What Is Tooltip in DocuSign? Tips and Best Practices

September 16, 2024
Jason Gong
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Tooltips in DocuSign provide helpful information for signers.

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Tooltips in DocuSign are a game-changer for streamlining the signing process. They provide helpful information exactly where signers need it, reducing confusion and errors. In this comprehensive guide, you'll discover the power of tooltips and learn how to leverage them effectively.

From understanding different tooltip types to customizing them for maximum impact, we'll cover it all. Plus, we'll explore how AI agents like Bardeen can automate repetitive tasks, saving you time and boosting productivity. Get ready to become a tooltip expert and take your DocuSign skills to the next level!

Understanding Tooltips in DocuSign: Enhancing the Signing Experience

Tooltips in DocuSign are small informational boxes that appear when users hover over specific fields or buttons within a document. They provide helpful guidance and context to signers, making the signing process more intuitive and efficient.

1. Defining Tooltips in DocuSign

In DocuSign, tooltips are designed to offer brief explanations or instructions related to a particular field or action. For example, if a signer hovers over a signature field, a tooltip might appear stating, "Please sign here using your mouse or touchscreen." This helps clarify what is expected of the signer at that specific point in the document.

Tooltips are especially useful for first-time or infrequent DocuSign users who may not be familiar with the platform's features and functionality. By providing concise, real-time guidance, tooltips can significantly improve the user experience and reduce the likelihood of errors or confusion during the signing process.

2. Exploring Different Types of Tooltips

DocuSign offers several types of tooltips to cater to various needs. Field tooltips are the most common, appearing when users hover over input fields such as signature boxes, initials, or date fields. These tooltips often provide instructions on how to complete the field correctly.

Button tooltips, on the other hand, appear when users hover over clickable elements like "Next," "Submit," or "Decline." They typically offer a brief description of what will happen when the button is clicked, ensuring that signers are aware of the consequences of their actions.

3. Guiding Signers with Tooltips

Tooltips play a crucial role in guiding signers through the document signing process. By providing clear, concise instructions at each step, tooltips help signers understand what information is required and how to provide it correctly. This is particularly important for documents that require multiple signers or have complex fields.

For instance, if a document requires a witness signature, a tooltip can explain the role of the witness and the importance of their signature. Similarly, if a field requires a specific format (e.g., date or phone number), a tooltip can provide an example of the correct format, reducing the risk of errors and ensuring a smooth signing experience.

4. Enhancing Signer Confidence with Helpful Information

In addition to providing instructions, tooltips can also offer helpful information to boost signer confidence. For example, a tooltip on a sensitive field (e.g., Social Security Number) might reassure signers that their information will be kept secure and confidential. Similarly, a tooltip on a legal disclaimer can provide a brief explanation of its purpose, helping signers understand the implications of their agreement.

By offering these types of informative tooltips, DocuSign can create a more transparent and trustworthy signing environment. Signers feel more confident in the process when they have access to the information they need to make informed decisions.

Tooltips are a valuable tool in DocuSign, offering guidance, clarity, and confidence to signers throughout the document signing process. By leveraging the power of tooltips, organizations can create a more user-friendly and efficient signing experience for their customers and stakeholders. For more on enhancing user experience, learn about lead enrichment techniques.

In the next section of this guide, you'll learn how to add and customize tooltips in DocuSign, empowering you to create a tailored signing experience that meets your unique needs.

How to Add and Customize Tooltips in DocuSign: A Step-by-Step Guide

Adding and customizing tooltips in DocuSign is a straightforward process that can significantly improve the signing experience for your users. By following a few simple steps, you can create informative and visually appealing tooltips that guide signers through the document, providing clarity and reducing errors.

1. Adding Tooltips to Fields and Buttons

To add a tooltip to a field or button in DocuSign, start by opening your document in the DocuSign editor. Select the field or button where you want to add the tooltip, and click on the "Properties" tab in the right-hand panel. In the properties menu, locate the "Tooltip" field and enter your desired tooltip text.

For example, if you're adding a tooltip to a signature field, you might enter something like, "Please sign here using your mouse or touchscreen." This simple step ensures that signers know exactly what action is required of them when they encounter the field.

2. Editing Tooltip Text for Clarity

When editing tooltip text, it's essential to keep your instructions clear and concise. Avoid using jargon or complex language that might confuse signers. Instead, focus on providing simple, actionable guidance that helps users complete the signing process with ease.

If you need to include more detailed instructions, consider breaking them down into short, easy-to-follow steps. For instance, if you have a field that requires a specific format, your tooltip might read, "Enter the date in MM/DD/YYYY format." By providing specific, step-by-step instructions, you can minimize confusion and ensure a smooth signing experience.

3. Formatting Tooltips for Readability

In addition to crafting clear, concise tooltip text, it's important to format your tooltips for maximum readability. DocuSign allows you to use basic formatting options like bold, italic, and bullet points to make your tooltips more visually appealing and easier to scan.

When formatting tooltips, consider using bold text to highlight key information or action items. Bullet points can be helpful when providing a list of instructions or requirements. By using these formatting tools strategically, you can create tooltips that are both informative and visually engaging.

4. Writing Effective Tooltip Copy

To create truly effective tooltips, it's crucial to put yourself in the signer's shoes. Consider what information they might need at each stage of the signing process, and craft your tooltip copy accordingly. Aim to anticipate common questions or concerns, and address them proactively in your tooltips.

When writing tooltip copy, focus on providing value to the signer. Instead of simply stating what a field is, explain why it's important or how it fits into the overall document. By offering this additional context, you can help signers feel more confident and informed throughout the signing process.

By following these tips for adding, customizing, and writing effective tooltips, you can create a more user-friendly and efficient signing experience in DocuSign. Well-crafted tooltips not only save time and reduce errors but also help build trust and confidence with your signers.

If you found this guide helpful, you might also want to learn how to integrate Google Docs for a seamless document workflow. We hope this step-by-step guide has equipped you with the knowledge and tools you need to create compelling tooltips in DocuSign. While we can't promise that mastering tooltips will make you a DocuSign superhero, we're confident it will help you become a more effective and efficient document sender.


Understanding what tooltips are in DocuSign and how to effectively use them is crucial for creating a smooth and efficient document signing process. This guide covered:

  • The definition and purpose of tooltips in DocuSign, along with examples of the helpful information they can provide
  • A step-by-step walkthrough on adding and customizing tooltips, including editing text, formatting for readability, and writing effective copy

By mastering the art of tooltips in DocuSign, you'll be well on your way to creating a seamless signing experience for your users. Don't let poor tooltip practices hold you back from becoming a true DocuSign pro! To improve your workflow, consider building a robust prospect list with the right tools.

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