ClickUp and Jira are two powerful project management tools that are designed to help teams streamline their workflows, improve collaboration, and boost productivity. ClickUp offers a beautifully intuitive environment that makes managing work and personal tasks a breeze, while Jira offers robust bug and issue tracking capabilities that help software developers manage product development more effectively. Together, these platforms can be a game-changer for teams looking to optimize their project management processes.

With, you can integrate ClickUp and Jira to create powerful automations that help you get the most out of these platforms. For instance, you can copy all ClickUp tasks in a specific project to Jira, or vice versa, saving you valuable time. You can also create a new Jira issue from a ClickUp task, making it easier to manage your workflow across platforms. These integration pair templates, such as this and this, serve as a great inspiration for you to start automating your project management tasks.

Try popular ClickUp + Jira automations

ClickUp and Jira are two powerful project management tools that are designed to help teams streamline their workflows, improve collaboration, and boost productivity. ClickUp offers a beautifully intuitive environment that makes managing work and personal tasks a breeze, while Jira offers robust bug and issue tracking capabilities that help software developers manage product development more effectively. Together, these platforms can be a game-changer for teams looking to optimize their project management processes.

With, you can integrate ClickUp and Jira to create powerful automations that help you get the most out of these platforms. For instance, you can copy all ClickUp tasks in a specific project to Jira, or vice versa, saving you valuable time. You can also create a new Jira issue from a ClickUp task, making it easier to manage your workflow across platforms. These integration pair templates, such as this and this, serve as a great inspiration for you to start automating your project management tasks.

Try popular ClickUp + Jira automations

ClickUp and Jira are two powerful project management tools that are designed to help teams streamline their workflows, improve collaboration, and boost productivity. ClickUp offers a beautifully intuitive environment that makes managing work and personal tasks a breeze, while Jira offers robust bug and issue tracking capabilities that help software developers manage product development more effectively. Together, these platforms can be a game-changer for teams looking to optimize their project management processes.

With, you can integrate ClickUp and Jira to create powerful automations that help you get the most out of these platforms. For instance, you can copy all ClickUp tasks in a specific project to Jira, or vice versa, saving you valuable time. You can also create a new Jira issue from a ClickUp task, making it easier to manage your workflow across platforms. These integration pair templates, such as this and this, serve as a great inspiration for you to start automating your project management tasks.

Try popular ClickUp + Jira automations

How to integrate ClickUp + Jira

Install from Chrome Web Store Icon
Step 1
Install Bardeen extension from Chrome Web Store.
Find a Bardeen Automation Icon
Step 2
Find a pre-built automation.
Bardeen AI Icon
Step 2
Let AI build the automation for you.
Run Bardeen Automations Icon
Step 3
Run your automation.
Party Emoji
That’s it! More time to work on other things.
Bardeen Extension Window
Bardeen Builder Flow

Build your own ClickUp + Jira workflow in no time with AI

Everyone’s workflow is unique. Build an automation in minutes with a few line of text.

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Discover what you can automate

Integration tips for ClickUp + Jira

Loved by over 300k users

I was skeptical how AI and automation could make my business better (being in the moving industry), but after Dan used Bardeen to automate finding new moving leads, I've seen a 27% increase in new customers, especially real estate agents which is huge for us!
“Using Bardeen has improved our workflow efficiency by 70%, saving us 20 hours a week that we now dedicate to more strategic tasks.”
"Switching to Bardeen transformed our workflow. What used to take days now takes minutes, allowing us to focus on high-impact activities. The boost in efficiency and time savings has made a significant impact on our team, allowing us to focus on closing deals.”

Available actions & triggers

Find ClickUp tasks
Create ClickUp task
When Jira issue is added
Find Jira issue
Get ClickUp assignee from task
Create comment to ClickUp task
When status of Jira issue changes
When ClickUp task is created
Create Jira issue
Delete a task in ClickUp

Learn more about the apps

Integrate any app with ClickUp + Jira

Affinity Airtable Amazon Appsumo Asana Bardeen Bardeen Enrichment Capterra Clearbit Clutch Coda Craigslist Crunchbase DeepL Dropbox eBay Eventbrite Facebook Fiverr FlexJobs Github Glassdoor Google Calendar Google Docs Google Drive Google Jobs Google Mail Google Maps Google Meet Google News Google Search Google Sheets Google Translate Google Travel Google Trends HubSpot Indeed Instagram Lemlist LinkedIn Meetup Microsoft Excel Microsoft OneDrive Microsoft Outlook Mail Microsoft Outlook Calendar Microsoft Teams Miro Notion OpenAI Outreach Pipedrive Product Hunt Reddit Redfin Remote OK Salesforce Salesloft SEEK Slack Smartlead SmartSuite SMS Telegram ThemeForest TikTok Trello Upwork Webex WhatsApp WordPress Yelp YouTube Zapier Zillow Zoom

Frequently asked questions

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Actions & Triggers

Bardeen provides two types of automations called Playbooks and Autobooks.

Playbooks are automations that you launch manually. And Autobooks are the automations that get triggered automatically when something happens or on a specific date / time.

All automations are just a series of actions connected to each other.
Triggers tell the automation when it has to start the series of actions.
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