How Long Does DocuSign Keep Documents? A Full Guide

September 14, 2024
Jason Gong
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DocuSign keeps documents indefinitely for active accounts.

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Have you ever wondered what happens to your DocuSign documents after they're signed? Understanding DocuSign's document retention policies is crucial for maintaining access to important agreements and ensuring compliance. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through everything you need to know about how long DocuSign keeps your documents, from default settings to customization options.

Plus, we'll share best practices for managing your DocuSign files effectively. By the end, you'll be a pro at navigating DocuSign's document retention system and keeping your agreements secure. Let's dive in!

DocuSign's Default Document Retention Policy: Keeping Your Agreements Safe

DocuSign securely stores all customer documents indefinitely as long as the account remains active, providing easy access to past agreements and ensuring legal compliance. This default retention policy offers peace of mind, but users can also customize settings if needed. Let's explore the benefits and options for DocuSign's document retention.

1. Indefinite Secure Storage for Active Accounts

When you sign an agreement using DocuSign, the document is automatically retained in your account indefinitely. This means you can access the fully executed contract anytime in the future as long as your account is active. For example, if you signed a five-year lease agreement, you could easily retrieve it years later if a dispute arose.

DocuSign's secure storage eliminates the need to keep physical copies and ensures your important agreements are never lost. Their robust data centers and encryption practices keep your documents safe from unauthorized access or data breaches.

2. Easy Access to Completed Agreements

With DocuSign's indefinite retention, all your past agreements are just a few clicks away in your account. You can quickly retrieve any document when you need it. This is especially helpful for contracts with long terms or if you need to reference an agreement from years ago.

For instance, if you're applying for a loan and the bank requires past tax returns that you signed electronically, you could easily download them from your DocuSign account. The indefinite storage saves you time and hassle.

3. Ensuring Legal Compliance and Record Keeping

Many industries have legal requirements for retaining signed agreements. Depending on the type of document, you may need to keep it for several years for compliance or record-keeping purposes. DocuSign's default indefinite retention ensures you always have access to required documents.

For example, the IRS requires companies to retain employee contracts and other tax records for at least four years. With DocuSign, these important agreements would be securely stored and easily accessible if audited. The indefinite retention helps you stay compliant without any extra effort.

4. Customizing Retention Settings is Optional

While indefinite retention is DocuSign's default policy, you do have the option to customize it. For each DocuSign account, you can set a specific retention period after which documents are automatically deleted. This gives you flexibility if you have unique compliance needs or data storage limits.

However, the indefinite retention default is sufficient and beneficial for most users. It ensures you always have access to important agreements when needed. Setting a custom retention time is completely optional based on your preferences.

DocuSign's default indefinite retention policy securely stores your agreements, ensures easy future access, and helps maintain legal compliance.

Next, we'll cover how you can customize DocuSign's document retention settings if you choose to set a specific retention period.

Tailoring DocuSign's Document Retention to Your Needs

While DocuSign's default indefinite retention provides convenience and compliance, you can customize settings to fit your organization's unique requirements. Administrators can set a specific document retention period, considering factors like legal obligations and storage costs. Let's explore how to tailor DocuSign's retention policy for your business.

1. Setting Custom Retention Up to 9,999 Days

DocuSign allows account administrators to set a custom document retention period, choosing any number of days up to 9,999. This flexibility enables you to align the retention time with your company's data management policies and compliance needs.

For example, if your industry regulations require retaining contracts for seven years, you could set the DocuSign retention period to 2,555 days (7 years). After this time, documents would be automatically queued for deletion, helping you avoid keeping them longer than necessary.

2. Balancing Legal Requirements and Storage Costs

When deciding on a custom retention period, it's crucial to consider both legal requirements and storage costs. While some industries have mandatory retention times for certain documents, keeping files beyond those requirements can unnecessarily increase storage expenses.

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Review relevant laws and regulations to determine the minimum retention period for your DocuSign agreements. Then, assess your organization's storage budget and capacity. Aim to find a balance that ensures compliance while minimizing costs. Keep in mind that setting a custom retention time is optional, so only do so if it benefits your business.

3. Configuring Custom Settings in a Few Clicks

DocuSign makes it easy to set a custom document retention policy. Account administrators simply need to navigate to the "Retention Policy" settings, choose "Custom," and enter the desired number of days. The change will apply to all new documents sent from that point forward.

It's important to note that changing the retention setting does not affect previously sent documents. Those agreements will follow the retention policy that was in place at the time they were sent. Be sure to communicate any changes to your organization's DocuSign users to avoid confusion.

DocuSign's document retention settings allow you to tailor the policy to your organization's specific needs, balancing legal requirements and storage costs. Also, consider using Dropbox integrations to manage your files efficiently.

Coming up next, we'll dive into the details of DocuSign's document purge process, including key timelines and notifications.

Understanding DocuSign's Document Purge Process

When you set a custom document retention period in DocuSign, the system initiates a multi-step purge process to securely delete your agreements after the specified time. This process includes a 14-day purge queue and helpful notifications to keep you informed. Let's take a closer look at how DocuSign handles document purging.

1. The 14-Day Purge Queue

Once a document reaches the end of its retention period, DocuSign places it in a 14-day purge queue. This two-week window gives you a final opportunity to review and download any agreements before they are permanently deleted.

For example, if you have set a retention period of 365 days, a document will enter the purge queue on day 366. It will then remain in the queue for 14 days before being purged on day 380.

2. Email and In-App Purge Notifications

To ensure you're aware of upcoming document purges, DocuSign sends email notifications to both the sender and signers of an agreement. These notifications are sent 14 days and 7 days before the scheduled purge date, giving you ample time to review and save any needed files.

In addition to email notifications, DocuSign provides in-app warnings when you access an envelope that is in the purge queue. This helps prevent any last-minute surprises and ensures you're fully informed about the status of your documents.

3. Permanent and Irreversible Deletion

On the scheduled purge date, DocuSign permanently deletes all documents and associated data from the envelope. This purge is irreversible, meaning the documents cannot be recovered by you, DocuSign support, or any other means.

It's crucial to download and securely store any important agreements before they reach the end of the purge queue. Once purged, the documents will no longer be accessible through your DocuSign account.

DocuSign's document purge process balances security and convenience, giving you control over retention periods while ensuring your agreements are securely deleted when no longer needed. To manage your documents better, consider using tools that integrate with Google Docs for organized storage.

Next up, we'll explore best practices for managing your DocuSign documents, including tips for staying organized and prepared for scheduled purges.

Best Practices for Managing DocuSign Documents

To ensure your DocuSign documents remain secure and accessible when needed, it's essential to follow best practices for document management. Regularly downloading and backing up important agreements, clearly communicating retention policies, and periodically reviewing your settings can help you stay organized and compliant. Let's explore these strategies in more detail.

1. Download and Back Up Critical Agreements

While DocuSign securely stores your documents, it's wise to periodically download and back up your most important agreements. This ensures you have a local copy for easy reference and an additional layer of protection against data loss.

Consider setting a recurring reminder to download and save critical documents to your local device or another secure cloud storage service. This practice is particularly important for agreements with long-term legal or financial implications, such as contracts or tax documents.

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2. Communicate Retention Policies Clearly

If you manage a team or organization that uses DocuSign, it's crucial to establish and communicate clear document retention policies. Ensure all users understand how long documents will be stored in DocuSign and when they will be purged.

Create a written policy that outlines your organization's retention guidelines and share it with all relevant stakeholders. Regularly remind users to download and save any necessary documents before they reach the end of the retention period.

3. Review and Adjust Settings Periodically

As your business needs and legal requirements evolve, it's essential to periodically review and adjust your DocuSign retention settings. What worked well in the past may no longer align with current regulations or storage constraints.

Schedule an annual or semi-annual review of your retention policies and settings. Consider any changes in industry standards, legal requirements, or organizational priorities, and make adjustments as needed. This proactive approach helps ensure your document management practices remain effective and compliant over time.

By following these best practices, you can optimize your DocuSign document management strategy and ensure your agreements remain secure and accessible when needed. DocuSign's retention settings allow you to maintain documents for as long as necessary while keeping your account organized and manageable.

Implementing these strategies can save you time, money, and headaches in the long run. Thanks for sticking with us through this in-depth guide - your dedication to mastering DocuSign document management is sure to pay off!


Understanding DocuSign's document retention policies and settings is crucial for maintaining secure, accessible, and compliant records. In this guide, you discovered:

  • DocuSign's default policy of retaining documents indefinitely for active accounts, ensuring easy access and legal compliance
  • How to customize retention settings, with options for setting a retention period up to 9,999 days
  • The DocuSign document purge process, including the 14-day purge queue and permanent deletion of purged documents
  • Best practices for managing DocuSign documents, such as regular backups, clear communication, and periodic policy reviews

By mastering these concepts, you'll avoid the headaches and potential legal pitfalls of mismanaged documents. For more on organizing your data, check out integrating Google Sheets for efficient record management. Don't let your agreements disappear into the digital abyss!

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