How to Forward LinkedIn Messages: A Quick Guide

October 10, 2024
Jason Gong
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Click the message, tap the More icon, and select Forward.

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Forwarding LinkedIn messages can be a game-changer for your professional network. Whether you need to share critical information with colleagues, seek advice on a tricky message, or pass along valuable opportunities, mastering the art of message forwarding is key. But did you know that 78% of LinkedIn users aren't fully utilizing this feature?

Don't let that be you! In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the step-by-step process of forwarding messages on both desktop and mobile, reveal best practices, and even introduce AI-powered automation to take your LinkedIn game to the next level. Get ready to unlock the full potential of your LinkedIn connections!

Reasons to Forward LinkedIn Messages

Forwarding LinkedIn messages can be incredibly useful in various professional situations. For instance, if you have an important conversation with a colleague that contains key project details, you can forward the message to keep your team in the loop. Additionally, seeking advice from a trusted connection on how to respond to a particular message can provide valuable insights.

Forwarding messages to yourself is also handy for saving important information like contact details or meeting times for quick reference later. Finally, passing along a promising job lead or networking opportunity to someone in your network who may benefit is a great way to add value and strengthen your professional relationships.

1. Keep Team Members Informed

When you have a conversation on LinkedIn that contains important information relevant to your team, forwarding the message is an efficient way to keep everyone up to speed. This could include details about a project timeline, client feedback, or changes to a deliverable.

For example, let's say you received a message from a client praising your team's work on a recent campaign. By forwarding this positive feedback to your colleagues, you can boost morale and ensure everyone feels recognized for their efforts. It also keeps the team informed about the client's satisfaction, which is crucial for maintaining strong relationships.

2. Seek Advice from Colleagues

If you receive a message that you're unsure how to respond to, forwarding it to a trusted colleague for their input can be incredibly helpful. This is especially true if the message is related to a sensitive topic or requires a carefully crafted response.

For instance, imagine you received a message from a disgruntled customer who had a negative experience with your product. By forwarding the message to a colleague in customer service, you can get their advice on how to handle the situation professionally and effectively. This not only helps you craft a better response but also ensures a consistent approach to customer issues across your organization. For more tips, consider using AI to generate responses.

3. Save Important Details for Later

Forwarding LinkedIn messages to yourself is a great way to save important information for easy reference later. This could include contact details for a potential client, meeting times and dates, or key takeaways from a conversation.

Let's say you had a productive conversation with a potential partner about collaborating on a project. By forwarding the message to yourself, you can ensure you have all the relevant details like their contact information and proposed next steps readily available when you need them. This saves you time from having to search through your message history later on.

4. Share Valuable Opportunities with Others

If you come across a message containing a promising job lead, networking event, or other valuable opportunity that may be relevant to someone in your network, forwarding it to them is a great way to add value and strengthen your relationship.

For example, let's say you received a message about an upcoming industry conference that you think would be perfect for a former colleague who recently started their own business. By forwarding the details to them, you're not only helping them stay informed about relevant events but also showing that you're thinking of them and their professional development. This thoughtful gesture can go a long way in building strong, mutually beneficial connections.

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Forwarding LinkedIn messages strategically can help you keep your team informed, seek advice, save important details, and share valuable opportunities with others. In the next section, we'll dive into the specifics of how to forward messages using LinkedIn's desktop platform.

Forwarding Messages on LinkedIn Desktop

Forwarding LinkedIn messages from your desktop is a straightforward process that allows you to share important conversations with your first-degree connections. However, it's essential to understand the limitations and context that come with forwarding messages. For example, you can't forward messages from LinkedIn Groups, and forwarded messages always include the original sender's identity. Additionally, once a message has been forwarded, it cannot be forwarded again. With these factors in mind, let's dive into the step-by-step process of forwarding a message on LinkedIn's desktop site.

1. Access Your LinkedIn Messages

To begin, click on the Messaging icon located at the top of your LinkedIn homepage or within the messaging window itself. This will open your list of conversations, allowing you to navigate to the one containing the message you wish to forward.

For instance, let's say you've been discussing a potential collaboration opportunity with a colleague, and you want to loop in another team member. By accessing your messages, you can quickly find the relevant conversation and prepare to forward the key details.

2. Select the Message to Forward

Once you've located the conversation, hover your cursor over the specific message you'd like to forward. Click on the More icon (three dots) that appears next to the message to reveal additional options.

It's important to carefully choose which messages you forward to ensure you're sharing the most relevant and valuable information. Avoid forwarding entire conversations unless absolutely necessary, as this can lead to information overload for the recipient.

3. Choose Your Forwarding Option

After clicking the More icon, you'll be presented with two options for forwarding the message: "Forward" (which sends the message as another LinkedIn message) or "Share via email." If you choose to forward the message within LinkedIn, it will be sent directly to the recipient's LinkedIn inbox. However, if you opt to share via email, the message will be sent from your primary email account rather than through LinkedIn's platform.

Keep in mind that when forwarding messages via email, you may need to adjust your default settings to ensure the message is sent from your preferred email account.

4. Select Your Recipient(s)

Regardless of your chosen forwarding method, you'll need to specify the recipient(s) of the forwarded message. Begin typing the name(s) of your intended recipient(s) in the "Type a name" field, and select their profile from the suggested list that appears. Remember, you can only forward messages to your first-degree LinkedIn connections.

When selecting recipients, consider the relevance of the message to each individual. Avoid forwarding messages to connections who may not find the information valuable or applicable to their work.

5. Add Your Own Message and Send

Before sending the forwarded message, take a moment to draft a brief introduction or explanation in the text box provided. This additional context helps the recipient understand why you're forwarding the message and what you hope to achieve by sharing it.

Once you've composed your message, click the "Send" button to deliver the forwarded message to your selected recipient(s). If you change your mind or need to make edits, you can click the Close icon at the top of the Forward message pop-up window to discard the message.

By following these steps, you can easily forward LinkedIn messages from your desktop, ensuring that important information is shared with the right people in your network. For more tips, learn how to scrape LinkedIn data efficiently.

Forwarding Messages on the LinkedIn Mobile App

Forwarding LinkedIn messages from your mobile device is just as easy as doing so from your desktop. Whether you want to share valuable information with a colleague or save important details for future reference, the LinkedIn mobile app has you covered. The process is similar to forwarding messages on desktop, but with a few key differences to keep in mind. Let's take a closer look at how to forward a LinkedIn message using the mobile app.

1. Open the LinkedIn Mobile App

To begin, launch the LinkedIn mobile app on your smartphone or tablet. If you're not already signed in, enter your login credentials to access your account. Once you're on the app's main screen, look for the Messaging icon, which is typically located in the upper right corner of the screen. Tap on this icon to open your LinkedIn messages.

For example, let's say you've been discussing a potential job opportunity with a recruiter via LinkedIn messaging. You want to forward some key details from this conversation to a mentor for their advice. By accessing your messages through the mobile app, you can quickly find and forward the relevant information.

2. Find the Message to Forward

Within your LinkedIn messages, navigate to the conversation containing the message you wish to forward. If you have a long list of conversations, you may need to scroll through to find the right one. Once you've located the desired conversation, tap on it to open the full message thread.

As you review the conversation, consider which specific messages are most important to forward. It's generally best to be selective and only share the most relevant information to avoid overwhelming your recipient with unnecessary details.

3. Select the Forwarding Option

To forward a specific message within the conversation, tap and hold on the message until a menu appears. From this menu, choose whether you want to forward the message within LinkedIn or share it externally via email or another platform. If you select the "Forward" option, the message will be sent as a new LinkedIn message to your chosen recipient(s). If you choose "Share via," you can send the message to an email address or through another app installed on your device.

Keep in mind that when you forward a message externally, it will be sent from your primary email account rather than directly through LinkedIn. You may need to adjust your default settings if you prefer to use a different email address.

4. Choose Your Recipient(s)

After selecting your preferred forwarding method, it's time to choose your recipient(s). If forwarding the message within LinkedIn, start typing the name(s) of your intended recipient(s) in the "To" field. LinkedIn will suggest matching connections as you type, allowing you to easily select the right people. Remember that you can only forward messages to your 1st-degree connections on LinkedIn.

If you're sharing the message via email, enter the recipient's email address in the appropriate field. You can also choose to share the message through other apps, such as messaging or productivity tools, depending on what you have installed on your device.

5. Add Context and Hit Send

Before sending the forwarded message, take a moment to add your own thoughts or context in the text box provided. This helps the recipient understand why you're sharing the message and what you hope to gain from their input or action. Keep your added message brief and to the point, focusing on the key reasons for forwarding the message.

Once you've composed your additional message, tap the "Send" button to forward the message to your selected recipient(s). If you change your mind or need to make any edits, simply tap outside of the forwarding menu to close it without sending.

Forwarding LinkedIn messages from your mobile device is a quick and convenient way to share important information and stay connected with your professional network. By following these simple steps, you'll be able to easily forward messages whenever and wherever you need to. Keep in mind the same limitations and considerations as when forwarding messages from your desktop, such as only being able to forward to 1st-degree connections and the inclusion of the original sender's identity.

Mastering the art of forwarding LinkedIn messages on mobile will help you stay agile and responsive in your professional communications. In the next section, we'll explore some best practices for forwarding messages to ensure you're using this feature effectively and appropriately.

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LinkedIn Message Forwarding Best Practices

Forwarding LinkedIn messages can be a powerful tool for sharing valuable information and insights with your professional network. However, it's important to use this feature thoughtfully and strategically to avoid overwhelming your connections or breaching privacy. By following a few key best practices, you can ensure that your forwarded messages are well-received and effective in achieving your desired outcomes.

1. Be Selective in What You Forward

When deciding whether to forward a LinkedIn message, consider whether the content is truly relevant and valuable to your intended recipient. Avoid forwarding messages that are overly promotional, spammy, or off-topic. Instead, focus on sharing information that aligns with your recipient's interests and goals.

For example, if you receive a message about an upcoming industry conference that you think would be beneficial for a colleague to attend, forwarding that message could be a helpful gesture. On the other hand, forwarding every job posting you come across may come across as pushy or irrelevant.

2. Provide Context and Purpose

When forwarding a message, take a moment to add your own commentary or context to help your recipient understand why you're sharing this information with them. Explain how the message relates to their work or interests, and what you hope they'll gain from reading it.

For instance, if you're forwarding a message about a new industry report, you might say something like, "Hey Sarah, I thought you'd find this report interesting given your recent work on XYZ project. The section on emerging trends seems particularly relevant." This extra context helps your recipient quickly grasp the value of the forwarded message.

3. Be Mindful of Privacy Concerns

Before forwarding a message, consider whether the content is sensitive or confidential in nature. If the original sender shared something in confidence or divulged private information, it's best to err on the side of caution and not forward the message without their explicit permission.

Additionally, keep in mind that forwarded messages within LinkedIn will display the original sender's identity. If you're unsure whether the sender would want their name associated with the forwarded content, it's wise to double-check with them first.

4. Follow Up and Close the Loop

After forwarding a message, consider circling back with the original sender to let them know that you shared their content and why. This follow-up demonstrates your appreciation for their initial outreach and keeps them informed about how their information is being disseminated.

Similarly, if your forwarded message sparks a meaningful conversation or leads to a positive outcome, be sure to update both the original sender and your recipient. Closing the loop in this way strengthens your professional relationships and encourages further knowledge-sharing.

By being selective, providing context, respecting privacy, and following up, you can maximize the impact of your LinkedIn messages. These best practices ensure that you're using this powerful feature to add value to your network and enhance your professional communication. So go forth and forward (thoughtfully)!

We hope you've found this guide on forwarding LinkedIn messages to be both informative and entertaining. While we can't promise that mastering this skill will make you the most popular kid on the LinkedIn block, we're pretty sure it'll save you from a few awkward professional faux pas. Happy forwarding!


Knowing how to forward LinkedIn messages is a valuable skill for effective professional communication and networking. This guide covered:

  • Reasons to forward LinkedIn messages, such as sharing important information, seeking advice, saving details, and passing along opportunities
  • Step-by-step instructions for forwarding messages on LinkedIn's desktop site, including recipient limitations and sender identity inclusion
  • How to forward LinkedIn messages using the mobile app, both within LinkedIn and externally via email or other platforms
  • Best practices for thoughtful and strategic message forwarding, like being selective, providing context, respecting privacy, and following up

By mastering the art of forwarding LinkedIn messages, you'll be better equipped to leverage your professional network and make the most of valuable connections. If you're looking to enhance your LinkedIn experience further, consider using tools for extracting contact details efficiently. Don't let these opportunities slip through the cracks - put your newfound forwarding skills to work today!

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