LinkedIn Message Tips: Connect with Unknown People Easily

October 9, 2024
Jason Gong
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Personalize your LinkedIn message to increase your acceptance rate.

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Connecting with strangers on LinkedIn can be a game-changer for expanding your professional network. But crafting the perfect message is key. Want to master the art of LinkedIn outreach and build valuable relationships?

In this step-by-step guide, you'll discover proven strategies for researching prospects, personalizing connection requests, and nurturing long-term connections. Plus, we'll explore how AI tools like Bardeen can automate repetitive tasks and save you hours each week.

Did you know that personalized LinkedIn messages have a 50% higher acceptance rate? It's time to level up your networking skills. Let's dive in!

Crafting Personalized LinkedIn Connection Requests to Connect with Unknown People

Sending personalized LinkedIn connection requests is key when trying to connect with people you don't know. By taking a little extra time to customize your message, you greatly increase the chances they will accept your request. Here are some tips for crafting effective personalized LinkedIn connection requests:

1. Research Their Profile to Find Common Ground

Before sending a connection request, thoroughly review the person's LinkedIn profile. Look for shared experiences, interests, skills, or connections that you can mention in your message. For example, if you see you attended the same university or previously worked at the same company, highlight that to establish a sense of rapport and shared background.

You could say something like: "Hi Sarah, I noticed we both attended XYZ University (go tigers!) and have a mutual connection in John Smith. I would love to connect here on LinkedIn and stay in touch!"

2. Explain Why Connecting Would Be Mutually Beneficial

In your personalized message, concisely convey why you want to connect and how it could benefit both of you. Show you've put thought into why this person would be a valuable addition to your professional network.

For instance, you might say: "Hi Mark, I'm reaching out because I'm very impressed by your background in SaaS sales leadership. As an aspiring SaaS sales manager, I would greatly appreciate joining your network and potentially learning from your experience, as well as staying up to date on your career. I'm sure I could provide value to your network as well through my connections in the NYC tech scene. Let me know if you're open to connecting!"

3. Keep It Brief But Engaging

Aim to keep your personalized note concise, around 100-200 words at most, as people are often short on time. At the same time, include enough detail to demonstrate you've done your research and to spark their interest in connecting.

  • Use the person's name in your greeting
  • Mention a common connection, interest or background if possible
  • Clearly state why you're reaching out
  • End with a friendly sign-off like "Thanks in advance!" or "Hope to talk soon!"

4. Proofread Carefully

After crafting your message, always proofread it carefully for any typos or grammatical mistakes before hitting send. A sloppy, error-filled message reflects poorly on you and drastically reduces the odds of your request being accepted. You want to make a strong, polished first impression.

By following these tips, you can write compelling personalized LinkedIn connection requests that will help you successfully grow your network with unknown people. The key is to find common ground, clearly articulate the value of connecting, and keep your message friendly but to-the-point. Next up, we'll dive into how you can leverage LinkedIn Groups to expand your network even further. For more tips, learn how to generate emails with AI to enhance your outreach.

Join LinkedIn Groups to Find and Connect with Potential Connections

LinkedIn Groups provide a goldmine of opportunities to expand your network with relevant people in your industry or field. By actively participating in discussions, you can get noticed by potential connections and start building relationships. Identifying prospects from the member list and reaching out with a personalized message referencing the shared group can be an effective way to grow your network on LinkedIn.

1. Find Relevant Groups to Join

Start by searching for and joining LinkedIn Groups related to your industry, profession, skills, or interests. For example, if you're a software engineer looking to connect with other developers, you might join groups like "Python Developers" or "JavaScript Programmers." Being a member of the same group gives you common ground to reference when reaching out to potential connections.

You can find relevant groups by typing keywords into the search bar at the top of the page and selecting the "Groups" filter. Browse through the results and join a handful that seem most active and relevant to your goals.

2. Engage in Discussions to Get Noticed

Once you've joined some relevant groups, start engaging in the conversations happening there. Like and comment on interesting posts, and share your own insights or questions to spark discussion. The more active and visible you are within the group, the more likely other members will notice you and be open to connecting.

For instance, let's say you see a group post from someone sharing a thought-provoking article on the latest trends in your industry. You could comment with your take on the topic and ask a follow-up question to encourage further dialogue. Providing value and showing genuine interest helps you stand out from the crowd.

3. Identify Promising Prospects from Member Lists

After you've spent some time participating in a group, take a look through the member list to identify potential connections. Focus on members who seem particularly active or influential within the group, or who have job titles or backgrounds that align with your goals.

Save time and boost your networking efficiency by using Bardeen's LinkedIn profile scraper. Automate profile data collection and focus on connecting with the most promising prospects faster.

For example, if you're hoping to land a job at a specific company, see if any current employees are members of the groups you've joined. Or if you're looking for mentorship, keep an eye out for experienced leaders in your field.

4. Send Personalized Connection Requests

When you find someone you'd like to connect with, don't just hit the generic "Connect" button. Instead, send a personalized message along with your connection request. Mention the group you have in common and comment on their posts that caught your attention.

You could say something like: "Hi John, I've really enjoyed following your contributions to the Digital Marketing Professionals group, especially your insights on SEO best practices. I'm also a digital marketer focused on content strategy and would love to connect here on LinkedIn. Let me know if you're open to chatting sometime!"

LinkedIn Groups are a powerful tool for expanding your network with like-minded professionals. By joining relevant groups, participating in discussions, and reaching out to promising members with customized messages, you can forge valuable new connections. Just remember to always prioritize providing value and building genuine relationships over blasting out spammy self-promotional content.

Leveraging LinkedIn Groups strategically enables you to find and connect with potential contacts outside your immediate network. Up next, we'll explore how to take those new connections to the next level by following up effectively after they've accepted your request.

Follow Up After Connecting to Build Rapport

After someone accepts your connection request on LinkedIn, the real work of building a relationship begins. Following up promptly and thoughtfully can make all the difference in turning that initial connection into a valuable professional contact. A brief "thank you" message, sharing relevant content, asking engaging questions, and even suggesting an in-person meeting when appropriate can help strengthen your new connection and lay the foundation for a mutually beneficial relationship.

1. Send a Timely "Thank You" Message

Within 24 hours of your new connection accepting your request, send them a short message thanking them for connecting. This shows that you appreciate them taking the time to join your network and helps keep you top of mind. You could say something like, "Hi Sarah, thanks so much for connecting with me here on LinkedIn. I'm looking forward to following your insights on digital marketing trends!"

Sending a prompt follow-up also opens the door to further conversation. If they reply to your message, you can build on that interaction to deepen the connection.

2. Share Helpful Resources or Content

One great way to provide value to your new connection is by sharing an article, report, or other resource that's relevant to their interests or industry. For instance, if you've connected with a fellow software developer, you might send them a link to a fascinating case study on prospect list building you came across.

In your message, you could write: "I saw this study on the impact of Test-Driven Development on code quality and thought of our conversation about agile best practices. Let me know what you think!" Sharing useful content demonstrates your expertise and shows you're invested in providing value to your new contact.

3. Ask Thoughtful, Open-Ended Questions

To keep the conversation going and learn more about your new connection, ask open-ended questions that encourage them to share their experiences or opinions. Avoid yes-or-no questions in favor of ones that prompt more detailed responses.

For example: "I noticed you transitioned from sales to marketing earlier in your career. I'm considering a similar shift myself - how did you know it was the right move for you? What advice would you give someone exploring a change from sales to marketing?" Showing genuine curiosity and interest in their perspective can help you build trust and rapport.

4. Propose an In-Person Meeting

If your new connection is local, consider suggesting an in-person meeting to put a face to a name and deepen that relationship. A quick coffee chat or lunch can go a long way in solidifying your connection and uncovering shared interests or potential opportunities to work together.

You might say: "Since we're both based in Seattle, I'd love to meet up sometime to learn more about your experience working in the tech startup scene here. Would you be up for grabbing coffee next week? My treat!" Even if they're not available to meet right away, extending the invitation sends the message that you're serious about building a real relationship.

Thoughtful, timely follow-up is key to cultivating your new LinkedIn connections. By sending a quick thank-you message, sharing relevant content, asking insightful questions, and looking for opportunities to connect in person, you'll set yourself apart and make a positive impression. The fortune is in the follow-up!

Next up, we'll explore strategies for maintaining and strengthening your LinkedIn relationships for the long haul. Because once you've made those valuable new connections, the real key is tending to them over time - so you'll always have a thriving network to tap into.

Nurturing LinkedIn Relationships for Long-Term Success

Building a strong network on LinkedIn requires more than just sending connection requests. To create meaningful, mutually beneficial relationships, you need to consistently engage with your connections, share valuable content, and look for ways to support their goals and interests. By taking a genuine, patient approach to cultivating your LinkedIn relationships, you'll establish yourself as a trusted resource and thought leader in your industry.

1. Engage Thoughtfully with Your Connections' Content

One of the easiest ways to stay top of mind with your LinkedIn connections is by engaging with the content they share. When someone in your network posts an article, update, or comment, take a moment to read it and share your thoughts. Leave a thoughtful comment that adds to the conversation, or share the post with your own followers if it resonates with you.

For example, if a connection shares an article on the latest trends in your industry, you might comment with your own insights or experiences related to those trends. By consistently showing up in your connections' notifications with valuable engagement, you'll strengthen your relationships and build your reputation as an active, knowledgeable member of your professional community.

2. Share Relevant Updates, Resources, and Congratulations

In addition to engaging with your connections' content, proactively share your own updates, insights, and resources that your network might find valuable. If you come across an article, report, or tool that relates to your connections' interests or pain points, share it via a post or direct message explaining why you thought they'd find it useful.

You can also use LinkedIn to celebrate your connections' wins and milestones. If you see that someone in your network got a promotion, launched a new product, or had some other exciting achievement, send them a quick note of congratulations. These small touchpoints can go a long way in fostering goodwill and keeping you top of mind.

3. Provide Value Through Introductions and Referrals

As you build relationships with your LinkedIn connections, look for opportunities to provide value by making introductions or referrals. If you know two people who could benefit from knowing each other, offer to make a virtual introduction via LinkedIn messaging. Or, if you hear of a job opening, project, or sales lead that might be a good fit for one of your connections, pass it along.

Of course, be thoughtful about the introductions and referrals you make - you want to be known as someone who makes relevant, helpful connections, not someone who spams their network with irrelevant opportunities. When in doubt, ask your connection if they're open to an intro before making it.

4. Play the Long Game and Be Consistent

Building genuine relationships on LinkedIn takes time and consistency. Don't expect to see immediate results from your efforts - focus on playing the long game and showing up regularly to engage with and support your network.

Set aside a few minutes each day to check in on LinkedIn, engage with your connections' posts, and share your own updates and insights. Over time, your consistent efforts will pay off in the form of a strong, engaged network of professionals who know, like, and trust you.

Nurturing your LinkedIn connections through ongoing engagement, valuable content, introductions, and consistent effort is the key to successful networking. So keep showing up, providing value, and building those relationships - your future self (and business) will thank you!

Looking to enrich your LinkedIn network even further? Use Bardeen's tool to enrich LinkedIn profile links. Automate data updates and maintain a strong, informative network ready to engage.

Whew, that was a lot of info! Thanks for sticking with me through this ultimate guide to LinkedIn networking. I promise, mastering this stuff is worth its weight in virtual gold - or at least, in lucrative business opportunities. Now go forth and connect like a pro!


Connecting with unknown people on LinkedIn is a valuable skill for expanding your professional network. Automate sales prospecting to enhance your LinkedIn networking efforts.

In this guide, you discovered how to:

  • Craft personalized connection requests that capture the recipient's interest
  • Leverage LinkedIn Groups to find and connect with potential contacts
  • Follow up effectively after making a new connection
  • Maintain long-term relationships through consistent engagement and providing value

By mastering these strategies, you'll be well on your way to building a thriving network of valuable contacts. Don't let those LinkedIn connection opportunities pass you by - your dream job or business partner could be just one personalized message away!

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