How to Share DocuSign Templates: Full Step-by-Step Guide

September 19, 2024
Jason Gong
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Share DocuSign templates by setting permissions and sending invites.

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Sharing DocuSign templates with your team can significantly improve collaboration and efficiency. By enabling others to access and use pre-configured templates, you can ensure consistency and save time on repetitive document creation tasks.

In this step-by-step guide, we'll walk you through the process of creating and sharing templates in DocuSign, so you can streamline your workflow and get more done in less time. Plus, we'll introduce you to AI-powered tools like Bardeen that can automate repetitive tasksand take your productivity to the next level. Ready to become a DocuSign template sharing pro?

Understanding DocuSign Templates and Sharing for Streamlined Workflows

DocuSign templates enable you to create reusable documents and forms, saving time and promoting consistency across your organization. By sharing these templates with team members, you can collaborate more effectively and ensure everyone is using the most up-to-date versions. Let's explore the key aspects of DocuSign templates and sharing.

1. DocuSign Templates: Reusable Documents for Efficiency

DocuSign templates are pre-configured documents that can be used repeatedly for common agreements, contracts, or forms. Instead of creating a new document from scratch each time, you can use a template as a starting point, customizing it as needed for specific situations. This saves valuable time and ensures consistency across similar documents.

For example, if your company frequently sends out non-disclosure agreements (NDAs), you can create an NDA template in DocuSign. Whenever a new NDA is required, you can quickly generate a document based on the template, make any necessary adjustments, and send it out for signature.

2. Sharing Templates: Collaboration and Consistency

Sharing DocuSign templates with team members offers several benefits. It promotes collaboration by allowing multiple people to work with the same template, making suggestions, and refining the document over time. This collaborative approach ensures that the template meets the needs of all stakeholders and incorporates best practices.

Moreover, sharing templates maintains consistency across your organization. When everyone uses the same template for a particular type of document, you can be confident that all agreements or forms adhere to a standard format and include the necessary clauses and provisions. This reduces the risk of errors or omissions and presents a professional image to clients and partners.

3. Permissions and Access Levels for Template Sharing

When sharing DocuSign templates, it's important to understand the different permissions and access levels available. You can control who has access to a template and what actions they can perform. For example, you might grant some team members view-only access, while others have the ability to edit and send documents based on the template.

DocuSign provides granular control over template sharing permissions. You can assign roles such as Viewer, Editor, or Owner to individuals or groups, ensuring that the right people have the appropriate level of access. This helps maintain the integrity of your templates and prevents unauthorized changes.

4. Key Terms to Know

  • Templates: Reusable document layouts that can be customized for specific situations
  • Roles: Different levels of access and permissions assigned to users for templates (e.g., Viewer, Editor, Owner)
  • Access Levels: The specific actions a user can perform based on their assigned role (e.g., view, edit, send)

Understanding these key terms will help you navigate the template sharing process more effectively and ensure that your team members have the appropriate permissions to collaborate on and use templates. Automate sales processes to further enhance your workflow.

DocuSign templates and sharing facilitate streamlined workflows, collaboration, and consistency across your organization.

In the next section of this guide, you'll learn the basics of creating a template to share in DocuSign, empowering you to leverage this powerful feature for your document management needs.

Creating a Template to Share in DocuSign: A Step-by-Step Guide

Creating a template in DocuSign involves uploading a document, adding fields, and configuring settings. Once created, templates can be customized, cloned, and shared with team members to streamline document workflows. Let's walk through the process of creating a template that's ready to be shared.

1. Uploading a Document and Adding Fields

To create a new DocuSign template, start by uploading the document you want to use as the basis for your template. This can be a contract, agreement, or any other frequently used document in your organization. After uploading, add the necessary fields to the document, such as signature, initial, and date fields, to indicate where recipients need to provide information or sign.

For example, if you're creating an NDA template, upload your standard NDA document and add signature and date fields for each party involved. This sets the foundation for your template, making it easy to reuse and customize for future agreements.

2. Customizing Template Settings and Permissions

Once your document is uploaded and fields are added, customize the template settings to fit your needs. Give your template a clear and descriptive name, making it easy for team members to find and use. Add a description that provides context or instructions for using the template.

Configure the sharing permissions for your template, specifying who can view, edit, or use it. This ensures that only authorized team members have access to the template and helps maintain control over document workflows.

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3. Best Practices for Effective Template Design

When designing your DocuSign templates, follow best practices to ensure clarity and ease of use. Use clear and consistent naming conventions for your templates, making it easy for team members to understand their purpose. Organize related templates into folders, creating a logical structure that reflects your organization's document workflows.

Keep your templates focused and specific, avoiding the temptation to create a one-size-fits-all template. By creating targeted templates for specific use cases, you can streamline the document process and minimize the need for extensive customization each time the template is used. Additionally, you might want to prepare for a sales call when using these templates for client interactions.

4. Cloning and Editing Templates for Quick Variations

DocuSign allows you to clone existing templates, creating a copy that you can modify as needed. This is useful when you need to create variations of a template for different scenarios or jurisdictions. By cloning a template, you can make the necessary changes without starting from scratch, saving time and effort.

For example, if you have a generic NDA template but need a version specific to a particular state or country, you can clone the original template and make the required edits. This ensures consistency while accommodating specific requirements.

Creating effective DocuSign templates involves careful design, customization, and organization.

In the next section of this guide, you'll learn how to share your newly created templates with your team, enabling collaboration and streamlining your document workflows.

Sharing DocuSign Templates with Your Team

Sharing DocuSign templates with your team is a great way to collaborate, maintain consistency, and streamline document workflows. There are several methods for sharing templates, each with its own benefits and use cases. Let's explore how to share templates effectively and manage access levels for your team members.

1. Methods for Sharing DocuSign Templates

DocuSign offers multiple ways to share templates with your team. You can share templates directly with individual team members, copy a link to the template and distribute it, or add the template to a shared folder accessible by your team. Each method has its advantages, depending on your team's size and structure.

For example, if you're working with a small, close-knit team, direct sharing might be the most efficient option. However, if you have a larger organization with multiple departments, using shared folders can help keep templates organized and easily accessible.

2. Inviting Team Members and Assigning Roles

When sharing a DocuSign template, you can invite team members and assign them specific roles and access levels. This allows you to control who can view, edit, or use the template. By assigning roles, you ensure that team members have the appropriate permissions to work with the template based on their responsibilities.

To invite team members, simply enter their email addresses and select the desired access level (e.g., view, edit, or use). You can also set up custom roles with specific permissions tailored to your organization's needs.

3. Syncing Changes and Communicating Updates

One of the benefits of sharing DocuSign templates is that changes made by one user are automatically synced for all other users with access to the template. This ensures that everyone is working with the most up-to-date version of the template, reducing the risk of errors or inconsistencies.

However, it's important to communicate any significant updates or changes to the shared template with your team. This can be done through email, team meetings, or by using collaboration tools like Slack or Microsoft Teams. By keeping everyone informed, you can ensure a smooth and efficient document workflow.

4. Troubleshooting Common Sharing Issues

When sharing DocuSign templates, you may encounter some common issues, such as team members not having access to the template or receiving error messages. These issues often stem from incorrect permissions or outdated email addresses.

To troubleshoot these issues, double-check that team members have been assigned the correct roles and access levels. Ensure that their email addresses are accurate and up-to-date. If the issue persists, reach out to DocuSign support for further assistance.

By mastering the art of sharing DocuSign templates, you can foster collaboration, maintain consistency, and optimize your team's document workflows.

Thanks for sticking with us through this guide! We hope you're now equipped with the knowledge to become a DocuSign template sharing pro. Your team will thank you for it (and maybe even treat you to a coffee)!


Knowing how to share DocuSign templates is crucial for efficient collaboration and maintaining consistency across your organization. In this guide, you discovered:

  • The fundamentals of DocuSign templates and the benefits of sharing them with your team
  • Step-by-step instructions for creating a template in DocuSign, customizing settings, and designing effective templates
  • Various methods for sharing templates, assigning roles and access levels, and managing updates

Don't miss out on the power of sharing DocuSign templates – your team's productivity (and sanity) depends on it! If you want to learn more about improving your sales process, check out these sales discovery questions to improve your lead qualification.

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