How to Find LinkedIn Post Dates Easily

October 17, 2024
Jason Gong
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Find LinkedIn post dates by viewing the source code and converting timestamps.

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Unlocking the secrets of your LinkedIn posts' performance starts with knowing their exact dates. In a world where data drives decisions, precise post timestamps are essential for analyzing content performance, audience engagement, and planning your strategy.

But LinkedIn doesn't make it easy, hiding this critical information behind relative terms like "2 weeks ago."

Fear not! This guide will walk you through the simple process of finding LinkedIn post dates, both manually and with helpful tools. By the end, you'll be equipped to take your LinkedIn analytics to the next level and optimize your content for maximum impact. Let's dive in!

Why Knowing LinkedIn Post Dates Matters for Content Strategy

Tracking LinkedIn post dates helps you understand what content resonates with your audience and optimize your posting strategy. Here are key reasons post dates matter:

1. Track Content Performance Over Time

By knowing when you published each LinkedIn post, you can analyze metrics like views, likes, comments and shares to see how engagement changes from week to week or month to month.

For example, if you notice certain types of posts consistently get more traction, you can focus on sharing similar content going forward to maximize results.

2. Determine What Content Resonates

Comparing the performance of posts published on different dates reveals which topics, formats or tactics strike a chord with your LinkedIn followers.

Let's say thought leadership articles posted on Tuesdays get double the engagement of product demo videos shared on Fridays. Armed with this insight, you can adjust your content calendar to give followers more of what they want, when they want it.

3. Identify the Best Times to Post

Evaluating post-level analytics by date and time shows when your audience is most active on LinkedIn. This enables you to:

  • Schedule posts to maximize engagement
  • Reach followers when they're in the right mindset to interact with your content
  • Avoid posting at low-traffic times when updates get buried in the feed

4. Inform Your Content Planning Process

Knowing what worked well in the past helps shape your LinkedIn content strategy moving forward. Analyzing post dates along with performance metrics empowers you to:

  • Spot seasonal trends in content engagement
  • Identify winning content pillars and topics to focus on
  • Set realistic goals and KPIs based on historical data

In short, post dates are a crucial puzzle piece for understanding your LinkedIn content performance and optimizing your strategy over time.

Next up, we'll walk through exactly how to find post dates on LinkedIn so you can start putting these insights into action.

How to Find the Exact Date of a LinkedIn Post

LinkedIn doesn't display the exact date a post was published, instead showing relative times like "2 weeks ago". But there are ways to uncover the precise post date that can help you track content performance. Here's how:

1. LinkedIn Only Shows Relative Post Times

When you view a post on LinkedIn, you'll notice it says something like "Posted 1 day ago" or "Posted 3 months ago" rather than the actual date.

This can make it tricky to know exactly when a piece of content went live, which is important for measuring its engagement over time. Consider using a LinkedIn scraping tool to automate this process.

2. View the Post's Source Code for the Timestamp

To find the exact date a LinkedIn post was published, you need to look at the source code. Here's how:

  1. Click the three dots (...) in the top right of the post
  2. Select "Copy link to post"
  3. Paste the URL into a new browser tab
  4. View the page source (Ctrl+U on PC, Cmd+Option+U on Mac)
  5. Look for the "publishedAt" timestamp in the code

3. Convert the Unix Timestamp to a Date

The publishedAt value in the source code will be in Unix timestamp format - a long string of numbers that represents the seconds since January 1, 1970.

To convert this to a human-readable date, use a Unix timestamp converter tool like Just paste in the timestamp and it will give you the corresponding date and time.

4. Use Browser Extensions for Quick Post Dates

If you frequently need to check LinkedIn post dates, a browser extension can speed up the process. Tools like Timestamp Extractor for Chrome automatically convert LinkedIn timestamps to readable dates.

Just install the extension and the relative post times on LinkedIn will be replaced with the actual publish date when you view a post.

With these methods, you can easily see the exact date any LinkedIn post was published to track performance over time.

Next, let's look at some tools that can extract LinkedIn post dates automatically to save you even more time.

Automate LinkedIn post date extraction with Bardeen's LinkedIn Profile Data Playbook. This tool scrapes data and integrates effortlessly with platforms like Google Sheets, making date tracking simple and accurate.

Tools to Quickly Extract the Exact Date of LinkedIn Posts

While finding the exact date of a LinkedIn post is possible by checking the source code, it can be a time-consuming process, especially if you need to check multiple posts. Fortunately, there are tools available that can automate this task and save you valuable time. These LinkedIn post timestamp extractors make it easy to uncover precise post dates in just a few clicks.

1. LinkedIn Post Timestamp Extractor Tools

There are several handy tools out there, like the one created by Ollie Boyd, that are specifically designed to extract the timestamp from a LinkedIn post URL. These tools work by decoding the post ID number found in the URL, which contains the creation timestamp.

To use these tools, you simply paste the LinkedIn post URL into the tool, and it instantly spits out the exact date and time the post was published. No more digging through source code!

2. How LinkedIn Post Date Extractor Tools Work

When you paste a LinkedIn post URL into a timestamp extraction tool, it uses a regular expression to locate the post ID within the URL. This ID is a long number that encodes the timestamp in Unix format (milliseconds since January 1, 1970).

The tool then converts this Unix timestamp into a human-readable date and time, usually displaying it in both UTC and your local timezone for easy reference. And voila - you have the exact moment that LinkedIn post went live!

3. Pros and Cons of LinkedIn Timestamp Tools vs. Manual Method

The obvious benefit of using a LinkedIn post date extraction tool is the time savings. Instead of having to view the source code and decode the Unix timestamp yourself for each post, the tool does the heavy lifting for you with a single click.

However, these tools can occasionally experience issues or go offline unexpectedly. In those cases, it's still good to know how to find the timestamp manually as a backup. Plus, the manual method works even if LinkedIn changes how post IDs are structured in the future.

4. Other LinkedIn Post Analytics and Metrics Tools

In addition to timestamp extraction tools, there are also various other LinkedIn analytics tools out there that can provide valuable insights. Some popular options include Shield App, Hootsuite Insights, and LinkedIn's own built-in Company Page analytics.

These tools can help you track post and page performance over time, benchmark against competitors, and understand your audience demographics. Used in tandem with post date data, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of your LinkedIn content strategy.

With these timestamp extraction tools and analytics platforms in your toolbox, you'll be well-equipped to analyze your LinkedIn post performance at a granular level. For those looking to scrape LinkedIn data efficiently, these methods offer a streamlined approach.

Now that you know how to find LinkedIn post dates both manually and with tools, let's dive into some actionable tips for using this data to level up your content strategy.

Tips for Analyzing LinkedIn Post Performance to Optimize Your Strategy

Knowing the exact date of your LinkedIn posts is just the first step in understanding their performance. By analyzing key engagement metrics over time, identifying top-performing content, and testing different posting times, you can gain valuable insights to refine your LinkedIn strategy. Let's explore some tips for making the most of your post data.

1. Track Engagement Metrics Over Time

To get a clear picture of your LinkedIn post performance, it's important to monitor engagement metrics like likes, comments, and shares on a regular basis. Tools like LinkedIn's built-in analytics or third-party platforms can help you track these metrics over time.

For example, if you notice a particular post generated significantly more likes and comments than usual, take a closer look at the content and format to understand what resonated with your audience. This can help inform your future posting strategy.

Leverage automate LinkedIn data enrichment with Bardeen's playbook, saving time and improving the quality of your engagement.

2. Identify Top-Performing Posts and Analyze Why They Succeeded

In addition to tracking overall engagement metrics, dive deeper into your top-performing posts to identify common themes or characteristics. Look for patterns in the topic, format, visuals, or messaging that may have contributed to their success.

For instance, perhaps you find that posts featuring industry insights or personal stories tend to generate the most engagement. Or maybe videos consistently outperform text-based posts. Use these insights to create more of the content that your audience values.

3. Test Different Posting Times and Measure Results

The timing of your LinkedIn posts can also impact their reach and engagement. While there are general best practices for posting times, it's important to test different days and times to see what works best for your unique audience.

Use your post date data in combination with engagement metrics to identify any patterns in performance based on timing. If you notice higher engagement on posts published in the morning vs. afternoon, for example, adjust your posting schedule accordingly. Just be sure to test over a long enough period to account for anomalies.

4. Apply Post Insights to Refine Your LinkedIn Content Strategy

As you analyze your LinkedIn post performance data, look for opportunities to apply your findings to optimize your overall content strategy. This might include:

  • Adjusting your content mix to include more of the formats or topics that resonate
  • Tweaking your posting frequency or timing based on engagement patterns
  • Refining your messaging or visual style to align with top-performing posts
  • Setting performance benchmarks to measure progress over time

Remember, analyzing your LinkedIn post data is an ongoing process. Regularly review your metrics, test new approaches, and iterate on your strategy to continually improve results.

Armed with these post performance insights, you'll be well on your way to LinkedIn content mastery. From crafting compelling posts to scheduling them for maximum impact, you now have the tools and knowledge to take your LinkedIn strategy to new heights.

Thanks for sticking with us through this guide! While the LinkedIn algorithm may seem as mysterious as the Bermuda Triangle at times, you're now equipped to automate sales prospecting and navigate it with confidence. Happy posting, analyzing, and optimizing!


Knowing how to see the exact date of a LinkedIn post is crucial for effective content analysis and strategy. In this guide, you discovered:

  • The importance of post dates for tracking performance, identifying top content, timing posts, and planning your strategy
  • How to find the date of a LinkedIn post by viewing the source code and converting the timestamp
  • Useful tools like timestamp extractors that make it easy to quickly get post dates
  • Tips for analyzing post performance metrics over time to optimize your LinkedIn content approach

Don't let your LinkedIn strategy suffer from a lack of post date knowledge. Master these techniques, or risk being left behind in the fast-paced world of social media marketing!

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