How to Use Clearbit: Complete Setup and Usage Guide 2024

September 4, 2024
Jason Gong
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Clearbit enriches your CRM with valuable data for sales and marketing.

By the way, we're Bardeen, we build a free AI Agent for doing repetitive tasks.

Since you're using Clearbit, you might love Bardeen's AI Agent for sales. It automates repetitive tasks like data enrichment and lead generation, helping you focus on closing deals.

Clearbit is a powerful tool that can help sales teams close more deals faster. Did you know that sales reps spend up to 20% of their time researching prospects? With Clearbit, you can automate data enrichment and save hours each week. In this step-by-step guide, we'll show you exactly how to set up Clearbit, leverage its data for personalized outreach, and combine fit and intent signals to prioritize your pipeline. Plus, we'll introduce AI agents like Bardeen that can automate repetitive Clearbit tasks. Get ready to become a Clearbit power user and crush your sales goals!


Clearbit is a powerful tool that helps businesses gather and utilize data about their customers and prospects. In this step-by-step guide, we'll walk you through how to use Clearbit to gain valuable insights and improve your marketing and sales efforts.

With Clearbit, you can:

  • Enrich your customer data with additional information
  • Identify key decision-makers within target accounts
  • Segment your audience for targeted campaigns
  • Integrate Clearbit data with your existing tools and workflows

Whether you're a marketer looking to personalize your outreach or a sales professional aiming to prioritize leads, learning how to use Clearbit effectively can be a game-changer. Let's dive in and explore the steps to get started with this powerful data platform.

Setting Up Clearbit for Your Sales Team

Integrating Clearbit with your CRM, such as Salesforce, allows you to enrich lead, contact, and account records with valuable data. By mapping key firmographic and demographic attributes from Clearbit into your CRM fields, you can ensure that your sales team has access to accurate and up-to-date information. This data is automatically updated over time, maintaining its accuracy and relevance.

1. Connecting Clearbit to Your CRM

The first step in setting up Clearbit for your sales team is to connect it to your CRM. This process typically involves authenticating your CRM account within the Clearbit platform and granting the necessary permissions. For example, when connecting Clearbit to Salesforce, you'll need to provide your Salesforce credentials and allow Clearbit to access the relevant objects and fields.

Once the connection is established, Clearbit can begin enriching your CRM records in real-time. As new leads, contacts, or accounts are added to your CRM, Clearbit will automatically append additional data to those records based on the mapping you define. This process helps with lead enrichment and ensures data accuracy.

2. Mapping Clearbit Attributes to CRM Fields

After connecting Clearbit to your CRM, the next step is to map the Clearbit attributes to the appropriate fields in your CRM. This mapping determines which data points from Clearbit will be populated into specific fields within your lead, contact, and account records.

Some common firmographic attributes you may want to map include company size, industry, revenue, and location. For demographic data, you might map job title, seniority level, or department. By carefully selecting the attributes that are most relevant to your sales process, you can ensure that your team has access to the insights they need to engage prospects effectively.

3. Automatic Data Updates for Accuracy

One of the key benefits of using Clearbit is that the data is automatically updated over time. This means that as companies and individuals change roles, locations, or other attributes, Clearbit will detect those changes and update the corresponding records in your CRM.

For example, if a lead's job title changes from "Manager" to "Director," Clearbit will identify that change and update the record accordingly. This ensures that your sales team always has the most current and accurate information when reaching out to prospects, reducing the risk of using outdated or irrelevant data in their outreach.

4. Understanding Data Enrichment and Its Benefits

Data enrichment is the process of enhancing your existing CRM records with additional data points from external sources, such as Clearbit. By enriching your data, you can gain a more comprehensive view of your leads, contacts, and accounts, enabling your sales team to make more informed decisions and personalize their outreach.

Some key benefits of data enrichment for sales teams include:

  • Improved lead scoring and prioritization
  • More targeted and relevant outreach
  • Better understanding of prospects' needs and pain points
  • Increased efficiency and productivity

By leveraging Clearbit's data enrichment capabilities, your sales team can focus on the most promising opportunities and engage with prospects in a more meaningful way.

Setting up Clearbit for your sales team is a straightforward process that can yield significant benefits. By connecting Clearbit to your CRM, mapping relevant attributes, and leveraging automatic data updates, you can empower your sales team with the insights they need to succeed. Learn more about automating sales prospecting to boost your efficiency.

Use Bardeen to automate sales prospecting and save time on repetitive tasks. Make your sales process more efficient today.

In the next section, we'll explore how you can leverage Clearbit data to improve sales efficiency and drive better results.

Leveraging Clearbit Data for Sales Efficiency

Clearbit data provides sales teams with valuable context on leads and accounts directly within their CRM. By enriching records with firmographic, demographic, and technographic information, sales reps can personalize their outreach and engage in more relevant conversations. This not only saves time that would otherwise be spent on manual research but also enables sales teams to prioritize their efforts based on the most promising opportunities.

1. Gaining Key Context on Leads and Accounts

One of the primary benefits of using Clearbit data is the ability to access key context on leads and accounts without leaving the CRM. When a new lead comes in, Clearbit automatically enriches the record with information such as company size, industry, location, and technology stack. This allows sales reps to quickly assess the potential fit and value of each prospect.

For example, if a sales rep is focusing on enterprise accounts in the healthcare industry, they can easily identify leads that match those criteria using Clearbit data. This enables them to prioritize their outreach and tailor their messaging to the specific needs and challenges of those prospects.

2. Personalizing Outreach for More Relevant Conversations

Armed with the context provided by Clearbit data, sales reps can personalize their outreach to each prospect. Instead of relying on generic messaging, they can reference specific details about the company, such as recent funding rounds, technology implementations, or industry trends. This level of personalization demonstrates that the sales rep has done their research and understands the prospect's unique situation.

Personalized outreach leads to more relevant conversations, as the sales rep can focus on the specific pain points and goals of each prospect. This approach not only improves the quality of the interaction but also increases the likelihood of moving the deal forward.

3. Saving Time on Manual Research

Without Clearbit data, sales reps often spend a significant amount of time manually researching prospects before reaching out. They may need to scour company websites, LinkedIn profiles, and news articles to gather basic information about the lead and their organization. This process is time-consuming and takes away from valuable selling time.

By automatically enriching records with Clearbit data, sales reps can save hours of manual research each week. They can quickly access the information they need directly within the CRM, allowing them to focus on crafting personalized outreach and engaging with prospects.

4. Real-World Results: Grafana Labs Saves Hours per Week

Grafana Labs, a company that provides open-source software for data visualization and monitoring, has seen significant time savings by using Clearbit data. Prior to implementing Clearbit, their sales team spent countless hours manually researching prospects to gather basic information like company size and industry.

After integrating Clearbit with their CRM, Grafana Labs was able to automatically enrich their records with comprehensive data points. This allowed their sales reps to quickly assess the fit and potential of each lead without leaving the CRM. As a result, they were able to save an average of 5 hours per sales rep per week on manual research.

Leveraging Clearbit data for sales efficiency enables teams to focus on what they do best: engaging with prospects and closing deals. By providing key context, enabling personalized outreach, and saving time on manual research, Clearbit empowers sales teams to work smarter and drive better results.

With Clearbit data at their fingertips, sales teams can prioritize their efforts, have more relevant conversations, and ultimately close more business. In the next section, we'll explore how sales intelligence can take your outreach to the next level.

Combining Fit and Intent Data for Sales

Clearbit Reveal provides a powerful combination of fit and intent data to help sales teams prioritize their outreach efforts. By identifying companies that match your ideal customer profile and are actively engaging with your website, you can focus on the prospects most likely to convert. This targeted approach not only saves time but also leads to more relevant conversations and ultimately, higher win rates.

1. Clearbit Reveal: Uncovering Intent Signals

Clearbit Reveal is a tool that provides intent data based on a company's website visits. It tracks the anonymous traffic to your site and matches the IP addresses to specific companies in Clearbit's extensive database. This allows you to see which organizations are actively researching your products or services, even if they haven't filled out a form or contacted you directly.

By uncovering these intent signals, Clearbit Reveal enables you to identify potential buyers who are already interested in what you have to offer. This is a significant advantage over traditional lead generation methods, which often rely on cold outreach to unqualified prospects.

2. Displaying Reveal Data in Salesforce

One of the key benefits of Clearbit Reveal is its seamless integration with Salesforce. You can easily display Reveal data, such as the number of pageviews and the date of the last visit, directly within your Salesforce account records. This puts valuable intent information at your fingertips, allowing you to quickly assess a prospect's level of engagement.

For example, if you see that a target account has viewed multiple pages on your website in the past week, you know they are actively researching your offerings. This insight can help you tailor your outreach and prioritize this account over others that haven't shown the same level of interest.

3. Prioritizing Outreach with Fit and Intent

While intent data is incredibly valuable, it's even more powerful when combined with fit data. Clearbit's firmographic and technographic data provides detailed information about a company's size, industry, location, technology stack, and more. By layering this fit data with intent signals, you can create a highly targeted prospect list.

For instance, let's say your ideal customer is a B2B SaaS company with 50-200 employees, located in the United States, and using a specific set of technologies. With Clearbit, you can easily identify companies that match these criteria and have also shown recent engagement with your website. This allows you to prioritize your outreach based on both fit and intent, ensuring you're reaching out to the right prospects at the right time.

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4. The Power of Intent-Based Sales

Intent-based sales is a strategy that leverages both fit and intent data to create highly personalized and timely outreach. By focusing on prospects who are not only a good fit for your product but also actively showing interest, you can significantly increase your chances of success.

When you reach out to a prospect armed with the knowledge of their recent website activity, you can tailor your messaging to address their specific needs and pain points. This level of personalization shows that you've done your research and understand their unique situation, which can help build trust and credibility from the very first interaction.

Clearbit Reveal and the power of intent-based sales enable you to work smarter, not harder. By focusing your efforts on the most promising opportunities, you can accelerate your sales cycle, close more deals, and ultimately drive more revenue for your business.

Combining fit and intent data is a game-changer for modern sales teams. With Clearbit Reveal, you have the insights you need to prioritize your outreach, personalize your messaging, and engage with prospects at the right time. Now that you've made it this far, you're well on your way to becoming a Clearbit pro! Just don't forget to put all this knowledge into action, or you might miss out on some seriously hot leads.


Mastering Clearbit is crucial for sales teams looking to work smarter and close more deals. Use prospect list building to focus on the most promising leads.

In this guide, you discovered:

  • Connecting Clearbit to your CRM for enriched lead, contact, and account data
  • Using Clearbit data to personalize outreach and save time on manual research
  • Combining fit and intent data to prioritize outreach and engage prospects at the right time

Don't miss out on the opportunity to become a Clearbit pro and watch your sales success soar! Leverage automate sales prospecting to enhance your workflow.

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