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playbook Template

Send Email to Viewed LinkedIn Profile

This automation sends an email to the LinkedIn profile you're viewing, streamlining networking and outreach efforts.
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Find email from LinkedIn profile
Find email from LinkedIn profile
Send email
Send email

How does this playbook work?

This automation sends an email to the LinkedIn profile you're viewing, streamlining networking and outreach efforts.
  • Subject of the email
  • Body of the email
  • Email sent to the LinkedIn profile's associated email address

This automation enables you to send an email to the email address associated with the LinkedIn profile you are currently viewing. It is particularly useful for:

  • Networking with professionals in your industry
  • Reaching out to potential job candidates
  • Connecting with sales leads

The workflow begins by capturing an image snippet from the currently viewed LinkedIn profile page. It then uses the integration to find the email address associated with the LinkedIn profile. Finally, an email is sent to this address with your specified subject and body.

Pro Tip: This automation can be combined with personalized messages using OpenAI to generate customized email content based on the LinkedIn profile's details.

Enhance your networking and outreach efforts by using this convenient automation with Bardeen.

Step 1: Install the Bardeen App

Start by installing the Bardeen app to your device if you haven't already.

Step 2: Navigate to the Magic Box

Open the Magic Box in the Bardeen app and enter the following prompt:

Send an email to the currently opened LinkedIn user

Step 3: Integrate the Workflow Integrations

Make sure to integrate the necessary integrations for the workflow. This includes Scraper for capturing the LinkedIn profile, Snov for finding the email address, and Google Mail for sending the email.

Step 4: Run the Workflow

Finally, execute the workflow. This workflow is designed to:

  • Capture an image snippet from the currently viewed LinkedIn profile page.
  • Find the email address associated with that LinkedIn profile using the captured profile URL.
  • Send an email to the LinkedIn user whose email was identified, completing the outreach process.
The #1 free AI Automation extension for Chrome

How to Directly Email Someone from Their LinkedIn Profile?

How to Send an Email to the Currently Opened LinkedIn User

Sending an email to a LinkedIn user whose profile you're currently viewing can be a valuable way to make a professional connection, whether you're networking, job hunting, or seeking sales leads. While LinkedIn itself offers direct messaging through InMail for premium members, there are several ways to find and send an email to a LinkedIn user directly, even if you're not connected or don't have a premium account.

Finding the Email Address

The first step in sending an email to a LinkedIn user is finding their email address. This can be done manually or by using specialized tools and extensions. If you're connected to the user, you might find their email address listed under their contact info on their profile. However, for users you're not connected with, or who haven't listed their email publicly, you'll need to employ other methods.

Bardeen supports automated extraction of emails from websites, or integrations with top email enrichment tools like and Clearbit. Try Bardeen now.

Manual Search: Sometimes, users include their email addresses in their profile summary or posts. A careful look through these sections might reveal the email you're looking for.

Use LinkedIn's Export Feature: For your connections, LinkedIn allows you to export your connections' data, including email addresses. Go to 'Settings & Privacy' > 'Data Privacy' > 'How LinkedIn uses your data' and select 'Get a copy of your data'. Choose 'Connections' and submit the request. LinkedIn will email you a file containing your connections' email addresses.

Email Finder Tools: Various online tools and Chrome extensions, like,, or GetProspect, can help find email addresses based on the LinkedIn profile you're viewing. These tools often offer a number of free searches per month, with the option to pay for more extensive use.

Sending the Email

Once you have the email address, compose your email thoughtfully. Whether you're reaching out for networking, job opportunities, or sales, personalize your message to make a good impression. Mention how you found their email and why you're reaching out to increase your chances of receiving a response.

Remember to keep your message professional, concise, and respectful of the recipient's time. A clear subject line that indicates the purpose of your email can also help ensure your message gets noticed.

Automate your outreach and follow-up emails with Bardeen to save time and increase your productivity. Personalize your emails based on the LinkedIn profile's details for better engagement. Discover how Bardeen can help.
The #1 free AI Automation extension for Chrome
Google Mail
Google Mail
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