How to Send LinkedIn Messages That Get Replies

October 15, 2024
Raz Popescu
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Sending effective LinkedIn messages can make or break your networking efforts. In a world where 80% of professionals consider networking important to career success, mastering this skill is crucial. But crafting messages that grab attention and elicit responses isn't always easy. That's where this guide comes in.

We'll walk you through the key elements of a compelling LinkedIn message, from crafting eye-catching subject lines to leveraging social proof. You'll also discover how AI tools like Bardeen can streamline the process. By the end, you'll have a proven formula for connecting with potential clients, partners, and mentors on LinkedIn. Ready to take your networking game to the next level?

The 3 Most Important Elements of an Effective LinkedIn Message

Sending a LinkedIn message that gets a response requires including key elements that grab the recipient's attention and make them want to engage. Personalizing the message, clearly articulating the value for them, and ending with a specific call-to-action will significantly boost your chances of getting a reply.

1. Personalize the Message

Take a moment to review the person's profile and mention something specific that caught your attention. Address them by name in the message.

For example: "Hi John, I noticed from your profile that you have extensive experience in content marketing strategy, which is an area I'm looking to grow my skills in."

2. Communicate the Value for Them

Get to the point quickly about why you're reaching out and what's in it for them. Perhaps you have insights to share from your experience, or there may be an opportunity for collaboration.

Be specific about the value you bring to the table. Maybe it's an article you wrote that's relevant to their work, or an event you think they'd be interested in attending.

3. End With a Clear Call-to-Action

Close your message with a specific request and make it easy for them to take the next step. This could be asking to schedule a quick call to discuss further or requesting their feedback on something.

Avoid vague phrases like \"Let me know if you'd like to connect sometime!\" Be direct and ask for what you want, such as \"Are you available for a 15-minute call next Wednesday between 2-4pm? I'd love to get your advice on X.\"

By crafting your LinkedIn messages with these three elements, you'll have a much better chance of sparking a conversation and ultimately achieving your goal, whether that's seeking advice, making an introduction, or exploring opportunities. Consider using a LinkedIn message generator to streamline this process.

In the next section, we'll dive into best practices for crafting compelling message subject lines that inspire opens and responses.

Crafting a Compelling Message Subject Line

The subject line is the first thing a recipient sees in their inbox, so it's crucial to make it attention-grabbing and enticing. A well-crafted subject line can mean the difference between your message being opened or sent straight to the trash folder.

1. Keep It Short and Sweet

Aim for a subject line that's around 5-7 words. Anything longer risks being cut off, especially on mobile devices. Keep it concise while still conveying the main point of your message.

For example, instead of "Introducing our new line of eco-friendly cleaning products", try "New: Eco-Friendly Cleaning Line". It's shorter but still gets the message across.

2. Spark Their Curiosity

Hint at the value you'll provide in the message without giving everything away in the subject line. Leave them wanting to know more so they're compelled to open the message.

Try something like "Quick question about [their recent post or project]" or "[Name], I found something you'll love". These create intrigue without being too vague.

3. Use Action-Oriented Language

Start your subject line with a strong verb that encourages them to take action. Words like "join", "discover", "take", "get", etc. create a sense of urgency and excitement.

"Take your marketing to the next level" or "Join us for an exclusive webinar" are good examples. Just avoid anything that sounds too salesy or spammy.

4. Add a Personal Touch

Whenever possible, include the recipient's name or company in the subject line. Personalization helps your message stand out and shows you've done your research.

Something like "[Name], quick question for you" or "Loved your insights on [topic], [Name]" adds a human element that generic subject lines lack.

By applying these tips, you'll be well on your way to crafting LinkedIn message subject lines that boost your open rates. Keep your subject line concise, intriguing, actionable, and personal to compel recipients to open and read your messages.

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Now that you know how to write a good LinkedIn message subject line, let's explore how leveraging social proof in the message body can further increase your response rates.

Leveraging Social Proof to Boost Your LinkedIn Message Response Rates

Social proof is a powerful tool for building trust and credibility with new connections on LinkedIn. By referencing mutual contacts, shared experiences, or your engagement with their content, you show that you've done your research and have a genuine reason for reaching out.

1. Reference a Mutual Connection

When you mention a shared contact in your LinkedIn message, it instantly establishes a sense of familiarity and trust. The recipient is more likely to respond positively when they see that you have a connection in common.

For example, you could say something like, "I noticed that we both know John Smith from ABC Company. He spoke highly of your work in the marketing industry, and I'd love to learn more about your experience."

2. Highlight Shared Interests or Experiences

Discovering that you have something in common with your prospect, such as attending the same university or being involved in similar industries, creates an instant bond. Mentioning these shared experiences shows that you've taken the time to review their profile and find a meaningful point of connection.

You might say, "I see that you also graduated from XYZ University. I have fond memories of my time there and would love to hear about your experience and how it has shaped your career path."

3. Showcase Your Engagement with Their Content

If the person you're contacting has published articles, posts, or other content on LinkedIn, referencing your engagement with their work is a great way to start a conversation. It demonstrates that you value their insights and have a genuine interest in connecting.

Try opening with something like, "I recently came across your article on the future of AI in healthcare and found it incredibly insightful. I particularly appreciated your point about the importance of ethical considerations in AI development. I'd love to discuss this further with you and learn more about your perspective on the topic."

By leveraging social proof in your LinkedIn messages, you can increase the likelihood of receiving a response and building meaningful connections. Remember, people are more likely to engage with those who have taken the time to research and find common ground. Consider using tools to automate sales prospecting and enhance your efforts.

You've made it this far in the guide, which means you're well on your way to becoming a LinkedIn messaging pro! In the next section, we'll explore how to keep the conversation going and build long-lasting relationships through effective follow-up strategies.

Persistence Pays Off: Following Up on LinkedIn Messages for Maximum Impact

Following up on your LinkedIn messages is crucial for building and maintaining professional relationships. While it can be disheartening when you don't receive a response, persistence and a thoughtful follow-up strategy can make all the difference. By sending well-timed, personalized follow-ups, you demonstrate your commitment to the conversation and increase the likelihood of a positive outcome.

1. Don't Give Up After One Message

It's common for people to miss or overlook messages. If you don't receive a response to your initial message, don't assume the person is ignoring you. Instead, give them the benefit of the doubt and send a friendly follow-up after a week or two.

For example, you might say, "Hi [Name], I hope you're doing well. I wanted to check in and see if you had a chance to review my previous message about [topic]. I'd love to hear your thoughts when you have a moment."

2. Provide Ongoing Value

Once you've connected with someone on LinkedIn, look for opportunities to nurture the relationship by providing ongoing value. Share relevant articles, insights, or resources that align with their interests or professional goals. By consistently offering value, you position yourself as a helpful and knowledgeable connection.

You might say, "Hi [Name], I came across this article on [topic] and thought of our previous discussion. I found the insights on [specific point] particularly interesting. Let me know if you'd like to discuss further!"

3. Suggest Moving the Conversation Offline

After a few meaningful exchanges on LinkedIn, consider suggesting a phone call or in-person meeting to deepen the relationship. This shows your commitment to building a genuine connection and allows for more personal interaction.

You could say, "Hi [Name], I've enjoyed our recent conversations on LinkedIn. Would you be interested in grabbing a coffee or scheduling a quick call to discuss [topic] in more detail? I'd love to learn more about your experiences and explore potential collaborations."

By following these strategies, you can effectively follow up on your LinkedIn messages and build strong, mutually beneficial relationships. Remember, persistence and providing value are key to making a lasting impression and achieving your professional goals.

Bardeen can help you make LinkedIn message follow-ups easy. Save time and focus on building relationships while letting automation handle the rest.

Congratulations on making it this far! Your dedication to mastering LinkedIn messaging is impressive. In the next section, we'll tie everything together and ensure you're fully equipped to send LinkedIn messages that get results. After all, you wouldn't want your newfound knowledge to go to waste, would you?


Mastering the art of sending LinkedIn messages that get replies is crucial for building valuable professional relationships. In this guide, you discovered:

  • The 3 essential elements of an effective LinkedIn message: personalization, value proposition, and a clear call-to-action.
  • How to craft compelling message subject lines that pique curiosity and encourage opens.
  • The power of leveraging social proof, such as mutual connections and shared interests, to build rapport.
  • Strategies for following up and nurturing relationships through persistent, value-driven communication.

By implementing these techniques, you'll be well on your way to sending LinkedIn messages that get noticed and generate meaningful responses. Don't let your networking efforts go to waste - start crafting irresistible LinkedIn messages today!

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