields between the two platforms to ensure that data is accurately transferred. Finally, configure any filters or conditions to control which records are synced.

2. Required Permissions

To configure the Airtable-Jira integration, you'll need certain permissions in both tools. In Airtable, you must have creator permissions for the base where you're setting up the sync. This allows you to manage the integration and make any necessary changes.

On the Jira side, the user who connects the integration must have sufficient permissions to access the relevant projects, issues, and filters. It's essential to ensure that the Jira user has the appropriate level of access to avoid any sync errors or limitations.

3. Understanding Key Terms

When setting up the Airtable-Jira integration, it's important to understand some key terms. An Airtable base represents a single database, while a table is a specific collection of records within that base. In Jira, issues are the individual work items or tasks that your team is tracking.

Jira also uses issue types to categorize different kinds of work, such as bugs, features, or tasks. Familiarizing yourself with these terms will help you navigate the setup process more effectively and ensure that your data is properly mapped between the two platforms.

4. Visual Guidance with Screenshots

To make the setup process even clearer, we've included screenshots that guide you through each step. These visuals provide a concrete reference point, making it easier to follow along and ensure that you're configuring the integration correctly.

From the initial connection screen to the field mapping interface, the screenshots highlight the key elements and settings you'll encounter during the setup process. Refer to these images as you progress through each stage to confirm that you're on the right track.

Setting up the Airtable-Jira integration empowers your team to collaborate more effectively and streamline workflows across both platforms. With a few simple steps, you can establish a reliable data sync that keeps everyone on the same page. If you also need to integrate Google Drive with other apps, Bardeen can help automate file management.

Looking for an easy way to manage your data sync between Airtable and Jira? Check out Bardeen to automate repetitive tasks and save your team valuable time.

In the next section, we'll explore the intricacies of configuring field mappings and filters to fine-tune your Airtable-Jira integration and ensure that your data remains clean and accurate.

Fine-Tuning Your Airtable-Jira Integration with Field Mappings and Filters

Configuring field mappings and filters is a crucial step in setting up a seamless Airtable-Jira integration. By mapping fields between the two platforms and setting up filters to control which records are synced, you can ensure that the right data is transferred accurately and efficiently. Let's explore how to optimize your integration by fine-tuning these settings.

1. Mapping Airtable Fields to Jira Issue Fields

To ensure that data is correctly transferred between Airtable and Jira, you need to map the fields in your Airtable table to the corresponding fields in Jira issues. This process involves matching each Airtable field with its Jira counterpart, such as mapping an Airtable "Description" field to the Jira "Description" field. If you use Excel, connect Microsoft Excel to streamline your data workflows.

When mapping fields, consider the data types and formats used in both platforms. Airtable supports various field types, such as text, number, date, and checkbox, while Jira has its own set of field types. Ensure that the mapped fields are compatible to avoid any data discrepancies.

2. Syncing Different Jira Issue Types

Jira uses issue types to categorize and differentiate various types of work items, such as bugs, tasks, features, or epics. When setting up your Airtable-Jira integration, you can choose which issue types you want to sync with your Airtable records.

For example, if you have an Airtable table tracking product features, you may want to sync those records with Jira issues of type "Feature." By selecting the appropriate issue types, you can maintain a clear distinction between different types of work and ensure that the synced data aligns with your workflow.

3. Setting Up Filters in Airtable

Filters in Airtable allow you to control which records are synced with Jira. By setting up filters based on specific criteria, you can ensure that only relevant data is transferred, keeping your integration focused and clutter-free.

For instance, you might want to sync only records with a certain status or priority level. By creating a filter in Airtable that matches those conditions, you can automatically sync records that meet the specified criteria, while excluding others that don't.

4. Best Practices for Clean Data

To maintain the integrity and usefulness of your synced data, it's essential to follow best practices when configuring field mappings and filters. Here are a few tips:

  • Regularly review and update field mappings to ensure they remain accurate and relevant.
  • Use clear and consistent naming conventions for fields in both Airtable and Jira.
  • Avoid syncing unnecessary or redundant data by carefully selecting the fields to map.
  • Test your filters thoroughly to confirm they are capturing the intended records.

By implementing these best practices, you can keep your synced data clean, organized, and reliable, enabling better collaboration and decision-making.

Configuring field mappings and filters is a vital aspect of fine-tuning your Airtable-Jira integration. By taking the time to set up these elements correctly, you can ensure a smooth and effective data sync between the two platforms.

Thanks for sticking with us through this in-depth exploration of Airtable-Jira integration! We hope you're now well-equipped to tackle the setup process and reap the benefits of a seamless connection between these powerful tools. Remember, practice makes perfect, so don't be afraid to experiment and refine your integration over time.


Integrating Airtable and Jira is crucial for teams looking to optimize their workflow and improve collaboration. You can also connect Google Docs for better collaboration.

In this guide, you discovered:

  • The benefits of connecting Airtable and Jira, such as improved data visibility, consistent information, and automated data transfer.
  • How to set up the Airtable-Jira integration, including the necessary permissions and key terms to understand.
  • Configuring field mappings and filters to ensure clean data and efficient synchronization between the two platforms.

By mastering the art of integrating Airtable with Jira, you'll save time, reduce errors, and keep your team in sync. Don't let inefficient data management hold you back from success! Learn more about automating data management.

Automate your tasks and focus on important work with Bardeen. Try our automation playbooks to enrich and qualify leads more effectively.

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What automations can I create with the Airtable and Jira integration?

With Bardeen, you can create various automations such as copying all Jira issues to Airtable, adding a row to Airtable when a Jira issue is added, and creating a Jira issue directly from Airtable. These automations help you keep data synchronized between the two platforms, saving you time and reducing manual entry.

How do I get started with the Airtable and Jira integration?

To get started, install the Bardeen browser extension and connect your Airtable and Jira accounts. You can then choose from pre-built playbooks like 'Copy all Jira issues to Airtable' or create your own custom automations. This will help you manage projects and tasks efficiently by having all your information in one place.

Can I share my Airtable and Jira automations with my team?

Yes, you can share your automations with your team. Bardeen allows you to share playbooks with an unlimited number of teammates. This is useful for teams collaborating on projects and needing consistent data across both Airtable and Jira.

How much does it cost to integrate Airtable and Jira using Bardeen?

Bardeen offers a free plan that allows unlimited non-premium automations. For access to premium features, including 'always-on' automations, the paid plan is available at $20/month. You can start with the free plan and upgrade as needed.