How to Void a Completed DocuSign: Step-by-Step Guide

September 19, 2024
Jason Gong
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Log into DocuSign, find the document, and select Void from the dropdown.

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Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you needed to void a completed DocuSign document? It's a common scenario that can cause confusion and frustration. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the step-by-step process of voiding a completed DocuSign, including understanding the limitations, determining if voiding is possible, and exploring alternatives.

Plus, discover how AI agents like Bardeen can automate repetitive tasks, saving you valuable time. By the end of this guide, you'll be equipped with the knowledge and skills to confidently handle any DocuSign voiding situation that comes your way.

Understanding DocuSign Void Functionality: What It Means and When to Use It

Voiding a DocuSign document means cancelling or invalidating it so it is no longer legally binding. This may be necessary if there are errors in the document or if circumstances change after it has been signed. However, there are limitations on when a document can be voided.

1. Definition of Voiding a DocuSign Document

When you void a DocuSign document, you are essentially cancelling it and making it invalid. The document will no longer be legally binding for any of the parties who signed it. Voiding is different from declining to sign a document that was sent to you.

For example, if a contract was signed but then the terms of the deal changed, the sender may need to void the completed document before sending a revised version.

2. Limitations on Voiding Completed and Signed Documents

A key restriction is that a DocuSign document can only be voided by the original sender and only before it has been fully completed and signed by all parties. Once everyone has signed, the document is locked and cannot be voided.

So if changes are needed after a document is fully executed, voiding is not an option. The parties would need to create and sign a new amended agreement instead. Learn more about data enrichment to keep your documents accurate.

3. Voiding Permissions Based on Sender vs Signer Roles

In terms of who can actually perform the void, only the original sender of the DocuSign envelope has the ability to void documents they sent. Recipients who only have signing permissions cannot void an envelope.

For instance, if multiple parties are signing but only one sent the envelope, those other signers would not see an option to void since they don't have sending privileges for that envelope.

Voiding a DocuSign is only possible in limited scenarios by the original sender. In the next section, we'll look at how to determine if voiding is an option for a particular document. To avoid errors, consider using tools to integrate Google Docs with other apps.

Determining if Voiding a DocuSign is Possible

Before attempting to void a DocuSign document, it's important to first check if voiding is even an option based on the envelope's current status. The ability to void depends on whether the document is still in process or has already been completed. If a document is already in a completed state, alternatives to voiding may be necessary.

1. Checking the Envelope Status to See if Voiding is Allowed

The first step in determining if you can void a DocuSign is to look at the envelope's status in your DocuSign account. Find the document in question and check to see if it is listed as "In Process", "Completed", or already "Voided".

For example, if you sent a contract for signature but later realized there was an error in it, you would go to the Manage page to see the document's current status before deciding your next steps.

2. Understanding the Differences Between In-Process, Completed, and Voided Statuses

An "In Process" status means the envelope is still outstanding and waiting for one or more signatures. This is the only status that allows for voiding. "Completed" means all parties have signed and the document is fully executed. A "Voided" status indicates the envelope has already been cancelled by the sender.

Referring back to the contract example, if the status showed as "In Process", you would still have the option to void it. But if it showed "Completed", you would need to look at alternative options for completed documents covered later in this guide.

3. Exploring Alternative Options for Completed Envelopes

If an envelope has already been completed, voiding is no longer possible. Some alternatives include sending a new document with the updated information and having all parties sign again. Or, depending on the agreement, you may be able to send an amendment that recipients can sign to modify the existing completed document.

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The best option will depend on factors like the type of document, the scope of changes needed, and what all signing parties agree to. We'll dive deeper into these alternatives to voiding later on.

Checking envelope status is key to determining if voiding a DocuSign is allowed. Next, we'll walk through the actual steps to take if you've confirmed voiding is the right route.

Step-by-Step Process to Void a DocuSign

If you've determined that voiding a DocuSign envelope is the appropriate action, follow these steps to complete the process. The void option is accessible through your DocuSign account, but it's important to understand what information is required and what happens after a document is voided. Keep in mind that once voided, an envelope will remain accessible for a period of time.

1. Accessing the Void Option in Your DocuSign Account

Log into your DocuSign account and navigate to the Manage tab. Locate the envelope you need to void and click the down arrow to the right of the envelope. From the dropdown menu, select "Void" to initiate the process.

For instance, if you sent an NDA for signature but the recipient informed you they received the wrong version, you would find that specific envelope and select "Void" from the options.

2. Confirming the Void Action and Providing a Reason

After clicking "Void", a popup window will appear asking you to confirm the action. DocuSign requires you to enter a reason for voiding the envelope. This reason will be included in the email notification sent to recipients letting them know the document has been voided.

In our NDA example, you might enter a reason like "Sent incorrect version - will resend correct NDA." This lets the recipient know why the document was voided and what to expect next.

3. Understanding What Happens After a Document is Voided

Once you confirm the void, the envelope status will change to "Voided" and any outstanding signature requests will be invalidated. Recipients will receive an email notifying them that the document has been voided by the sender, along with the reason provided.

At this point, you can take the next steps like sending a new envelope with the correct NDA version. The recipients will no longer be able to access or sign the voided document.

4. Accessing Voided Documents in DocuSign

Voided envelopes remain accessible in your DocuSign account for 30 days by default (this timeframe can be customized by account admins). They will appear in your Manage tab with the "Voided" status. After 30 days, voided envelopes are automatically moved to the Purge folder for permanent deletion.

This 30-day window allows you to refer back to voided documents if needed for reference or record-keeping. Just remember that they will eventually be purged from the system.

Voiding a DocuSign document is a straightforward process when you follow these steps. While it's useful to void and correct in-process envelopes as needed, take caution before completing this action. Learn more about how to connect Google Sheets to improve your workflows.

Alternatives to Voiding a Completed DocuSign

While voiding is the best option for documents still in progress, it's not possible once all parties have signed. However, that doesn't mean you're out of options if changes are needed post-completion. Depending on your specific circumstances, you may be able to send a new version, work with DocuSign support, or take steps to avoid issues in the future.

1. Sending a New Version for Required Changes

If you need to make changes to a completed document, one alternative is to create and send a new version. This allows you to update the document content and resend it to the necessary parties for signature.

For example, let's say you have a fully executed contract but realize an exhibit is missing. You could create a new version of the contract with the exhibit added, then send it through DocuSign again. The parties would then sign the updated agreement.

2. Contacting DocuSign Support for Unique Situations

In some cases, you may have a more complex situation that requires special assistance to resolve. This is where DocuSign's customer support team can help. They have the expertise to walk you through unique challenges and find a solution.

As an illustration, imagine you have a high-stakes contract with multiple signers across different organizations. After completion, you discover data entry errors that need correction. DocuSign support can advise on the best way to handle this sensitive scenario.

3. Implementing Processes to Avoid Post-Completion Changes

Of course, the best way to handle changes to completed documents is to avoid them altogether. By optimizing your document creation and signing processes, you can minimize the risk of errors that require post-signing modifications.

Some tips include thoroughly reviewing documents before sending, providing clear signer instructions, and using templates to ensure consistency. You can also leverage DocuSign features like conditional fields and collaborative fields to guide signers.

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While not always possible, preventing the need for changes to finished documents saves you time and hassle. Voiding a completed DocuSign isn't feasible, but these alternatives offer workable solutions when needed. Implementing best practices helps avoid such situations down the line.

You've nearly made it to the end of this guide on voiding DocuSign documents - way to stick with it! The finish line is in sight, so let's bring it home with a quick recap.


Knowing how to void a completed DocuSign is crucial for handling changes or errors in signed documents. This guide covered:

  • Understanding what voiding means, its limitations, and who has voiding permissions
  • Checking if voiding is possible based on document status and exploring alternatives
  • Following the step-by-step process to void a DocuSign document
  • Considering alternatives like sending a new version or contacting support for completed documents

Mastering the art of voiding DocuSign documents saves time, reduces frustration, and keeps your agreements moving forward smoothly. For sales professionals, knowing effective sales discovery questions can also improve your process and outcomes.

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