How to Message on LinkedIn: Strategies for Success

October 15, 2024
Jason Gong
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Research profiles, personalize messages, and send connection requests on LinkedIn.

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Connecting with top talent on LinkedIn can be a game-changer for your recruitment efforts. With over 900 million users, LinkedIn offers a vast pool of potential candidates. However, crafting effective messages that grab their attention and inspire them to respond is crucial.

In this guide, you'll discover proven strategies to personalize your outreach, leverage InMail, and nurture relationships. Plus, we'll explore how AI-powered tools like Bardeen can streamline your messaging process. Get ready to take your LinkedIn candidate messaging skills to the next level and build a pipeline of exceptional talent!

Crafting Personalized Connection Requests

Personalizing your LinkedIn connection requests is key to increasing acceptance rates and building genuine relationships. By tailoring each message to the recipient, you demonstrate that you've taken the time to learn about their background and interests.

To craft an effective personalized request:

Research the Recipient's Profile

Thoroughly review their profile, noting common interests, shared connections, or recent posts that resonated with you. This information will serve as talking points in your message.

Write a Concise and Engaging Message

In 2-3 sentences, explain how you discovered their profile, what impressed you, and why you'd like to connect. Keep it brief but specific, highlighting the value of connecting.

For example: "Hi [Name], I came across your profile through our mutual connection, [Name]. Your recent post on [topic] resonated with me. I'd love to connect and learn more about your insights in [industry]."

Use tools like Bardeen's AI Message Generator to save time while crafting personalized messages.

Optimize Character Count

LinkedIn connection messages have a 300-character limit, so make every word count. Aim for around 200-250 characters to maintain clarity and engagement.

When reaching out to candidates, tailor your message to their specific role and experience. Mention a project or skill that caught your attention, and express your interest in discussing potential opportunities that align with their background.

By personalizing each LinkedIn connection request, you'll foster meaningful professional relationships and expand your network with like-minded individuals in your industry.

In the next section, we'll explore how to integrate LinkedIn effectively for direct candidate outreach, providing tips and templates to help you craft compelling messages that get responses.

Leveraging LinkedIn InMail for Direct Outreach

LinkedIn InMail is a powerful tool for recruiters and salespeople to directly reach out to potential candidates or clients. By crafting compelling messages and leveraging InMail's unique features, you can improve your chances of getting a response and starting a meaningful conversation.

To make the most of your InMail outreach:

Understand the Benefits of InMail

InMail allows you to send private messages to LinkedIn members you're not connected with, making it an excellent tool for direct outreach. Recipients are more likely to read and respond to InMails because they appear in a separate, less cluttered inbox.

When deciding how to message candidates on LinkedIn, consider using InMail for its higher open and response rates compared to traditional email. You might also explore cold outreach strategies to enhance your approach.

Craft Compelling Subject Lines

Your InMail subject line is crucial for grabbing the recipient's attention and encouraging them to open your message. Keep it concise, personalized, and intriguing.

For example, instead of a generic "Job Opportunity," try something like "Impressed by Your Experience at [Company]" or "Seeking Your Expertise in [Skill]." These subject lines show that you've researched the candidate and have a specific reason for reaching out.

Structure Your Message for Impact

When crafting your InMail, start with a personalized greeting and quickly establish why you're reaching out. Mention something specific about the recipient's background or experience that caught your attention and explain how it aligns with the opportunity you're presenting.

Keep your message concise and focused, highlighting the key details and value proposition. Use short paragraphs, bullet points, or numbered lists to make your message easy to read and digest.

End with a clear call-to-action, such as requesting a brief phone call or asking for their availability to discuss further.

Time Your InMails Strategically

Timing and frequency play a significant role in the success of your InMail outreach. Avoid sending messages during weekends or outside of business hours, as they may get buried in the recipient's inbox.

Aim to send your InMails on weekdays, particularly between Tuesday and Thursday, when people are more likely to be actively checking their messages. Space out your follow-ups to avoid appearing spammy, and always provide value in each interaction.

By understanding the benefits of LinkedIn InMail, crafting compelling subject lines, structuring your messages for impact, and timing your outreach strategically, you can effectively leverage this tool for direct candidate or client outreach.

Discover how you can automate outreach with helpful tools like Bardeen. Save time and focus more on building genuine connections with potential clients.

Mastering LinkedIn InMail is just one piece of the puzzle. In the next section, you'll discover the art of engaging in meaningful conversations that build rapport and create opportunities.

Engaging in Meaningful Conversations

To effectively message candidates on LinkedIn, it's crucial to focus on initiating meaningful conversations rather than solely promoting products or services. By asking open-ended questions, actively listening, and demonstrating genuine interest in the other person's experiences and perspectives, you can build rapport and establish trust, paving the way for potential business opportunities.

Prioritize Dialogue Over Promotion

When reaching out to potential candidates on LinkedIn, resist the urge to immediately pitch your products or services. Instead, aim to engage them in a dialogue that showcases your genuine interest in their experiences, challenges, and goals.

For example, rather than launching into a sales pitch, you could ask, "I noticed you recently transitioned into a new role. What inspired you to make that change, and how has the experience been so far?" This approach encourages the candidate to share their story, providing valuable insights into their motivations and aspirations.

Craft Open-Ended Questions

To encourage dialogue and build rapport, ask open-ended questions that require more than a simple "yes" or "no" response. These questions should prompt the candidate to share their thoughts, experiences, and perspectives, allowing you to gain a deeper understanding of their needs and challenges.

Some examples of open-ended questions include:

  • "What are some of the biggest challenges you face in your current role, and how are you working to overcome them?"
  • "How do you envision your career progressing over the next few years, and what skills or experiences do you believe will be most valuable in achieving those goals?"

Listen Actively and Demonstrate Interest

When engaging in conversations with potential candidates, practice active listening. Pay close attention to their responses, ask follow-up questions, and demonstrate genuine interest in their experiences and perspectives. By showing that you value their insights, you create a more meaningful connection and establish trust.

For instance, if a candidate shares a particularly challenging project they worked on, you could respond with, "That sounds like a complex situation. How did you approach the problem, and what lessons did you learn from the experience?" This demonstrates your interest in their story and encourages them to share more.

Transition Naturally Towards Business Opportunities

As you build rapport and establish trust through meaningful conversations, look for natural opportunities to introduce relevant business topics. However, be cautious not to force the conversation or come across as overly salesy.

For example, if a candidate expresses frustration with their current tools or processes, you could share a brief anecdote about how your company helped a similar client overcome comparable challenges. This opens the door to further discussion without being pushy.

Remember, the goal is to position yourself as a knowledgeable resource and trusted advisor, not just another salesperson. By focusing on the candidate's needs and challenges, you can naturally guide the conversation towards potential solutions and opportunities.

Engaging in meaningful conversations on LinkedIn requires a shift in mindset from promotion to dialogue. By prioritizing open-ended questions, active listening, and genuine interest, you can build stronger relationships with potential candidates and create opportunities for mutually beneficial partnerships.

You've mastered the art of meaningful conversations on LinkedIn! In the next section, we'll explore the secrets to nurturing those relationships through consistent engagement. Get ready to take your LinkedIn game to the next level!

Nurturing Relationships Through Consistent Engagement

Nurturing relationships on LinkedIn is essential for long-term success. By consistently engaging with your connections, sharing relevant content, and offering support, you can stay top-of-mind and build trust. Setting reminders to follow up periodically helps maintain these relationships, while providing value without expecting anything in return demonstrates your genuine interest in their success.

The Importance of Ongoing Engagement

Nurturing relationships on LinkedIn is crucial for building a strong network and creating opportunities for collaboration and growth. By consistently engaging with your connections, you demonstrate your commitment to maintaining and strengthening those relationships over time.

For example, if you've recently connected with a potential client, don't let the conversation fade away after the initial interaction. Instead, make an effort to engage with their content, share relevant articles or insights, and check in periodically to see how they're doing. This ongoing engagement helps keep you top-of-mind and establishes you as a valuable resource and trusted partner.

Stay Top-of-Mind with Relevant Content

One effective way to nurture relationships on LinkedIn is by sharing content that is relevant and valuable to your connections. This could include industry news, thought leadership pieces, or even personal updates and achievements.

For instance, if you come across an article that discusses a challenge or opportunity that one of your connections has mentioned, share it with them along with a brief note explaining why you thought they might find it interesting. This simple act shows that you're paying attention to their needs and interests, and helps keep the conversation going.

Set Reminders for Periodic Follow-Ups

It's easy to let relationships fall by the wayside when you're busy with day-to-day responsibilities. To ensure that you're consistently nurturing your LinkedIn connections, set reminders to follow up with key contacts periodically.

You might choose to check in once a quarter, on birthdays or work anniversaries, or whenever a significant event or milestone occurs. By proactively reaching out and showing your support, you demonstrate that the relationship is important to you and that you value their success.

Provide Value Without Expecting Returns

One of the most important aspects of nurturing relationships on LinkedIn is providing value without expecting anything in return. This means offering your support, advice, or resources simply because you want to help, not because you're hoping to gain something from the interaction.

For example, if a connection posts about a challenge they're facing at work, offer to introduce them to someone in your network who might be able to help, or share a resource that you've found useful in similar situations. By giving freely and generously, you build trust and establish yourself as someone who is genuinely invested in the success of others. Consider using LinkedIn profile enrichment tools to stay informed about your connections' latest updates.

Using tools like automate sales prospecting can save you time and ensure you focus on engaging with key contacts effectively.

Nurturing relationships on LinkedIn requires consistent effort and a genuine desire to support and engage with your connections. By staying top-of-mind, providing value, and following up regularly, you can build strong, mutually beneficial relationships that last.

Phew, you've made it this far! Give yourself a pat on the back for being such a dedicated reader. Just remember, if you don't put these relationship-nurturing strategies into action, you might find yourself talking to crickets on LinkedIn. 🦗😂


Mastering the art of messaging on LinkedIn is crucial for building meaningful professional relationships and achieving your career goals. In this guide, you discovered:

  • Personalizing connection requests to increase acceptance rates
  • Leveraging LinkedIn InMail for direct outreach
  • Engaging in meaningful conversations that build rapport
  • Nurturing relationships through consistent engagement

Don't let your LinkedIn messages go unnoticed - put these strategies into action and watch your network grow! 🚀 Consider using tools that automate sales prospecting to enhance your LinkedIn outreach.

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