You do you, and AI will suggest time-saving automations

You no longer need to know how to build complicated automations or spend hours creating them. Bardeen will generate a custom automation for you when it detects manual tasks.

Create automations with natural language

Type what you want to automate in the magic box, and watch Bardeen create an automation for you like a no-code consultant.

Bring an AI assistant to where you work

Bardeen gives you AI superpowers. It can create personalized outreach messages with a click based on the information on the currently opened tab, summarize long articles, create action items from meeting notes, and so much more.

Streamline research

Doing any type of research usually requires sifting through hundreds or, sometimes, thousands of pages. Bardeen can do this for you, create summaries and provide you a spreadsheet with all the data nicely organized!

Make your meetings more actionable and useful

Give 100% to your meeting participants and let AI handle the rest. Use AI to transcribe meeting recordings, generate a concise summary, and automatically extract action items for all participants.

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