How to Manage Remote Sales Teams: Proven Tips

September 4, 2024
Jason Gong
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Set clear goals and use the right tech for remote sales teams.

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Managing a remote sales team is no easy feat - 67% of sales managers find it more challenging than expected. But fear not! This comprehensive guide will equip you with proven strategies to effectively lead your remote sales force to success. From setting clear goals and implementing the right tech stack, to maintaining regular communication and providing continuous coaching, we've got you covered:

  • Establishing clear communication channels
  • Setting goals and tracking performance
  • Providing the right tools and resources
  • Fostering a positive team culture
  • Offering ongoing training and development

Plus, discover how AI agents like Bardeen can automate repetitive tasks and streamline your processes. Ready to take your remote sales management skills to the next level and close more deals than ever before? Let's dive in!

Setting Clear Goals and Expectations for Your Remote Sales Team

When managing a remote sales team, it's crucial to establish clear goals, detailed processes, and open communication channels. Defining team-wide and individual sales quotas, outlining standard operating procedures, and setting expectations for regular check-ins between managers and reps helps ensure everyone is on the same page. Additionally, identifying key performance indicators allows you to track the team's success and make data-driven decisions.

1. Define Team and Individual Sales Quotas

Start by setting achievable sales goals for the entire remote team, taking into account factors such as market conditions, historical performance, and growth targets. Then, break these down into individual quotas for each rep based on their experience, skills, and territory. For example, a software company might aim to increase annual recurring revenue by 30% and assign higher quotas to senior reps in high-potential regions.

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Regularly review and adjust these targets as needed to ensure they remain challenging yet attainable. Communicate any changes clearly to the team and provide support to help them meet their goals.

2. Establish Standard Operating Procedures

Create detailed SOPs that outline the steps involved in your remote sales process, from prospecting and lead qualification to closing deals and customer onboarding. These guidelines should include best practices for each stage, such as criteria for ideal customer profiles, email and call scripts, and demo workflows. Tools for AI sales automation can help streamline these processes.

Having standardized processes in place helps maintain consistency and quality across the team, even when working remotely. It also makes it easier to train new hires and identify areas for improvement.

3. Set Communication Expectations

Effective communication is essential for remote sales teams. Set clear expectations for how often reps should check in with their manager, whether through daily stand-up meetings, weekly one-on-ones, or regular progress reports. Establish preferred channels for different types of communication, such as video calls for pipeline reviews and instant messaging for quick questions.

Encourage open dialogue and feedback to foster trust and collaboration within the team. Create opportunities for reps to share their successes, challenges, and ideas for improvement during team meetings or virtual coffee chats.

4. Define Key Performance Indicators

Identify the metrics that matter most for your remote sales team's success, such as revenue generated, conversion rates, average deal size, and customer acquisition costs. Set targets for each KPI and track progress regularly using your CRM and other sales tools.

Monitoring these indicators helps you gauge the team's performance, identify top performers, and spot potential issues early on. Share these insights with the team and use them to inform coaching and strategy sessions.

By setting clear goals, processes, and expectations, you create a strong foundation for your remote sales team to thrive. Regularly communicating these standards and tracking progress against key metrics helps keep everyone aligned and motivated towards success.

Clear goals, processes, and communication are essential for managing a high-performing remote sales team.

In the next section, discover how implementing the right technology stack can further support your team's success.

Implementing the Right Technology Stack for Remote Sales Management

Managing a remote sales team requires investing in the right technology stack to track sales activities, facilitate team communication, automate tasks, and provide ongoing training. A robust CRM system is essential for monitoring pipeline progress and managing customer relationships, while video conferencing and instant messaging tools enable regular team collaboration. Sales engagement platforms can automate tasks, and a learning management system supports continuous professional development.

1. Utilize a Robust CRM System

A comprehensive CRM system is the backbone of any successful remote sales operation. It allows managers to track all sales activities, monitor pipeline progress, and gain valuable insights into team performance. For example, a SaaS company using Salesforce can easily view each rep's deal pipeline, identify bottlenecks, and forecast revenue based on real-time data.

When selecting a CRM, consider features such as customizable dashboards, mobile access, and integration with other tools in your tech stack. This will ensure that your remote sales team can effectively manage their accounts and collaborate seamlessly from anywhere.

2. Leverage Video Conferencing and Instant Messaging

Regular communication is crucial for keeping remote sales teams aligned and engaged. Video conferencing tools like Zoom or Google Meet allow reps to connect face-to-face with their managers and colleagues, fostering a sense of camaraderie despite the physical distance. Use these platforms for weekly team meetings, pipeline reviews, and one-on-one coaching sessions.

Instant messaging apps like Slack or Microsoft Teams complement video calls by enabling quick, informal conversations throughout the day. Create dedicated channels for different topics, such as building prospect lists or competitive intelligence, to encourage knowledge sharing and collaboration among reps.

3. Implement Sales Engagement Platforms

Sales engagement platforms can significantly boost the productivity of remote sales teams by automating repetitive tasks and providing valuable insights into prospect behavior. Tools like Outreach or SalesLoft allow reps to create personalized email sequences, schedule follow-up tasks, and track engagement metrics from a single dashboard.

By streamlining outreach efforts, these platforms enable reps to focus on high-value activities like building relationships and closing deals. Additionally, managers can use the data generated by sales intelligence tools to identify best practices and coach reps on areas for improvement.

4. Invest in a Learning Management System

Continuous learning and development are essential for keeping remote sales teams sharp and adaptable. A learning management system (LMS) provides a centralized platform for delivering onboarding programs, product training, and sales skills workshops.

With an LMS like Lessonly or Docebo, managers can create interactive courses, assign learning paths based on each rep's needs, and track completion rates. This ensures that all team members have access to the knowledge and resources they need to succeed, regardless of their location or experience level.

The right technology stack empowers remote sales teams to stay connected, productive, and continuously improving.

In the next section, discover strategies for maintaining regular communication and collaboration among your remote sales reps.

Maintaining Regular Communication and Collaboration with Remote Sales Reps

Effective communication and collaboration are essential for managing a remote sales team. Scheduling regular team meetings, creating informal communication channels, encouraging knowledge sharing, and hosting virtual events help keep reps engaged and aligned. For example, a software company may hold daily stand-ups via video call to discuss pipeline updates and weekly 1:1s between managers and reps to provide coaching and feedback. Establishing a dedicated Slack channel for sharing success stories and best practices fosters a sense of camaraderie and continuous learning among the team.

1. Schedule Daily Stand-ups and Weekly 1:1s

Implementing a consistent meeting cadence is crucial for keeping remote sales teams connected and informed. Daily team stand-ups, typically 15-30 minutes long, provide an opportunity for reps to share updates on their pipeline, discuss any challenges they're facing, and align on priorities for the day. These brief check-ins help maintain transparency and accountability across the team.

In addition to daily stand-ups, managers should schedule weekly 1:1 meetings with each rep. These individualized sessions, usually lasting 30-60 minutes, allow for deeper discussions on performance, goal progress, and professional development. Managers can use this time to provide targeted coaching, offer feedback on specific deals, and address any concerns the rep may have. Regular 1:1s help build trust and ensure that each team member receives the support they need to succeed in their role.

2. Foster Informal Communication and Team Building

While structured meetings are important, creating opportunities for informal communication and team building is equally vital for maintaining morale and fostering a sense of belonging among remote sales reps. Encourage the use of non-work-related communication channels, such as a dedicated Slack channel or virtual water cooler, where team members can share personal updates, engage in friendly banter, and bond over common interests.

Boost your team’s morale by organizing virtual team-building activities regularly. Bardeen makes it easy to plan and manage these events.

To further strengthen relationships and build camaraderie, consider organizing virtual team-building activities on a regular basis. This could include online games, trivia contests, or even a virtual happy hour where reps can socialize and unwind together. By creating a positive and supportive team culture, you'll help combat feelings of isolation and keep reps motivated and engaged in their work.

3. Encourage Knowledge Sharing and Best Practice Discussions

Remote sales teams can benefit greatly from regularly sharing knowledge, success stories, and lessons learned. Encourage reps to contribute to a shared repository of best practices, such as a Google Drive folder or a dedicated channel in your team collaboration tool. This could include examples of effective email templates, call scripts, objection handling techniques, or closing strategies that have proven successful.

During team meetings or dedicated training sessions, allocate time for reps to share their recent wins and discuss the tactics they employed to achieve those results. Celebrating successes and learning from each other's experiences helps foster a culture of continuous improvement and keeps the team motivated and inspired.

4. Host Virtual Sales Kickoffs and Quarterly Business Reviews

To maintain alignment and momentum throughout the year, consider hosting virtual sales kickoffs, quarterly business reviews, and other team-wide events. A virtual sales kickoff at the beginning of each fiscal year or quarter is an opportunity to recap the previous period's performance, set new goals and priorities, and generate excitement for the upcoming initiatives.

Quarterly business reviews provide a forum for the team to reflect on their progress, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions to optimize their sales strategies. These events also serve as a platform to recognize top performers, share customer success stories, and reinforce the team's mission and values.

By maintaining regular communication, fostering collaboration, and hosting engaging virtual events, you can keep your remote sales team aligned, motivated, and performing at their best.

In the next section, we'll explore how providing continuous coaching, feedback, and recognition can further support the success of your remote sales team.

Providing Continuous Coaching, Feedback and Recognition

Consistent coaching, timely feedback, and meaningful recognition are essential for managing remote sales teams effectively. By conducting regular coaching sessions, providing specific feedback on sales interactions, celebrating achievements, and investing in your reps' development, you can keep your team motivated, engaged, and performing at their best. For example, a sales manager at a SaaS company may schedule weekly coaching calls with each rep to review their pipeline, offer guidance on challenging deals, and discuss areas for improvement, while also recognizing their successes during team meetings and providing opportunities for professional growth.

1. Conduct Weekly Sales Coaching Sessions

Implement a structured coaching program to help your remote sales reps continuously improve their skills and performance. Schedule weekly one-on-one coaching sessions with each rep to review their progress, discuss challenges, and provide guidance on specific deals or techniques.

During these sessions, focus on areas such as prospecting strategies, objection handling, closing techniques, and time management. Use role-playing exercises to practice different scenarios and provide immediate feedback. Encourage reps to share their successes and lessons learned, fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement.

2. Provide Timely, Specific Feedback on Sales Interactions

Offer regular, constructive feedback on your reps' sales calls, emails, and other interactions with prospects and customers. Use call recording software or join live calls to observe their performance and provide specific, actionable insights.

When providing feedback, focus on both strengths and areas for improvement. Highlight what they did well and explain how they can refine their approach to be even more effective. Be timely in your feedback, ideally within 24 hours of the interaction, to ensure the context is fresh in their minds and they can apply the feedback to future interactions.

3. Recognize and Celebrate Achievements, Big and Small

Regularly acknowledge and celebrate your remote sales reps' accomplishments, both individually and as a team. Recognize milestones such as closing a significant deal, reaching a sales quota, or receiving positive customer feedback. Celebrate these successes during team meetings, in company newsletters, or through personalized emails or messages.

In addition to major achievements, also acknowledge the small wins and efforts that contribute to overall success. This could include consistently hitting daily prospecting targets, effectively handling a difficult objection, or going above and beyond for a customer. By celebrating these smaller victories, you show your reps that their hard work is valued and appreciated.

4. Invest in Your Reps' Personal and Professional Development

Demonstrate your commitment to your remote sales reps' growth by investing in their personal and professional development. Provide access to online training courses and workshops that help them acquire new skills and stay up-to-date with industry trends.

Encourage reps to set individual development goals and work with them to create a plan to achieve those goals. This could include learning a new sales methodology, improving their presentation skills, or deepening their product knowledge. By supporting their development, you show that you value their long-term success and are invested in their career growth within the company.

Continuous coaching, feedback, and recognition are vital for keeping your remote sales team engaged, motivated, and performing at a high level. By prioritizing these elements, you can foster a culture of continuous improvement and success.

We hope you've found this section of the guide informative and actionable. Congratulations on making it this far! Your dedication to learning how to effectively manage a remote sales team is commendable. Just remember, if you don't implement these strategies, your team might start thinking you're the one who needs coaching!


Managing a remote sales team effectively is crucial for driving revenue growth and maintaining a competitive edge. Here's what you learned in this guide:

  • Setting clear goals and expectations for your remote sales team
  • Implementing the right technology stack for remote sales management
  • Maintaining regular communication and collaboration with remote sales reps
  • Providing continuous coaching, feedback and recognition

By mastering the art of remote sales team management, you'll be well-equipped to lead your team to success. But be warned: if you don't put these strategies into action, you might find yourself managing a team of virtual tumbleweeds instead of high-performing sales reps!

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