Email vs LinkedIn: Which is More Effective for Outreach?

October 10, 2024
Raz Popescu
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When it comes to B2B outreach, is it better to email or message on LinkedIn? The answer may surprise you. LinkedIn messages have a 5-20% reply rate, while emails average just 1-10%. However, emails allow for more personalization and scale.

In this guide, we'll dive into the pros and cons of each channel and share best practices for integrating them into a cohesive strategy. You'll learn how to craft compelling messages, automate your outreach, and drive better results. Plus, discover how AI tools like Bardeen can streamline repetitive tasks. Get ready to take your prospecting to the next level!

Comparing Email and LinkedIn Message Open Rates: Which Channel Gets Better Engagement?

When it comes to B2B outreach, choosing the right communication channel can make all the difference in your engagement rates. Let's take a closer look at how email and LinkedIn messages stack up against each other in terms of open rates, click-through rates, and response rates.

1. Typical Open Rates for Emails vs LinkedIn Messages

On average, emails tend to have higher open rates compared to LinkedIn messages. While email open rates can vary depending on the industry and the quality of your email list, they typically range between 15-25%. LinkedIn messages, on the other hand, have lower open rates, usually falling between 10-20%.

However, it's important to note that LinkedIn messages are often more targeted, as you can easily find and connect with decision-makers in your industry. This targeted approach can lead to higher-quality leads and more meaningful interactions.

2. Factors Influencing Open Rates

Several factors can influence the open rates of both emails and LinkedIn messages. Crafting compelling subject lines that grab the recipient's attention is crucial for emails. Keep your subject lines concise, relevant, and enticing to improve your chances of getting your message opened.

For LinkedIn messages, your sender reputation and the relevance of your message play a significant role. Building a strong LinkedIn presence and regularly engaging with your network can help increase your credibility and improve your message open rates.

3. Comparing Click-Through Rates and Response Rates

When it comes to click-through rates (CTR) and response rates, emails tend to have a slight edge over LinkedIn messages. Emails allow you to include multiple calls-to-action (CTAs) and links, providing more opportunities for recipients to engage with your content. LinkedIn messages, while more personal, have limitations on the number of links and CTAs you can include.

However, the response rates for LinkedIn messages can be higher, especially if you've established a connection with the recipient beforehand. The more personalized nature of LinkedIn messages can lead to more meaningful conversations and better chances of converting leads.

4. Data-Driven Insights on Channel Engagement

According to a study by HubSpot, emails have an average CTR of 2.5%, while LinkedIn messages have a slightly lower CTR of 2.1%. However, when it comes to response rates, LinkedIn messages have the upper hand, with an average response rate of 10-25% compared to emails, which typically see a response rate of 1-5%.

These data-driven insights suggest that while emails may have better open rates and click-through rates, LinkedIn messages can lead to higher response rates and more meaningful engagements.

Using AI to personalize messages can enhance engagement on both platforms by tailoring content to each recipient.

The choice between email and LinkedIn messages for your B2B outreach ultimately depends on your specific goals, target audience, and industry. Testing both channels and analyzing your own data can help you determine which one works best for your business.

In the next section, we'll explore the pros and cons of email and LinkedIn for prospecting, providing you with a comprehensive understanding of each channel's strengths and weaknesses.

Pros and Cons of Email vs LinkedIn for Prospecting

When it comes to prospecting, both email and LinkedIn have their strengths and weaknesses. While email allows for longer messages and the ability to attach files, LinkedIn provides insights into whether a prospect is active on the platform. Let's take a closer look at the pros and cons of each channel.

1. Email Advantages: Longer Messages and File Attachments

One of the main advantages of using email for prospecting is the ability to send longer, more detailed messages. This allows you to provide more context and information about your offer, increasing the likelihood of engaging your prospect.

Additionally, email allows you to attach files, such as case studies, whitepapers, or product demos. This can be a powerful way to showcase your expertise and provide value to your prospects.

2. Email Drawbacks: Lower Deliverability and Strict Spam Filters

However, email also has its drawbacks. One of the biggest challenges is deliverability. With strict spam filters and overflowing inboxes, it can be difficult to ensure your message reaches your prospect's inbox.

Moreover, even if your email does make it through, there's no guarantee that your prospect will open it. With so many emails vying for attention, it's easy for your message to get lost in the shuffle.

3. LinkedIn Messages: Knowing Your Prospect's Activity

One of the key benefits of LinkedIn messages is the ability to see if your prospect is active on the platform. This can give you valuable insights into whether they're likely to see and respond to your message.

Additionally, because LinkedIn is a professional network, people are often more receptive to business-related messages. This can lead to higher engagement rates compared to email.

4. LinkedIn Limitations: Shorter Messages and Formatting Constraints

However, LinkedIn messages also have their limitations. One of the biggest drawbacks is the shorter message length compared to email. This can make it challenging to convey complex ideas or provide detailed information about your offer.

Furthermore, LinkedIn messages have limited formatting options, making it difficult to create visually appealing or engaging messages.

5. Choosing the Right Channel for Your Outreach Goals

Ultimately, the decision to use email or LinkedIn for prospecting depends on your specific outreach goals. If you need to send longer, more detailed messages or attach files, email may be the better choice. However, if you want to target prospects who are actively engaged on LinkedIn, the platform's messaging feature may be more effective. Consider automating sales prospecting to enhance efficiency.

Save time on outreach by using tools like Bardeen to automate your prospecting tasks. This can help you focus more on crafting impactful messages and less on the repetitive work.

Consider testing both channels and analyzing your results to determine which one works best for your business. You may find that a combination of email and LinkedIn outreach yields the best results.

Both email and LinkedIn have their strengths and weaknesses when it comes to prospecting. By understanding the pros and cons of each channel, you can make an informed decision on which one aligns best with your outreach goals and target audience.

In the next section, we'll explore best practices for crafting compelling email and LinkedIn messages that drive engagement and responses. Get ready to take your outreach game to the next level!

Best Practices for Writing Compelling Email and LinkedIn Outreach

Crafting effective email and LinkedIn messages is essential for engaging prospects and driving responses. By following best practices for subject lines, message copy, personalization, and having a strong profile, you can significantly improve your outreach results.

1. Crafting Compelling Subject Lines and Message Copy

Your subject line is the first thing prospects see, so it needs to grab their attention and entice them to open your message. Keep it short, intriguing, and relevant to the recipient. Avoid generic or spammy phrases like "Quick question" or "Can we connect?".

When it comes to message copy, focus on providing value and solving the prospect's pain points. Highlight specific benefits and use social proof to build credibility. Keep your messages concise and easy to read, with a clear call-to-action. Consider using automation tools to streamline your outreach process.

2. Optimizing Email Length, CTA Placement, and Personalization

While there's no one-size-fits-all approach to email length, aim for around 100-200 words. This provides enough information to pique interest without overwhelming the reader.

Place your call-to-action (CTA) prominently, ideally after demonstrating value. Personalize your messages by referencing the prospect's role, company, or recent activity. This shows you've done your research and helps build rapport.

3. Engaging LinkedIn Messages That Drive Responses

LinkedIn messages should be even more concise than emails, given the platform's character limits. Focus on a strong opening line that grabs attention and quickly conveys value.

Use a conversational tone and ask open-ended questions to encourage a response. Mention any mutual connections or shared interests to establish common ground. Close with a specific request, such as scheduling a call or sharing resources.

4. The Importance of a Strong LinkedIn Profile

Before reaching out on LinkedIn, ensure your profile is optimized. Use a professional headshot, compelling headline, and keyword-rich summary that highlights your expertise. Showcase relevant experience, skills, and accomplishments.

A strong profile builds trust and credibility, making prospects more likely to engage with your outreach. It also helps you appear in relevant search results, increasing your visibility to potential connections.

5. Examples of Effective Email and LinkedIn Templates

Here's an example of a compelling email template:

Subject: [Prospect Name], quick question about [pain point]

Hi [Prospect Name],

I noticed you recently [relevant activity or trigger event]. As the [your role] at [your company], I help businesses like yours [key benefit].

I have a few ideas on how you could [solve pain point or achieve goal]. Would you be interested in a quick call to discuss?

[Your Name]

And here's a strong LinkedIn message template:

Hi [Prospect Name],

I see we're both connected to [mutual connection] and share an interest in [topic]. I wanted to reach out because I help companies like [prospect's company] with [pain point or goal].

Would you be open to a brief chat to discuss how [your company] could potentially support your efforts? Let me know if you have any availability next week.

[Your Name]

By tailoring these templates to your specific prospects and offering, you can significantly increase your chances of getting a response.

Crafting compelling email and LinkedIn outreach requires a strategic approach to subject lines, message copy, personalization, and profile optimization. By implementing these best practices and continually testing and refining your templates, you can take your prospecting results to the next level.

Ready to put your outreach skills to the test? In the next section, we'll explore how to integrate email and LinkedIn into a cohesive, multichannel strategy that maximizes your impact.

Combining Email and LinkedIn for Maximum Outreach Impact

Integrating email and LinkedIn in your outreach strategy can significantly boost your prospecting results. By leveraging the strengths of each channel and using them in a coordinated way, you can build stronger relationships, increase response rates, and ultimately close more deals.

1. Using LinkedIn to Warm Up Email Outreach

Before sending a cold email, consider connecting with the prospect on LinkedIn first. This allows you to establish a rapport and provides context for your upcoming outreach. Once connected, engage with their content by liking, commenting, and sharing relevant posts.

After a few interactions, your name will be familiar when your email lands in their inbox. This increases the likelihood of your message being opened and responded to, as you're no longer a complete stranger.

2. Crafting a Multichannel Outreach Sequence

To maximize the impact of your outreach, create a sequence that alternates between LinkedIn and email touchpoints. For example, you could start with a LinkedIn connection request, followed by an introductory email a few days later. If you don't receive a response, follow up with a LinkedIn message reiterating your value proposition.

Continue the sequence with additional emails and LinkedIn interactions, spacing them out over a few weeks. This multichannel approach keeps you top of mind and provides multiple opportunities for the prospect to engage.

3. Tailoring Messaging for Consistency and Relevance

When communicating across LinkedIn and email, it's crucial to maintain a consistent tone and messaging. Tailor your outreach to the specific prospect, referencing their industry, role, or recent activity. This demonstrates that you've done your research and understand their needs.

While the medium may change, your core value proposition should remain the same. Consistency builds trust and credibility, making prospects more receptive to your outreach efforts.

4. Leveraging LinkedIn Sales Navigator for Targeted Outreach

LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a powerful tool for identifying and engaging with key decision-makers. Use Sales Navigator's advanced search and filtering options to create highly targeted prospect lists based on criteria like industry, company size, and job title.

Sales Navigator also provides valuable insights into your prospects' activity, allowing you to personalize your outreach and strike while the iron is hot. For example, if a prospect recently shared an article about a challenge they're facing, you can reference that in your email and offer a relevant solution.

Save time and boost your prospecting efforts with Bardeen. Learn how to automate sales prospecting and streamline your outreach today.

5. Measuring Success and Optimizing Your Approach

To continually refine your multichannel outreach strategy, track key metrics like response rates, meeting bookings, and conversion rates for both LinkedIn and email. Use this data to identify what's working and what's not, and adjust your approach accordingly.

A/B test different subject lines, messaging, and sequences to optimize for the highest engagement. Regularly review and clean your prospect lists to ensure you're targeting the right people with the most relevant information.

By combining the power of email and LinkedIn, you can take your prospecting efforts to new heights. This multichannel approach allows you to build meaningful connections, demonstrate value, and ultimately drive more conversions for your business.

Thanks for sticking with us through this in-depth look at multichannel outreach! While reading this article won't automatically make you a prospecting pro, it'll definitely help you avoid some common pitfalls and set you on the path to outreach success. Stay tuned for more tips and tricks to keep your pipeline full and your calendar booked!


Understanding whether email or LinkedIn messages are more effective for outreach is crucial for prospecting success. This guide covered:

  • Open rates, click-through rates, and response rates for email vs LinkedIn messages
  • Advantages and limitations of each channel for prospecting
  • Best practices for crafting compelling emails and LinkedIn messages
  • Integrating email and LinkedIn into a cohesive multichannel outreach strategy

By applying these insights, you can optimize your outreach approach and build stronger connections with prospects. Don't let ineffective prospecting hold you back from closing more deals!

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