What Is Smart Sending in Klaviyo? A Quick Guide

September 4, 2024
Jason Gong
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Ever wondered how to avoid overwhelming your email subscribers while still keeping them engaged? Smart Sending in Klaviyo is the answer. This powerful feature limits the number of emails a subscriber receives in a set time period, ensuring your messages don't end up in the dreaded spam folder.

By mastering Smart Sending, you'll be able to optimize your email marketing strategy and build stronger relationships with your audience. In this quick guide, we'll break down the basics of Smart Sending, when to use it, and best practices for maximizing its effectiveness. Get ready to take your Klaviyo skills to the next level!

Understanding the Basics of Smart Sending

Smart Sending in Klaviyo is a feature that helps prevent subscribers from receiving too many emails in a short period. It works by limiting the number of messages a subscriber can receive within a set timeframe, ensuring they don't feel overwhelmed or mark your emails as spam. Let's dive into the details of how Smart Sending works and why it's beneficial for your email marketing strategy.

1. What Is Smart Sending and How Does It Work?

Smart Sending is a built-in feature in Klaviyo that automatically limits the number of emails a subscriber receives from you in a specific time period. By default, the Smart Sending window is set to 16 hours for emails, meaning if a subscriber receives an email from you, they won't receive another one for at least 16 hours.

For example, if you have multiple active flows and campaigns, and a subscriber is eligible to receive emails from several of them, Smart Sending will prioritize the most recent message and skip sending the others until the 16-hour window has passed.

2. Benefits of Using Smart Sending

Using Smart Sending has several advantages for your email marketing efforts:

  • Avoids overwhelming subscribers with too many emails
  • Reduces the likelihood of your emails being marked as spam
  • Helps maintain a positive sender reputation
  • Improves overall email deliverability

By limiting the frequency of emails, you show respect for your subscribers' inboxes and demonstrate that you value their engagement with your brand. Consider using AI email management tools to further improve your strategy.

3. Enabling and Disabling Smart Sending

Smart Sending is enabled by default in Klaviyo for all campaigns and most pre-built flows. However, you can choose to disable it on a per-email basis if needed.

To disable Smart Sending for a specific campaign, simply toggle off the "Skip recently emailed profiles" option in step 1 of the campaign creation process. For flow messages, click on the individual message, navigate to the "Smart Sending" option under "Settings," and toggle it off.

Keep in mind that disabling Smart Sending should be done sparingly and only when necessary, such as for transactional emails that customers expect to receive promptly.

Smart Sending is a powerful tool in Klaviyo that helps you maintain a healthy relationship with your subscribers by preventing email fatigue and improving deliverability. By understanding how it works and when to use it, you can optimize your email marketing strategy for better engagement and results.

In the next section, we'll explore the best practices for using Smart Sending and when it's most appropriate to apply this feature to your email campaigns and flows. Additionally, learn more about effective outreach automation to enhance your email marketing efforts.

When to Use Smart Sending

Smart Sending is a powerful feature in Klaviyo that helps prevent email fatigue and maintain healthy engagement with your subscribers. Knowing when to use Smart Sending and when to disable it is crucial for optimizing your email marketing strategy. In this section, we'll explore the best times to leverage Smart Sending and situations where you might want to turn it off.

1. Keep Smart Sending Enabled for Regular Campaigns

For your regular newsletters and promotional emails, it's generally best to keep Smart Sending enabled. These types of campaigns are typically sent on a consistent schedule and contain content that isn't time-sensitive.

By keeping Smart Sending on for these campaigns, you ensure that subscribers don't receive too many emails in a short period, which can lead to disengagement or unsubscribes. For example, if you send a weekly newsletter and a promotional email within the same 16-hour window, Smart Sending will prioritize the most recent message and skip the other until the window has passed.

2. Disable Smart Sending for Time-Sensitive Messages

There are certain scenarios where you'll want to disable Smart Sending to ensure your message reaches subscribers promptly. Transactional emails, such as order confirmations, shipping updates, and password resets, should always have Smart Sending turned off. Customers expect to receive these messages immediately, and any delay could lead to confusion or frustration.

Similarly, time-sensitive promotional campaigns, like flash sales or limited-time offers, should also have Smart Sending disabled. These messages need to reach subscribers quickly to maximize their impact and drive urgency.

3. Balance Smart Sending with Consistent Sending Frequency

While Smart Sending helps prevent over-sending, it's still important to maintain a consistent sending cadence to keep your brand top of mind. Aim to send emails at regular intervals, such as weekly or bi-weekly, to establish a rhythm that subscribers can anticipate.

If you have multiple automated flows running simultaneously, consider adjusting the timing of your campaign sends to minimize the chances of subscribers being skipped due to Smart Sending. By spreading out your messages strategically, you can maintain a steady presence in your subscribers' inboxes without overwhelming them.

Smart Sending is a valuable tool for maintaining healthy engagement and deliverability, but it's essential to use it strategically based on the type of message you're sending and your overall email marketing goals. By keeping Smart Sending enabled for regular campaigns and disabling it for time-sensitive messages, you can strike the right balance and maximize the impact of your emails.

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Thanks for sticking with us so far! In the next section, we'll dive into some best practices for using Smart Sending effectively and monitoring your email performance to optimize your strategy.Automate your sales prospecting to become a Smart Sending pro!

Smart Sending Best Practices for Optimal Engagement

To get the most out of Klaviyo's Smart Sending feature, it's essential to follow best practices that ensure your emails are delivered at the right frequency and to the right audience. By monitoring your engagement metrics, segmenting your list, and incorporating Smart Sending into your overall strategy, you can maintain healthy engagement rates and build strong relationships with your subscribers.

1. Monitor Email Metrics to Optimize Send Frequency

When using Smart Sending, keep a close eye on your key email engagement metrics, such as open rates, click-through rates, and unsubscribe rates. These metrics provide valuable insights into how your audience is responding to your email frequency and content.

If you notice a decline in engagement, consider adjusting your Smart Sending window or sending frequency. For example, if your open rates are dropping, you may want to increase the time between sends to avoid overwhelming your subscribers.

2. Segment Your Audience for Targeted Messaging

Segmenting your email list allows you to send more targeted and relevant messages to specific groups of subscribers. By creating segments based on factors like purchase history, engagement level, or preferences, you can tailor your content and sending frequency to each group's needs.

When using Smart Sending with segmented lists, you can ensure that each subscriber receives the right message at the right time, without being bombarded by irrelevant emails. This approach helps maintain high engagement rates and reduces the risk of unsubscribes.

3. Integrate Smart Sending into Your Email Marketing Strategy

To maximize the benefits of Smart Sending, it's crucial to incorporate it into your overall email marketing strategy. This means aligning your sending frequency and content with your business goals and customer lifecycle.

For example, you might use Smart Sending to control the frequency of your welcome series, ensuring that new subscribers receive a steady stream of valuable content without feeling overwhelmed. Or, you could leverage Smart Sending to manage the cadence of your post-purchase follow-up emails, providing timely and relevant information to customers at each stage of their journey.

By integrating Smart Sending into your broader strategy, you can create a cohesive and effective email marketing program that drives engagement, loyalty, and revenue.

Smart Sending is a powerful tool for optimizing your email marketing efforts in Klaviyo. By monitoring your metrics, segmenting your audience, and incorporating Smart Sending into your overall strategy, you can send the right message to the right person at the right time, every time. For more ways to improve your email strategy, learn about building a prospect list to target the best leads.

Congratulations on making it this far! You're well on your way to becoming a Smart Sending expert. Just remember, with great power comes great responsibility – use your newfound knowledge wisely, and your subscribers will thank you (or at least not mark you as spam)!


Understanding Klaviyo's Smart Sending feature is crucial for optimizing your email marketing strategy and maintaining healthy engagement rates. In this quick guide, you discovered:

  • The basics of Smart Sending and how it limits email frequency to prevent overwhelming subscribers
  • When to use Smart Sending for regular newsletters and promotions, and when to disable it for time-sensitive campaigns
  • Best practices for monitoring metrics, segmenting your audience, and integrating Smart Sending into your overall strategy

By mastering Smart Sending, you'll keep your subscribers happy and engaged. Don't become an expert at your own peril – your unsubscribe rates might skyrocket!

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