How to Ask for LinkedIn Referrals: Best Practices

October 15, 2024
Raz Popescu
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Referrals are a powerful tool, with 85% of positions filled through networking. LinkedIn is the perfect platform to connect with professionals who can vouch for your skills. But how do you craft the perfect referral request message? In this step-by-step guide, you'll learn the proven techniques to identify the right people, time your requests strategically, and follow up effectively.

Plus, discover how AI tools like Bardeen can automate repetitive tasks and save you hours. By mastering the art of LinkedIn referrals, you'll unlock hidden opportunities. Let's dive in!

Crafting the Perfect LinkedIn Referral Request Message

When asking for a referral on LinkedIn, it's important to craft a message that is personalized, clear, and expresses gratitude. A well-written referral request can make all the difference in receiving a positive response.

1. Personalize Your Message

Take the time to personalize your message when requesting a referral on LinkedIn. Mention how you know the person or remind them of your connection. For example, "Hi Sarah, I enjoyed working with you on the ABC project last year."

Personalizing shows that you value the relationship and aren't just making a generic request.

2. Be Clear and Specific

Clearly state the purpose of your message and be specific about what you're asking for. If you're looking for a job referral, mention the company or position.

For example, "I'm reaching out because I saw a job posting for a Marketing Manager at XYZ company and I think I would be a great fit. Would you be willing to refer me for the position?"

3. Express Gratitude

Always express your appreciation, both in your request message and after receiving a referral. Acknowledge that the person is taking time out of their day to help you.

For instance, "I would greatly appreciate your referral for this position. Please let me know if there's any way I can return the favor. Thank you so much for considering my request."

4. Avoid Common Mistakes

Some common mistakes to avoid when crafting your referral request message on LinkedIn:

  • Sending a generic, impersonal message
  • Not being clear about what you're asking for
  • Forgetting to express gratitude
  • Making your message too long or including unnecessary details

In the context of LinkedIn networking, a referral is an introduction or recommendation from a mutual connection to a job opportunity, potential client, or other valuable contact.

By crafting a thoughtful, personalized message that clearly states your request and expresses appreciation, you increase your chances of getting the LinkedIn referral you're seeking. For more assistance, consider using tools like AI to generate personalized emails for LinkedIn outreach.

In the next section, we'll discuss how to identify the right people in your network to ask for LinkedIn referrals.

Identifying the Right People to Ask for LinkedIn Referrals

When seeking LinkedIn referrals, it's crucial to be selective about who you reach out to. Choosing the right connections can significantly increase your chances of getting a positive response and a strong referral. Evaluate the strength of your relationships and focus on people who are most likely to vouch for you.

1. Be Selective and Strategic

Don't blast out referral requests to your entire network. Instead, carefully consider each person's position, company, and your history of interaction. Prioritize strong connections who know your work and capabilities. For example, a former colleague who directly collaborated with you on successful projects is more likely to provide a compelling referral than a distant acquaintance.

2. Evaluate Relationship Strength

Before requesting a referral, honestly assess the strength of your relationship with each LinkedIn connection. Have you worked together closely? Do they have firsthand knowledge of your skills and achievements?

Use Bardeen's LinkedIn Profile Scraper to automatically gather and organize LinkedIn profile data, making it easier to assess and engage with your strongest connections efficiently.

A strong relationship built on trust and familiarity will typically yield better results. If you haven't interacted with someone in years, it may be best to rebuild the connection before asking for a referral.

3. Consider Relevance and Influence

Identify connections who work in roles, companies, or industries relevant to your job search. Their referrals will carry more weight with the hiring team. Additionally, consider individuals who have influence within their organizations. For instance, a senior manager or well-respected team member's referral could fast-track your application. Look for connections who can strategically advocate for you.

4. Leverage LinkedIn Features

LinkedIn offers features like Skills & Endorsements and Recommendations that provide insights into your strengths and credibility. Browse your connections' profiles to see who has endorsed your relevant skills or written glowing recommendations. These individuals already recognize your value and may be more inclined to provide a referral. You can also proactively request skill endorsements and recommendations to strengthen your profile and identify potential referral sources.

Thoughtfully selecting the right people to ask for LinkedIn referrals is key to receiving positive responses and impactful endorsements. Next up, we'll explore how to time your referral requests for optimal results.

Timing Your LinkedIn Referral Requests for Optimal Results

Timing plays a crucial role in the success of your LinkedIn referral requests. Sending a request at the wrong time can lead to lower response rates and missed opportunities. On the other hand, well-timed requests have a higher likelihood of receiving positive responses from your connections.

1. Understand the Impact of Timing

Imagine reaching out to a former colleague for a referral months after you last interacted. They may have trouble recalling your work or feel less inclined to vouch for you. Poor timing can significantly reduce the effectiveness of your referral requests.

To maximize your chances of success, be strategic about when you send those messages. Consider factors like the strength of your relationship, recent interactions, and the recipient's availability.

2. Choose the Right Day and Time

Studies show that certain days of the week and times of day tend to yield higher response rates for LinkedIn messages. Generally, mid-week (Tuesday to Thursday) is considered optimal, as people are settled into their work routines.

Avoid sending referral requests on Monday mornings when inboxes are flooded or Friday afternoons when people are winding down for the weekend. Aim for mid-morning or early afternoon when your connections are more likely to be responsive.

3. Leverage Trigger Events

Keep an eye out for trigger events that create natural opportunities to request referrals. These could be job changes, work anniversaries, or moments when your connections publicly praise your work.

For example, if a former manager congratulates you on a new role, seize the moment to ask for a referral while your strengths are top of mind. Timing your request around relevant events can lead to more compelling and specific endorsements.

4. Nurture the Relationship First

Before asking for a referral, invest time in nurturing your relationship with the potential referrer. Engage with their content, offer valuable insights, and provide assistance when possible. Building a foundation of trust and reciprocity increases the likelihood of a positive response.

Remember, a referral is a favor. By consistently adding value to your connections and demonstrating your expertise, you make it easier for them to recommend you when the time comes. Timing your LinkedIn referral requests strategically can significantly improve your success rate. In the next section, we'll explore the art of following up on those requests to maximize your results.

For more tips on strategic outreach, learn about automating sales prospecting to enhance your referral strategy.

The Art of Following Up on LinkedIn Referral Requests

Following up is a crucial step in the LinkedIn referral request process. Many people don't respond to the initial request, either because they missed it or forgot to take action. By sending a timely and polite follow-up message, you can significantly increase your chances of receiving a valuable referral.

1. Understand the Importance of Following Up

Imagine this scenario: You sent a thoughtful LinkedIn referral request to a former colleague, but a week has passed without a response. It's tempting to assume they're not interested in helping, but the reality is that people are busy and messages can easily slip through the cracks.

Following up shows that you value their opinion and are genuinely interested in the referral. It also serves as a gentle reminder, prompting them to take action on your behalf.

2. Timing Your Follow-Up Messages

When it comes to following up, timing is everything. You want to give the person enough time to respond to your initial request, but not so much that they forget about it entirely.

A good rule of thumb is to wait about a week before sending your first follow-up message. If you still don't hear back, consider sending a second follow-up after another week. Beyond that, it's best to assume they're not able to provide a referral at this time.

3. Crafting Effective Follow-Up Messages

Your follow-up messages should be polite, concise, and persuasive. Start by thanking them for considering your request and gently remind them of the value a referral would provide.

For example: "Hi Sarah, I hope you're doing well. I wanted to check in regarding the LinkedIn referral we discussed last week. Your endorsement would be incredibly valuable as I pursue new opportunities in the marketing industry. Please let me know if there's any additional information I can provide to assist you in writing the referral. Thank you for your time and consideration!"

Timing and automating follow-ups can greatly enhance your chances of success.

Save time and avoid missing out on crucial follow-ups by using Bardeen's automate outreach feature. Turn repetitive tasks into a single click and stay on top of your follow-up game effortlessly.

4. Expressing Gratitude and Maintaining the Relationship

When someone takes the time to write you a LinkedIn referral, it's important to express your gratitude promptly. Send a personalized thank-you message highlighting the specific ways their referral will support your career goals.

But don't let the relationship end there. Stay in touch by providing periodic updates on your job search progress, sharing relevant industry articles, or offering your own assistance when appropriate. By nurturing these professional connections, you'll build a strong network of supporters who will be more likely to offer referrals and opportunities in the future.

Following up on LinkedIn referral requests is a delicate balance of persistence and professionalism. By choosing the right timing, crafting compelling messages, and expressing sincere gratitude, you'll be well on your way to securing powerful endorsements that can open doors and propel your career forward.

Thanks for sticking with us through this in-depth guide on how to message someone on LinkedIn for referral! By now, you're practically a LinkedIn referral expert. Just remember, if you don't put these strategies into action, you might miss out on amazing opportunities to showcase your skills and talents to potential employers. So go forth and start requesting those referrals - your dream job is waiting!


Knowing how to effectively request LinkedIn referrals is crucial for expanding your professional network and unlocking new opportunities. In this guide, you discovered:

  • How to craft compelling LinkedIn referral request messages that get results
  • Strategies for identifying the best people in your network to ask for referrals
  • The importance of timing when making your referral requests
  • Tips for following up on your referral requests to increase response rates

By applying these best practices for messaging someone on LinkedIn for referral, you'll be well-equipped to build a strong network of advocates who can help you achieve your career goals. Don't miss out on the power of LinkedIn referrals - start implementing these techniques today!

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