Connect Zoom to Calendly: Easy Integration Guide 2024

September 4, 2024
Jason Gong
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Integrate Zoom with Calendly to automate scheduling and video conferencing.

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Tired of the hassle of manually setting up Zoom meetings for every Calendly event? Connecting Zoom to Calendly can save you time and streamline your scheduling process. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the step-by-step process of integrating these two powerful tools, both manually and using AI automation. Discover how this integration can eliminate the need for repetitive tasks and help you focus on what matters most. Get ready to level up your scheduling game and boost your productivity!

Why Connect Zoom to Calendly?

Connecting Zoom to Calendly streamlines the scheduling process for virtual meetings. It eliminates manual setup and sharing of video conferencing details for each event. Here's why it's beneficial:

1. Automates Scheduling

When you connect Zoom to Calendly, unique Zoom meeting details are automatically generated for every event scheduled through Calendly. This saves time and effort compared to manually setting up a new Zoom meeting for each event.

For example, let's say you're a consultant who frequently meets with clients via Zoom. By connecting Zoom to Calendly, a unique Zoom link is created whenever a client books a meeting through your Calendly scheduling page. You don't have to lift a finger!

2. Eliminates Manual Setup

Integrating Zoom with Calendly means you no longer need to manually create and share Zoom meeting details for each scheduled event. The integration handles it all for you behind the scenes.

Think about a typical workflow without the integration. After someone books a meeting, you'd need to go into Zoom, generate a new meeting link, copy that link, and send it to the attendee. Connecting Zoom to Calendly automates those steps. This can be especially helpful if you use Google Sheets for tracking your meeting data.

3. Updates Automatically

If an event is rescheduled or canceled in Calendly, the Zoom meeting details automatically update to reflect the change. There's no need to manually update or resend Zoom info to attendees.

This is especially handy for events with multiple attendees. If something changes, everyone is kept in the loop automatically. The latest Zoom details are always associated with the event in Calendly.

4. Ideal for Zoom Newbies

If you're new to Zoom, connecting it to Calendly is an easy way to start using it for scheduled meetings. You don't need to be a Zoom pro to benefit.

Calendly handles the setup and logistics. You and your meeting attendees simply click the Zoom link to join the call at the scheduled time. It couldn't be simpler, even if you're new to Zoom.

Connecting Zoom to Calendly makes scheduling virtual meetings a breeze by automating the setup and management of Zoom video conferencing. In the next section, you'll learn step-by-step how to set up the Zoom Calendly integration. For more tips on automating your processes, check out automated lead management.

Step-by-Step Guide to Connecting Zoom and Calendly

Integrating Zoom with Calendly streamlines scheduling video meetings. It automatically adds unique Zoom meeting details to every Calendly event, saving you time and effort. Here's how to set it up:

1. Connect Zoom to Calendly

The first step is connecting your Zoom account to Calendly. Go to your Calendly account's integrations page and select the Zoom integration. You'll be redirected to sign into your Zoom account to authorize the connection.

For example, let's say you frequently hold Zoom meetings with clients. Connecting Zoom to Calendly means those meeting details are added automatically whenever a client schedules time with you - no manual setup required!

2. Set Zoom as Event Location

Next, specify that Zoom should be used as the location for your Calendly events. Edit the event type you want to add Zoom to, like a 30-minute meeting. Under "What event is this?", select Zoom as the location. Now Zoom details will be included anytime that event type is booked.

This saves you the time and hassle of manually adding Zoom info for each meeting. Plus, if any events are rescheduled or canceled, the Zoom details automatically update in Calendly.

3. Unique Zoom Links Generated

By default, Calendly generates a unique Zoom link for every single meeting booked through your scheduling page. This ensures each meeting has its own dedicated Zoom room.

However, you do have the option to use your Personal Meeting ID for all Calendly meetings instead. This uses the same Zoom link every time. The choice is yours depending on your preferences.

4. Enable International Dial-In

If you meet with people internationally, you can enable global dial-in numbers through the Zoom integration. Specify which countries you want dial-in numbers for in your Zoom account.

Calendly includes a link to these dial-in options in the event details your invitee receives after booking. This ensures they can connect via phone if needed, making your meetings more accessible.

Connecting Zoom and Calendly automates meeting setup so you can focus on the meeting itself. Invitees get instant access to Zoom details upon booking. If you need to sync other tools, consider how to integrate Google Docs with your workflow. Thanks for sticking with us through this guide - we promise it's worth the read to simplify your scheduling workflow!

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Connecting Zoom to Calendly is important for automating and streamlining your video meeting scheduling process. Here's a quick recap of what we covered:

  • Integrating Zoom and Calendly automates meeting scheduling by generating unique Zoom details for each event, eliminating manual setup
  • Setting up the integration is simple - just connect your Zoom account in Calendly's integrations page and set Zoom as your event location

By mastering the Zoom Calendly integration, you'll never have to worry about forgetting to include meeting links again. For more tips on how to automate outreach, check out our resources. Unless of course, you enjoy playing virtual hide-and-seek with your colleagues!

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