How to Rotate a Document in DocuSign: Complete Guide

September 14, 2024
Jason Gong
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Open your document, select the page, and click rotate.

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Rotating documents in DocuSign may seem like a small detail, but it can make a big difference in how professional and readable your documents appear. In this step-by-step guide, we'll show you how to quickly rotate pages to ensure your documents look polished and easy to understand. Plus, discover how AI automation tools like Bardeen can save you even more time on repetitive tasks. Ready to become a document rotation pro and impress your recipients? Let's get started!

Why Rotating Documents in DocuSign is Essential for Effective Communication

Rotating documents in DocuSign is a crucial step in ensuring that your recipients can easily read and understand the information you're sharing. In many scenarios, documents may be uploaded in the wrong orientation, making them difficult to read without tilting your head or device. By taking a moment to rotate your documents before sending, you can improve the overall user experience and ensure that your message is effectively communicated.

1. Improving Readability for Recipients

When a document is properly oriented, it allows the recipient to easily read and comprehend the information without any unnecessary strain or confusion. For example, if you're sending a contract that was scanned sideways, rotating it to the correct orientation will make it much easier for the recipient to review and sign.

By presenting your documents in a clear and easily readable format, you demonstrate professionalism and attention to detail, which can help build trust and credibility with your recipients.

2. Ensuring Proper Display on Various Devices

In today's digital age, people access documents on a wide range of devices, from desktop computers to smartphones and tablets. When a document is not properly oriented, it can be particularly challenging to read on smaller screens, leading to frustration and potentially missed information.

By rotating your documents before sending through DocuSign, you ensure that they will display correctly regardless of the device being used, providing a seamless experience on all devices for your recipients.

3. Maintaining Professional Presentation

Properly oriented documents convey a sense of professionalism and attention to detail. When you send documents that are correctly rotated, it shows that you've taken the time to review and prepare the materials, demonstrating respect for your recipients and the importance of the communication.

In business settings, where impressions matter, sending properly rotated documents can help you maintain a polished and professional image, increasing the likelihood of positive outcomes and successful collaborations.

Rotating documents in DocuSign is a simple yet essential step in ensuring effective communication and positive recipient experiences. By taking a moment to properly orient your documents, you can improve readability, ensure proper display across devices, and maintain a professional presentation.

In the next section of this guide, we'll walk you through the step-by-step process of rotating documents in DocuSign, providing you with the knowledge and tools you need to optimize your document sharing workflow. Learn more about effective communication strategies to enhance your business operations.

The Step-by-Step Process for Rotating Documents in DocuSign

Rotating documents in DocuSign is a straightforward process that can be completed in just a few clicks. By following this step-by-step guide, you'll be able to easily rotate your documents to the correct orientation, ensuring that your recipients can read and understand the information without any unnecessary confusion. Whether you need to rotate a single page or an entire document, DocuSign provides the tools you need to get the job done quickly and efficiently.

1. Open the Document in DocuSign

To begin the process of rotating a document in DocuSign, you'll first need to open the document in the DocuSign editor. This can be done by logging into your DocuSign account, selecting the document you wish to rotate, and clicking on the "Edit" button.

Once the document is open in the editor, you'll be able to see all of the pages and make any necessary changes, including rotating pages to the correct orientation.

2. Select the Pages to Rotate

DocuSign allows you to rotate individual pages or the entire document, depending on your needs. To rotate a specific page, simply navigate to that page in the document and click on the "Rotate" button located in the toolbar above the document.

If you need to rotate multiple pages or the entire document, you can do so by selecting the "Pages" tab in the right-hand panel and choosing the pages you wish to rotate. This feature is particularly useful when dealing with documents that have a mix of landscape and portrait pages.

3. Choose the Rotation Direction

Once you've selected the pages you want to rotate, you'll need to choose the rotation direction. DocuSign offers two rotation options: clockwise and counterclockwise. Simply click on the appropriate rotation button to rotate the selected pages in the desired direction.

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It's important to note that each click of the rotation button will rotate the pages by 90 degrees. If you need to rotate a page by 180 degrees, simply click the rotation button twice.

4. Review and Save Your Changes

After you've rotated the necessary pages, take a moment to review the document and ensure that all pages are in the correct orientation. If you need to make any additional changes, simply repeat the rotation process until you're satisfied with the results.

Once you've confirmed that the document is properly oriented, click on the "Save" button to apply your changes. Your rotated document will now be ready to send to your recipients.

Rotating documents in DocuSign is a quick and easy process that can greatly improve the readability and professionalism of your communications. By following these simple steps, you'll be able to rotate your documents with confidence and ease.

In the next section of this guide, we'll explore some common issues that may arise when rotating documents in DocuSign and provide you with the solutions you need to troubleshoot these problems effectively.

Troubleshooting Common Rotation Issues in DocuSign

When rotating documents in DocuSign, users may encounter various issues that can hinder the process. These problems can range from incorrectly rotated pages appearing for recipients to the rotate option being unavailable or greyed out. By understanding these common issues and knowing how to address them, you can ensure that your documents are properly oriented and ready for signing.

1. Rotated Pages Appearing Incorrectly for Recipients

One of the most common issues users face when rotating documents in DocuSign is that the rotated pages appear incorrectly for recipients. This can happen due to browser compatibility issues or if the recipient's device does not support the rotation feature.

To resolve this issue, it's essential to check the compatibility of the recipient's browser and device before sending the document. Additionally, you can try converting the document to a different format, such as PDF, which has better cross-platform compatibility. For more detailed steps, you can prepare for a sales call.

2. Handling Documents with Mixed Page Orientations

Another challenge users may face is dealing with documents that have a mix of portrait and landscape pages. In such cases, rotating the entire document may not be the best solution, as it can result in some pages appearing upside down or sideways.

To handle documents with mixed page orientations, you can use DocuSign's page rotation feature to rotate individual pages as needed. This allows you to ensure that each page is properly oriented without affecting the rest of the document. For organizing your documents efficiently, consider integrating Google Drive with other apps.

3. Rotate Option Unavailable or Greyed Out

In some instances, users may find that the rotate option in DocuSign is unavailable or greyed out. This can happen if the document is locked or if the user does not have the necessary permissions to edit the document.

To resolve this issue, check if the document is locked and if you have the required permissions to make changes. If the document is locked, you may need to contact the document owner to request access. If you do not have the necessary permissions, you may need to request them from your administrator.

By understanding these common rotation issues and knowing how to troubleshoot them, you can ensure that your documents are properly oriented and ready for signing in DocuSign. Taking the time to address these issues can save you time and frustration in the long run.

In the next section of this guide, we'll explore some tips and best practices for incorporating document rotation into your workflows, setting default rotation settings, collaborating with team members, and using templates to streamline the process.

Tips for Efficient Document Rotation Workflows

Incorporating document rotation into your DocuSign workflows can save time and ensure consistency across all your documents. By setting default rotation settings, collaborating with team members, and using templates for recurring documents, you can streamline the process and avoid common rotation issues.

1. Incorporate Document Rotation into Your Workflows

To make document rotation a seamless part of your DocuSign experience, consider incorporating it into your existing workflows. For example, when preparing a document for signing, make it a habit to check the orientation of each page and rotate them as needed before sending.

By making document rotation a standard step in your process, you can avoid last-minute scrambles to fix incorrectly oriented pages and ensure that your documents are always presented professionally.

2. Set Default Rotation Settings for Consistency

If you frequently work with documents that require specific page orientations, consider setting default rotation settings in DocuSign. This way, whenever you upload a document, the pages will automatically be rotated to your preferred orientation.

Setting default rotation settings can save you time and ensure consistency across all your documents. It's especially useful if you work with a team and want to maintain a uniform look and feel for all your signed agreements.

3. Collaborate with Team Members on Document Orientation

When working with a team, it's essential to communicate and collaborate on document orientation. Make sure everyone is aware of the preferred page orientations for different types of documents and understands how to rotate pages in DocuSign.

Consider creating a style guide or template that outlines the standard page orientations for your organization. This can help ensure that everyone is on the same page and that your documents always look professional and consistent.

4. Use Templates to Streamline Rotation for Recurring Documents

If you frequently send the same types of documents for signing, consider creating templates with the correct page orientations already set. This can save you time and effort in the long run, as you won't need to manually rotate pages each time you send a new document.

To create a template with specific page orientations, simply upload your document, rotate the pages as needed, and then save it as a template. The next time you need to send a similar document, you can quickly generate it from your template, knowing that the pages will be correctly oriented.

By following these tips and best practices, you can make document rotation a seamless part of your DocuSign workflows, saving time and ensuring consistency across all your documents.

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Thanks for sticking with us through this guide on rotating documents in DocuSign! We know it's been a lot of information to take in, but trust us, mastering document rotation will make your life a whole lot easier (and your documents a whole lot prettier). If you want more tips on document management, check out our guide on building a robust prospect list.


Knowing how to rotate documents in DocuSign is crucial for presenting professional, easy-to-read agreements to clients and colleagues. In this guide, you discovered:

  • The importance of properly oriented documents for readability and presentation
  • A step-by-step process for rotating documents, including selecting specific pages and checking orientation
  • Solutions for common rotation issues and handling mixed page orientations
  • Best practices for incorporating document rotation into your workflows and using templates for efficiency

By mastering document rotation in DocuSign, you'll save time, avoid embarrassing orientation mishaps, and impress your recipients with perfectly presented agreements. For more tips on improving your sales process, learn about buying signals in sales.

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