How to Setup Coupon Code in Klaviyo Emails: A Quick Guide

September 16, 2024
Jason Gong
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Create coupons in your ecommerce platform and sync them with Klaviyo.

By the way, we're Bardeen, we build a free AI Agent for doing repetitive tasks.

If you use Klaviyo, you might love Bardeen's automated workflows. It helps you add coupon codes to emails quickly and easily.

Want to boost sales and customer engagement with coupon codes in your Klaviyo emails? You're in the right place! This quick guide will walk you through setting up both static and unique coupon codes, integrating them with your ecommerce platform, and adding them to your email campaigns. Plus, we'll introduce a game-changing AI tool that can automate parts of the process for you. Ready to level up your email marketing strategy and drive more conversions? Let's dive in!

Creating Coupons in Your Ecommerce Platform

To create coupons for your Klaviyo emails, you first need to set them up in your ecommerce platform. Most major ecommerce platforms like Shopify, Magento, and WooCommerce allow you to generate coupon codes that can be synced with your Klaviyo account.

Consider using unique codes to prevent sharing and allow you to track usage by specific customers.

1. Decide on the Coupon Type and Discount

In your ecommerce platform's discounts section, create a new coupon. Choose a memorable name for static codes or a prefix for unique codes. Set the discount type as a fixed amount, percentage, or free shipping. You can restrict the coupon to certain products or collections and set a minimum purchase amount if desired.

2. Configure Coupon Settings

Next, specify when the coupon should be active and when it expires. For unique codes used in automated flows, set the coupon to activate upon sending and expire after a set number of days. For static codes used in one-off campaigns, you can set fixed start and end dates.

3. Generate Unique Codes (if applicable)

If using unique coupon codes, generate a CSV file with enough codes for each recipient of your email. Each code should be on a separate row. Avoid generating more codes than necessary, as this can slow down the import process. Upload the CSV file to your ecommerce platform.

4. Sync Coupons to Klaviyo

Once your coupons are set up, ensure your ecommerce platform is integrated with Klaviyo. This allows the coupon information to sync, so the codes are available to include in your email templates. Double check that the integration is working and the coupons appear in Klaviyo before building your emails.

By creating coupons directly in your ecommerce platform, you ensure that they are properly configured and can be redeemed by customers. Syncing them to Klaviyo unlocks the ability to incorporate the codes into your email marketing strategy.

With your coupons created and synced, you're ready to move on to the next step of adding them to your Klaviyo email campaigns and flows. The next section will cover everything you need to know about incorporating coupons into your Klaviyo emails to drive sales and customer loyalty.

Adding Coupons to Klaviyo Emails: A Step-by-Step Guide

Once you have created coupons in your ecommerce platform, the next step is adding them to your Klaviyo email campaigns and automated flows. Klaviyo makes it easy to incorporate both static and unique coupon codes into your emails to incentivize purchases.

For example, you might include a unique 10% off coupon in your welcome series for new subscribers, or feature a static free shipping code in a promotional campaign. Strategically placing coupons in your emails can boost conversions and drive customer loyalty.

1. Insert a Coupon Block in Your Email Template

In the Klaviyo email template editor, drag and drop a coupon block where you want the code to appear. This could be in the hero section, near a call-to-action button, or in the footer. The coupon block automatically formats the code and expiration date for a clean, prominent look.

If using a unique coupon, make sure to select that option in the coupon block settings. For static coupons, simply type in the code. You can customize the styling of the block to match your email design.

2. Configure Coupon Block Settings

Click on the coupon block to bring up the settings panel. Here you can choose a background color, font, and alignment for the coupon code. For unique coupons, select the name of the coupon you uploaded.

Set a fallback coupon to display in case your unique codes run out - this could be a static code or even just a message. Choose whether to display the coupon's expiration date, and if so, in what format.

3. Write Compelling Coupon Copy

The text surrounding your coupon code is just as important as the code itself. Write action-oriented copy that creates a sense of urgency and clearly explains the discount. For example: "Use code WELCOME10 at checkout for 10% off your first order. Hurry, expires in 48 hours!"

Experiment with different copy and coupon placement to see what generates the most conversions. Make sure the coupon stands out visually and is near a relevant call-to-action like "Shop Now".

4. Test and Send Your Email

Once your email is built, send a test to yourself and check that the coupon displays correctly. If you're using unique coupons, make sure you have enough codes uploaded to cover your recipient list. Klaviyo will automatically assign a unique code to each recipient when you send the campaign or flow email.

After sending, you can track how many coupons have been claimed in the Coupons section of your Klaviyo account. This gives you valuable insight into which offers resonate with your audience.

If you want to save more time while adding coupon codes, consider using Bardeen's automated workflows to handle repetitive tasks easily and focus on crafting the perfect email.

By following these steps, you can effectively leverage coupons in your Klaviyo email strategy to drive more sales and engagement. Experiment with different types of codes and placements to optimize your results.

Thanks for sticking with us this far - you're well on your way to becoming a coupon pro! While discounts are great, just remember not to train your customers to always expect them. 😉 Next up, we'll recap the key takeaways. If you're looking to further refine your sales strategy, check out our guide on building a robust sales prospect list to drive growth.


Setting up coupon codes in Klaviyo emails is crucial for driving sales and engaging customers. This guide covered:

  • Generating static and unique coupons in your ecommerce platform and configuring settings
  • Inserting coupon blocks into Klaviyo email templates and customizing their appearance
  • Placing coupon codes strategically in emails with compelling copy to maximize conversions

By mastering coupon code setup in Klaviyo, you'll be well-equipped to boost revenue from your email marketing. Don't miss out on automation tools to incentivize purchases and build customer loyalty!

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