Google Sheets
playbook Template

Scrape Glassdoor job listings and save to Google Sheets

This workflow automates the scraping of job listings from Glassdoor and saves them to Google Sheets for easy analysis.
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Scrape data on active tab
Scrape data on active tab
Add data to sheet tab
Add data to sheet tab

How does this playbook work?

This workflow automates the scraping of job listings from Glassdoor and saves them to Google Sheets for easy analysis.
  • Active Glassdoor URL
  • Google Sheets for storing results
  • Job listings saved in Google Sheets

This automation scrapes job listings from Glassdoor and saves them to a designated Google Sheet. It's designed to help job seekers and recruiters aggregate job listing data efficiently.

The process begins by scraping job listings from the active Glassdoor URL you're viewing, using a pre-defined scraper model tailored for Glassdoor job listings. After scraping, the job listings are appended to your specified Google Sheets. This automation is ideal for:

  • Job market analysis
  • Aggregating job listings for specific roles or industries
Pro Tip: This workflow can be customized with additional filters or data manipulation steps in Google Sheets, such as sorting by date, location, or company.

Streamline your job search or recruitment efforts by leveraging this automation with Bardeen.

Step 1: Install the Bardeen App

To begin, ensure you have the Bardeen app installed on your device.

Step 2: Navigate to the Magic Box

Open the Magic Box and enter the prompt:

scrape job listing from Glassdoor, save into google sheets

Step 3: Integrate the Workflow Integrations

For the workflow to function, integrate with Scraper for sourcing data from Glassdoor and Google Sheets for data storage.

Step 4: Run the Workflow

With everything set, run the workflow. It is designed to:

  • Scrape job listings from Glassdoor based on your active tab's URL using a specialized scraping model.
  • Then, it will append the scraped job listings to your designated Google Sheet, effectively saving the data for further analysis or review.
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How Do You Scrape Jobs from Glassdoor Efficiently?

Scraping Glassdoor Jobs: A Comprehensive Guide

Scraping job listings from Glassdoor can be a powerful way to gather data for job market analysis or to aggregate job listings for specific roles or industries. Whether you're a job seeker looking to find opportunities or a researcher analyzing the job market, scraping Glassdoor can provide valuable insights. This guide will walk you through the methods to scrape Glassdoor jobs both with and without coding.

Looking to streamline your job search or recruitment efforts? Automate the process of scraping job listings from Glassdoor and saving them into Google Sheets with Bardeen. Run the workflow now.

Manual Scraping Without Coding

For those without programming skills, several online tools can help you scrape data from Glassdoor. Tools like Octoparse, Parsehub, and WebHarvy allow for easy data extraction without the need to write any code. Here's a simplified process:

  1. Choose a web scraping tool and create an account.
  2. Navigate to the Glassdoor website and select the data you wish to scrape.
  3. Set up the web scraping tool by choosing the website elements you want to scrape and defining the scraping rules.
  4. Run the scraper to extract the data from Glassdoor. The extracted data will be saved in a format that can be easily exported to Excel or CSV.
  5. Export the data for your analysis.

While this method is accessible, it may not offer the same level of customization and efficiency as coding-based methods.

Scraping With Coding: BeautifulSoup and Selenium

If you have some programming skills, you can opt for a more powerful and customizable approach using Python libraries such as BeautifulSoup and Selenium. Here's how you can scrape Glassdoor job listings using code:

  1. Install Python and necessary libraries: BeautifulSoup for parsing HTML and Selenium for automating web browser interaction.
  2. Understand the structure of the Glassdoor website to identify the HTML tags and attributes containing the job data you want to scrape.
  3. Write a script to automate data extraction. Use Selenium to navigate and BeautifulSoup to parse the webpage.
  4. Test your code on a small sample to ensure it works correctly.
  5. Scale up the scraping process and store the data in a format like CSV or JSON for easy analysis.

This method requires more effort but offers greater flexibility and control over the data you collect.

Automate your Glassdoor job scraping with Bardeen and save time on data collection. Try it now.

Regardless of the method you choose, it's important to be aware of the legal and ethical considerations surrounding web scraping. Ensure you comply with Glassdoor's terms of use and respect data privacy laws.

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Google Sheets
Google Sheets
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