How to Remove DocuSign Watermark: Step-by-Step Guide

September 19, 2024
Raz Popescu
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Tired of seeing the pesky "DRAFT" watermark on your DocuSign documents? You're not alone. Many users struggle to remove these watermarks, which can make documents appear unprofessional. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the step-by-step process of removing DocuSign watermarks.

By mastering this critical skill, you'll save time, close more deals, and maintain a polished image. Get ready to say goodbye to those annoying watermarks and hello to clean, professional-looking documents!

Understanding DocuSign Watermarks and Their Purpose

DocuSign watermarks are visual elements added to documents sent through the DocuSign platform. They serve as a way to indicate the status of a document and prevent confusion or misuse of incomplete or draft versions.

1. Types of DocuSign Watermarks

There are several types of DocuSign watermarks, each serving a specific purpose:

  • Demo watermarks: Used for demonstration purposes to show how a document would appear in the DocuSign system.
  • Draft watermarks: Applied to documents that are still in the drafting stage and not yet ready for signing.
  • Void watermarks: Indicate that a document is no longer valid or has been canceled.

These watermarks help ensure that only the final, signed version of a document is considered official.

2. Scenarios Where Removing a DocuSign Watermark May Be Necessary

In some cases, you may need to remove a DocuSign watermark from a document. This could be because:

  • The document has been finalized and signed by all parties, and you need a clean copy without the watermark.
  • You want to use the document for other purposes, such as sharing it with people who are not part of the signing process.
  • The watermark is obstructing important information on the document.

Knowing how to remove a watermark can be helpful in these situations.

3. Key Terms in the Context of DocuSign

When working with DocuSign, it's important to understand some key terms:

  • Envelope: A digital container that holds all the documents, signatures, and other information related to a specific signing transaction.
  • Recipient: A person who is sent a document through DocuSign and is required to sign, review, or approve it.
  • Signer: A recipient who is specifically asked to sign the document electronically.

Understanding these terms will help you connect Google Docs to the DocuSign platform and the watermark removal process more effectively.

DocuSign watermarks play a crucial role in maintaining the integrity of documents during the signing process. By understanding their purpose and the situations where removing them may be necessary, you can ensure a smooth and efficient document management experience.

In the next section, we'll guide you through the step-by-step process of removing DocuSign watermarks, so you can obtain clean, finalized documents when needed.

Removing DocuSign Watermarks: A Step-by-Step Guide

Removing DocuSign watermarks from your documents is a straightforward process that ensures you have a clean, professional-looking final version. This guide will walk you through the steps needed to remove watermarks, discuss any prerequisites or permissions, and provide troubleshooting tips for potential issues.

1. Step-by-Step Instructions for Watermark Removal

  1. Log in to your DocuSign account and navigate to the document containing the watermark.
  2. Locate the "Actions" or "More" menu for the document and select "Download."
  3. Choose the "Combined PDF" option to download the complete document with all signatures.
  4. Open the downloaded PDF and verify that the watermark has been removed.

If the watermark persists, double-check that all signers have completed their actions and that the document status is "Completed."

2. Visual Aids and Screenshots

To help guide you through the watermark removal process, refer to the following screenshots:

These visual aids should help clarify the steps and make the process more intuitive.

3. Prerequisites and Permissions for Watermark Removal

To remove watermarks from a DocuSign document, you must have the following:

  • A DocuSign account with access to the document in question
  • Completion of the signing process by all parties involved
  • Document status marked as "Completed"

If you are not the document owner, you may need to request permission from the owner or have them share the completed document with you.

4. Troubleshooting Common Issues

If you encounter issues removing the watermark, consider the following:

  • Ensure all signers have completed their actions and the document status is "Completed."
  • Verify you have downloaded the "Combined PDF" and not individual signed pages.
  • Check if the watermark was part of the original document before uploading to DocuSign.
  • Reach out to DocuSign support for further assistance if the issue persists.

By following these troubleshooting tips, you should be able to resolve most common issues related to DocuSign watermark removal.

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Removing DocuSign watermarks is a crucial step in finalizing your documents and ensuring a polished, professional appearance. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can confidently navigate the watermark removal process and troubleshoot any potential issues that may arise. If you need to further manage your documents, consider using integrate Google Drive with other apps to keep everything organized.

Stay tuned for the next section, where we'll explore alternative methods for DocuSign watermark removal, providing you with even more options to achieve your desired document appearance.

Other Ways to Remove DocuSign Watermarks

While the built-in DocuSign functionality is the most straightforward way to remove watermarks, there are alternative methods available. Third-party software, contacting DocuSign support, and recreating the document without a watermark are all viable options, each with their own advantages and disadvantages.

1. Editing with Adobe Acrobat or Similar Software

Adobe Acrobat and other PDF editing software can be used to remove DocuSign watermarks from completed documents. This method allows for greater control over the editing process and the ability to make other changes to the document if needed.

However, using third-party software may require additional costs and technical knowledge. It's also important to ensure that the integrity of the signed document is maintained during the editing process.

2. Seeking Assistance from DocuSign Support

If you encounter difficulties removing a watermark or have questions about the process, reaching out to DocuSign support can be helpful. Their knowledgeable staff can guide you through the removal process or provide alternative solutions tailored to your specific situation.

Keep in mind that support response times may vary, and some solutions might require account administrator permissions or additional steps.

3. Recreating the Document Without a Watermark

In some cases, the simplest solution may be to recreate the document from scratch without a watermark. This method ensures a clean, professional-looking document without the need for editing or removal tools.

However, recreating the document will require all parties to review and sign the new version, which can be time-consuming and may cause delays in the approval process.

4. Comparing Alternative Methods: Pros and Cons

When deciding on an alternative method for removing DocuSign watermarks, consider the following factors:

  • Cost: Third-party software may require additional expenses, while recreating the document or contacting support are typically free options.
  • Time: Recreating the document and gathering new signatures may be more time-consuming than using editing software or seeking support.
  • Technical knowledge: Using Adobe Acrobat or similar tools may require more technical expertise compared to other methods.
  • Document integrity: Ensuring the signed document remains unaltered is crucial when using third-party editing software.

Ultimately, the best alternative method will depend on your specific needs, resources, and timeframe.

DocuSign watermark removal methods offer flexibility when dealing with unique situations or challenges. By understanding the options available, you can confidently choose the approach that works best for you.

Thanks for sticking with us through this comprehensive guide! We hope you've found it informative and helpful in your quest to master DocuSign watermark removal. Just remember, without this knowledge, you might end up with a document that looks like it was signed by a ghost!


Knowing how to remove DocuSign watermarks is crucial for maintaining professional-looking documents. This guide covered:

  • Understanding DocuSign watermarks, their purpose, and when removal is necessary
  • Step-by-step instructions for removing DocuSign watermarks
  • Alternative methods for watermark removal, including third-party software and recreating documents

By mastering the art of DocuSign watermark removal, you'll avoid the embarrassment of sending documents that look like they were signed by a ghost! For more tips on maintaining professional documents, check out our guide on data enrichment.

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