How to Mass Message on LinkedIn: Easy Steps and Tips

October 10, 2024
Jason Gong
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Send personalized LinkedIn messages to multiple contacts efficiently.

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Sending mass messages on LinkedIn can be a game-changer for your business. Did you know that personalized LinkedIn messages have a 50% higher open rate than generic emails? By reaching out to your target audience directly, you can build relationships, generate leads, and close more deals in less time.

But how do you do it effectively without coming across as spammy? In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the step-by-step process of crafting compelling messages, automating your outreach with AI tools like Bardeen, and measuring your success.

Get ready to take your LinkedIn game to the next level and watch your business grow!

Understanding the Basics of LinkedIn Mass Messaging

LinkedIn mass messaging allows you to connect with multiple prospects or contacts at scale. It involves sending personalized messages to a large group of people on LinkedIn, rather than individually messaging each person one by one.

Here are the key things to know about LinkedIn mass messaging:

Mass messaging saves time

By sending messages in bulk, you can reach dozens or hundreds of LinkedIn contacts in a fraction of the time it would take to message them individually. This makes mass messaging an efficient way to expand your network and automate sales prospecting.

You can send different types of mass messages

Mass messages can include connection requests to 2nd/3rd degree contacts, direct messages to 1st degree connections, and InMails to people you're not yet connected with. You can also send follow-up messages at scale.

Personalization is key

While sending bulk messages, it's still important to personalize each message so it doesn't seem spammy. Include the person's name and mention something specific from their profile to show you've done your research. Consider using tools to generate emails with AI for personalized outreach.

There are limits to mass messaging

To prevent spamming, LinkedIn does place some limits on mass messaging. Currently, you can send about 100 invites and 200-300 messages per week. Going over these limits too often could get your account restricted.

When done strategically, LinkedIn mass messaging is a powerful way to proactively find and engage your target audience. Just make sure to keep your messages personalized, relevant and providing value to the recipient.

In the next section, you'll learn step-by-step how to start crafting effective mass messages that get responses and build relationships on LinkedIn.

Crafting Effective LinkedIn Mass Messages

Writing compelling mass messages on LinkedIn is key to getting recipients to engage. Personalization, a strong subject line, valuable content, and a clear call-to-action all play important roles in crafting messages that convert.

Here's how to create LinkedIn mass messages that get responses:

Write attention-grabbing subject lines

Your LinkedIn message subject line is the first thing people see. Make it compelling to stand out in their inbox. Personalize it with their name or mention something you have in common. Keep it concise yet interesting enough to entice them to open the message.

Example: "{First Name}, quick question about {shared interest}"

Personalize your mass messages

While sending bulk messages saves time, it's still crucial to personalize each one. Use the recipient's name, reference their work or something from their profile. Mention a shared connection, group, or interest. This shows you've done your research and aren't just blasting generic messages.

Personalization helps your messages resonate and prompts people to reply.

Provide value in the message body

The body of your mass message is your chance to build a relationship. Share an interesting resource, offer helpful advice, or ask their opinion on an industry topic. Providing upfront value gives them a reason to connect with you.

Keep your messages concise, around 100-150 words. Break it up with short paragraphs so it's easy to read.

Include a clear call-to-action

End your message with a clear next step. This could be booking a call, downloading a resource, attending an event, etc. A specific CTA focuses your message and makes it easy for them to take action.

Make sure your ask is reasonable for a first touchpoint. Requesting a 15-minute chat will get a better response than trying to immediately pitch your product.

By writing LinkedIn mass messages with these elements, you'll grab people's attention, pique their interest, and start building meaningful business relationships.

Discover how efficient LinkedIn profiling tools can automate and simplify your data collection, allowing you to concentrate on crafting more potent messages for your audience.

In the next section, discover how LinkedIn automation tools can help you scale your mass messaging efforts while still keeping that personal touch.

Save Time by Automating LinkedIn Mass Messaging

Automating your LinkedIn mass messaging campaigns with tools can save you hours each week while helping you reach more of your target audience. LinkedIn automation tools make it easy to send personalized messages at scale without sacrificing that human touch.

Here's how to leverage automation for your LinkedIn mass messaging:

Choose a LinkedIn automation tool

There are many LinkedIn automation tools available, each with their own features and pricing. Popular options include Bardeen, Dux-Soup, Expandi, Linked Helper, and SalesRobot. Look for a tool that offers mass messaging capabilities, personalization tags, and safety limits to protect your account.

For example, Expandi lets you send automated connection requests, InMails, and follow-ups. It also includes dynamic personalization to mention things like a prospect's name, company, or recent post for a human touch.

Set up your mass messaging campaign

Once you have an automation tool, import your list of prospects or use the tool's filters to build a targeted audience. Write your mass message template using the software's personalization options. Most tools will let you add prospect name, company, job title and other details pulled from their LinkedIn profile.

Set up your desired sending cadence, with delays between messages and connection requests. Stick to LinkedIn's limits of around 100 connection requests per week and no more than 200-250 actions per day to avoid red flags.

Launch and monitor your automated campaign

With your mass messaging campaign created, you're ready to put your LinkedIn outreach on autopilot. Launch your campaign within the automation tool and let the software start sending messages and connection requests for you.

Keep an eye on your campaign metrics like acceptance rates, reply rates, and interested leads. Pause and tweak your messaging if you notice low engagement. Aim for a 40-60% connection rate and 10-20% reply rate for a healthy campaign.

Manage your new connections and replies

As your mass messages go out and new connections come in, stay on top of managing your inbox. Respond to any replies or interested prospects to keep the conversation going and build the relationship.

Some automation tools include a CRM or can integrate with your existing software to track leads. Tag hot prospects so you can follow up and move them down your sales funnel. Consider using AI for sales prospecting to enhance your outreach.

LinkedIn automation makes mass messaging faster and easier. By putting manual outreach on autopilot, you can connect with more of your target buyers while still sending personalized messages.

Next up, see how to track the right metrics and optimize your LinkedIn mass messaging for even better results. But first, grab a coffee - you've earned it after sticking with this guide so far!

Track Your Results to Optimize LinkedIn Mass Messaging

Measuring the performance of your LinkedIn mass messaging campaigns is crucial for long-term success. By tracking key metrics, you can identify what's working, make data-driven optimizations, and improve your results over time.

Here are the essential KPIs to monitor and how to leverage them:

Message and connection request acceptance rates

Your connection request acceptance rate shows how many people are accepting your invites. If it's low, your messages may not be resonating. Test different connection note templates to see what gets the best response.

Similarly, track the reply rates to your mass messages. A high response rate means your messages are engaging and providing value. Continuously A/B test message variations to keep optimizing this metric.

Leads generated and conversion rates

Ultimately, the goal of LinkedIn mass messaging is to generate leads for your business. Track how many leads you're getting from your campaigns each week or month. Also calculate your lead-to-conversion rate to see how many leads turn into customers.

If your conversion rates are low, your messages may be attracting the wrong people. Tighten up your targeting and ensure your messages speak to your ideal customer's needs and pain points. Learn about prospect list building strategies to refine your approach.

Click-through rates on links

Including a link to your website, landing page, or calendar is common in LinkedIn messages. Track the percentage of message recipients who click those links, known as your click-through rate (CTR).

A high CTR means your messages create curiosity and drive action. If your CTR is low, your call-to-action may not be clear or enticing enough. Experiment with different offers and CTAs to boost your click-throughs.

Revenue generated and ROI

The ultimate sign of a successful LinkedIn mass messaging campaign is revenue. Track the deals closed and the revenue generated that you can attribute to your LinkedIn outreach.

Then, calculate your return on investment (ROI) by comparing the revenue to your costs, such as LinkedIn automation tools. A positive, high ROI means your LinkedIn messaging is profitable. Scale up your efforts or expand to new markets to grow further.

By tracking these key metrics, you can turn your LinkedIn mass messaging campaigns into a consistent source of leads and revenue. Use the data to test, optimize, and improve your results week after week.

Leverage Bardeen to automate sales prospecting on LinkedIn and save time while increasing leads. You can focus on crucial business tasks and let automation handle repetitive work.

You made it to the end of our guide - congrats! I know we covered a lot. The good news is you're now armed with the knowledge to message hundreds of your ideal prospects on LinkedIn. The bad news? You have no more excuses not to get started. 😉


Mastering LinkedIn mass messaging is crucial for B2B marketers and sales professionals to efficiently reach and engage prospects. In this guide, you discovered:

  • The fundamentals, benefits, risks, and methods of mass messaging on LinkedIn
  • Proven techniques for crafting compelling subject lines, personalizing messages, writing engaging copy, and including strong calls-to-action
  • How to leverage LinkedIn automation tools to scale your mass messaging efforts
  • Essential metrics to track and optimize for maximum results from your LinkedIn mass messaging campaigns

Don't let your competitors beat you to the punch. Put these LinkedIn mass messaging strategies into action before your prospects' inboxes get too crowded!

Personalize and create messages with AI

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