How to Calculate Sales Velocity: A Step-by-Step Guide

September 4, 2024
Jason Gong
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Multiply opportunities, deal size, and win rate. Divide by sales cycle length.

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Sales velocity is a critical metric for any business looking to optimize its sales process and drive revenue growth. By understanding the four key components of sales velocity—number of opportunities, average deal size, win rate, and sales cycle length—you can identify areas for improvement and take action to accelerate your sales pipeline.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the steps to calculate sales velocity, both manually and using AI-powered automation tools like Bardeen. You'll learn how to benchmark your performance against industry standards and discover proven strategies to boost your sales velocity. By the end of this guide, you'll have the knowledge and tools to close more deals in less time and skyrocket your revenue. Let's dive in!

Components of Sales Velocity

To calculate sales velocity and use it to make meaningful business decisions, you need to understand the four key metrics that make it up: number of opportunities, average deal size, win rate, and sales cycle length. Let's take a closer look at each component and how it impacts your overall sales velocity.

1. Number of Sales Opportunities

The number of opportunities in your pipeline directly affects how much revenue you can generate. More qualified leads means more potential deals to close. However, it's important to focus on lead quality over quantity. Learn how to build a robust sales prospect list to ensure your pipeline is filled with high-quality prospects.

2. Average Deal Value

Your average deal value is the typical amount of revenue generated from each closed deal. Increasing your average deal size, through upselling, cross-selling, or targeting higher-value customers, is one of the most effective ways to improve sales velocity. Even if your number of opportunities and win rate remain steady, closing larger deals will boost revenue. Using lead enrichment and qualification automation tools can help identify higher-value customers.

3. Win Rate

Win rate represents the percentage of opportunities that ultimately result in closed business. Improving your win rate means converting a higher portion of your pipeline into revenue. Some ways to increase win rates include:

  • Better qualifying leads upfront
  • Improving sales skills and techniques
  • Optimizing your sales process
  • Providing better sales enablement resources

4. Length of Sales Cycle

Sales cycle length measures how long it typically takes to close a deal. Unlike the other sales velocity components, a shorter sales cycle is better for velocity. Reducing the time leads spend in your pipeline helps you bring in revenue faster. Streamlining your sales process, automating manual tasks, and improving sales and marketing alignment are a few ways to shorten lengthy sales cycles.

Analyzing these four components gives you a clearer picture of your sales velocity and helps identify areas for improvement. By tracking each metric and understanding how they relate, you can implement targeted strategies to optimize your sales velocity equation.

Now that we've covered the key components of sales velocity, the next section will walk through how to calculate sales velocity step-by-step so you can start measuring this crucial metric for your business.

Calculating Sales Velocity: A Step-by-Step Guide

To calculate your sales velocity, you need to understand the formula and have access to a few key metrics. Let's walk through the process of determining your sales velocity, using a realistic example along the way. We'll also cover some important considerations for choosing the right time period to measure and the value of tracking velocity regularly.

1. The Sales Velocity Formula

The sales velocity formula is:(Number of Opportunities x Average Deal Size x Win Rate) / Length of Sales Cycle. Here's what each variable means:

  • Number of Opportunities: Qualified leads in your pipeline
  • Average Deal Size: Average revenue per closed deal/li>
  • Win Rate: Percentage of opportunities that become customers
  • Length of Sales Cycle: Average time from opportunity to close, in days

To calculate sales velocity, simply plug your metrics into the formula. The result will be your average revenue generated per day.

2. A Realistic Calculation Example

Let's say your sales team has the following metrics for the past quarter:

  • 100 qualified opportunities
  • $8,000 average deal size
  • 20% win rate
  • 60 day average sales cycle

Using the formula, your calculation would be:(100 x $8,000 x 0.20) / 60 = $2,667 per day. Over that 60-day period, your velocity would equate to $160,000 in revenue.

3. Choosing Your Measurement Time Frame

You can calculate sales velocity for any time period, but it's common to measure it monthly, quarterly, or annually. However, the time frame you choose can impact the insights you glean.

For example, a shorter period like a month may be easily skewed by a few large deals or seasonality. An annual measurement will be more stable but could obscure month-to-month fluctuations. Many businesses find a quarterly velocity to be a happy medium.

4. The Importance of Tracking Velocity Over Time

Calculating sales velocity once is interesting, but the real power comes from monitoring it over time. Regular tracking lets you:

  • Spot positive or negative trends in your pipeline
  • Set realistic revenue goals
  • Forecast future revenue
  • Assess the impact of process changes
  • Identify coaching opportunities for reps
Use Bardeen to automate sales prospecting tasks and focus on high-value activities. This integration saves hours by collecting data and updating records instantly.

Make reviewing your sales velocity a regular habit - monthly is ideal for most teams. This cadence gives you enough data to make strategic decisions.

The sales velocity formula may seem intimidating at first, but it's actually quite straightforward once you understand the component metrics. And the insights it provides into the health and trajectory of your pipeline are invaluable. In the next section, we'll explore how to benchmark your velocity and interpret the results.

Benchmarking and Interpreting Sales Velocity to Gauge Performance

Comparing your sales velocity to industry benchmarks can provide valuable insights into your sales performance. Understanding how your velocity stacks up against similar companies helps you set realistic improvement goals and identify areas that may be holding you back. Let's explore some key benchmarks and strategies for interpreting your sales velocity results.

1. B2B and SaaS Industry Benchmarks

Sales velocity benchmarks vary based on factors like company size and maturity stage. For B2B companies, a healthy sales velocity typically ranges from $500 to $1,000 per day. SaaS startups often aim for a velocity of $1,000 to $2,000 per day, while more established SaaS businesses may target $5,000 or more daily.

However, these are general guidelines. The most relevant benchmarks will come from companies that closely resemble yours in terms of industry, target market, and growth stage.

2. Comparing Your Velocity to Benchmarks

Once you've calculated your sales velocity, compare it to the benchmarks for your industry and company profile. If your velocity is significantly lower than the benchmark, it's a clear sign that you need to automate your sales prospecting to identify improvement areas.

On the other hand, if your velocity is on par with or exceeds the benchmarks, you're in a strong position. Look for opportunities to maintain your momentum and find incremental gains.

3. Setting Realistic Improvement Goals

Use your benchmark comparisons to set achievable goals for increasing sales velocity. If you're currently at $500 per day and the benchmark is $1,000, setting a goal to double your velocity in the next quarter may be unrealistic. Instead, aim for a 10-20% increase and adjust your target based on the results.

Break your overall velocity goal down into smaller goals for each component metric, such as increasing your lead volume by X% or reducing your average sales cycle by Y days.

4. Analyzing Your Velocity Components

Benchmarking your overall sales velocity is just the first step. To gain actionable insights, you need to assess each component of the velocity equation:

  • Leads: How does your lead volume compare to similar companies? Are you generating enough opportunities to fuel your pipeline?
  • Average deal size: Is your average deal size on par with the benchmark? If not, you may need to adjust your pricing or target higher-value customers.
  • Win rate: How does your win rate stack up against the competition? A low win rate could indicate issues with your sales process, messaging, or product-market fit.
  • Sales cycle: Is your sales cycle longer or shorter than the benchmark? A lengthy cycle could be due to inefficiencies in your process, while a very short cycle might suggest you're not spending enough time nurturing leads.

Conducting a thorough analysis of each component will highlight your strengths and weaknesses, allowing you to prioritize your improvement efforts for maximum impact on sales velocity.

Sales velocity benchmarking is a powerful tool for assessing your sales performance and identifying growth opportunities. By comparing your results to industry standards and conducting a deep dive into each velocity component, you can set realistic goals and develop targeted strategies to accelerate your revenue growth. Next up, we'll explore proven sales prospecting tools to improve your sales velocity and achieve your targets.

Proven Strategies to Accelerate Sales Velocity and Close More Deals

Improving your sales velocity is key to generating more revenue in less time. By focusing on the four main levers - increasing qualified leads, boosting average deal size, improving win rates, and shortening the sales cycle - you can significantly accelerate your sales velocity. Let's explore some practical strategies for each area.

1. Targeted Marketing for More Qualified Leads

To increase the number of qualified opportunities in your pipeline, work closely with your marketing team to develop targeted campaigns. Identify your ideal customer profile and create content that speaks directly to their pain points and challenges.

Implement a lead scoring system to prioritize the most promising leads based on factors like job title, company size, and engagement with your website or content. This ensures your sales team focuses their time and energy on the opportunities most likely to convert.

Automating lead scoring and enrichment with Bardeen can save your team hours while ensuring you focus on the best leads.

2. Upselling and Cross-Selling for Larger Deals

Increasing your average deal size is a powerful way to boost sales velocity without adding more leads to your pipeline. Train your sales reps to identify upselling and cross-selling opportunities during the sales process.

For example, if you sell software, your reps could recommend add-on features or complementary products that enhance the value for the customer. Adopting a value-based pricing strategy, where you align your pricing with the customer's perceived value, can also help you close larger deals.

3. Sales Training to Improve Win Rates

Investing in your sales team's skills and knowledge pays off in higher win rates. Provide regular training on topics like objection handling, storytelling, and active listening. Role-playing exercises can help reps practice their skills in a safe environment.

Equip your team with competitive intelligence and battle cards so they can effectively position your product against alternatives. Encourage reps to create tailored demos and proposals that showcase how your solution addresses each prospect's unique needs.

4. Sales Automation for Shorter Cycles

Streamlining your sales process with automation tools can dramatically reduce the length of your sales cycle. Implement a CRM system to manage customer interactions and automate tasks like follow-up emails and appointment scheduling.

Establish clear handoff processes between marketing, sales, and customer success teams to ensure a seamless customer experience. Use e-signature software to eliminate the back-and-forth of contract signing and get deals closed faster.

By implementing these proven strategies, you can accelerate your sales velocity and close more deals in less time. The key is to focus on one area at a time and continuously monitor your results. Now that you've made it this far, you're well on your way to becoming a sales velocity expert! Just don't let your newfound knowledge go to waste - put these strategies into action and watch your revenue soar.


Mastering sales velocity calculation is crucial for accurate sales forecasting and driving revenue growth. In this comprehensive guide, you discovered:

  • The components of sales velocity and how they impact overall performance
  • A step-by-step process for calculating sales velocity using a simple formula
  • Benchmarking and interpreting sales velocity to set realistic improvement goals
  • Proven strategies to accelerate sales velocity by optimizing each metric

Don't let poor sales velocity hold back your business growth. Put these insights into action, or risk falling behind your competitors in the race to close more deals faster!

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