How Often Does DocuSign Send Reminders? Full Guide 2024

September 19, 2024
Jason Gong
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DocuSign sends reminders every 3 days by default.

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If you handle contracts, you might love Bardeen's follow-up automation. It helps automate reminders and follow-ups, saving you time and increasing completion rates.

DocuSign reminders are a game-changer for getting contracts signed faster. Imagine closing deals 2x quicker without manually chasing signatures. In this complete guide, you'll discover the optimal reminder frequency to skyrocket completion rates.

We'll explore customizing reminders at the envelope, template, and company level. Plus, uncover best practices to combine reminders with expiration dates for maximum urgency. Get ready to master DocuSign reminders and watch your productivity soar!

Understanding DocuSign's Reminder Settings

DocuSign's reminder settings are a crucial aspect of the platform that helps ensure documents are signed in a timely manner. By configuring reminders at various levels, you can integrate Google Drive and keep your agreements moving forward. Let's take a closer look at how reminders work in DocuSign.

1. What are DocuSign Reminders?

DocuSign reminders are automated notifications sent to recipients to prompt them to sign or complete an agreement. These reminders are highly useful in keeping the signing process on track and ensuring that important documents don't fall through the cracks. For example, if you send a contract to a client for signature, setting up reminders will automatically notify them at predetermined intervals until they sign the document.

2. Reminder Configuration Levels

DocuSign allows you to configure reminder settings at three different levels:

  1. Company level: Administrators can set default reminder settings that apply to all envelopes sent within the organization.
  2. Template level: Reminder settings can be customized for specific document templates, ensuring consistency for frequently used agreements.
  3. Envelope level: Users can adjust reminder settings for individual envelopes, providing flexibility for unique situations.

This hierarchical approach to reminder configuration gives you the control to tailor settings based on your organization's needs and specific document requirements.

3. Default Reminder Settings and Frequency

By default, DocuSign sends reminders to recipients every 3 days until the document is signed or the envelope expires. However, these default settings can be modified to suit your preferences. You can adjust the frequency of reminders, choosing to send them daily, every other day, weekly, or at a custom interval that works best for your workflow.

4. Key Terms to Know

When working with DocuSign reminders, it's important to understand a few key terms:

  • Envelope: A digital container that holds one or more documents for signing.
  • Template: A reusable document with predefined fields, settings, and recipient roles.
  • Recipient: An individual who is assigned to sign, review, or receive a copy of a document within an envelope.

Familiarizing yourself with these terms will help you navigate DocuSign's reminder settings more effectively.

DocuSign's reminder settings provide a powerful tool for keeping your agreements on track. By understanding the different configuration levels, default settings, and key terms, you can optimize your document signing process and ensure timely completion.

Next, we'll explore how you can customize DocuSign's reminder frequency to perfectly align with your unique business needs and workflows.

Customizing DocuSign Reminder Frequency

Tailoring DocuSign's reminder frequency is crucial for optimizing your document signing workflow. By adjusting settings at the envelope level, considering factors like recipient responsiveness and document urgency, and crafting effective reminder messages, you can find the perfect balance that keeps your agreements moving forward without overwhelming signers. Let's explore how to customize DocuSign reminders to fit your unique needs.

1. Adjusting Reminder Frequency for Individual Envelopes

DocuSign allows you to modify reminder settings for each envelope you send, giving you the flexibility to adapt to different situations. To change the reminder frequency:

  1. Open the envelope settings during the sending process
  2. Locate the "Reminders" section
  3. Specify the number of days after sending to send the first reminder
  4. Choose the desired frequency for subsequent reminders (e.g., daily, every 2 days, weekly)

By customizing reminders at the envelope level, you can ensure that each agreement receives the appropriate level of follow-up based on its specific requirements and timeline. Check out Bardeen's Message Generator to automate personalized reminder messages.

2. Factors to Consider When Setting Reminder Frequency

When deciding on the optimal reminder frequency for an envelope, consider the following factors:

  • Recipient responsiveness: If you know a particular signer tends to be prompt, you may opt for less frequent reminders. Conversely, for recipients who often need extra nudges, more frequent reminders might be necessary.
  • Document urgency: Agreements with tight deadlines or high-priority items may warrant more frequent reminders to ensure timely completion.
  • Industry norms: Some industries have established expectations for document turnaround times. Align your reminder frequency with these norms to maintain professional standards.

By weighing these factors, you can strike the right balance between keeping signers on track and avoiding unnecessary interruptions.

3. Understanding Reminder Frequency Limits

While DocuSign provides flexibility in setting reminder frequency, there are some limitations to keep in mind:

  • Reminders can be sent no more than once per day to prevent overwhelming recipients.
  • The minimum interval between reminders is 1 day, ensuring signers have sufficient time to review and sign documents.
  • Reminders will continue to be sent until the envelope is completed or expires, unless manually stopped by the sender.

Understanding these limitations will help you set realistic expectations and plan your reminder strategy accordingly.

4. Crafting Effective Reminder Messages

In addition to setting the frequency, you can also customize the content of your reminder messages to make them more impactful. Consider the following tips:

  • Keep messages concise and to the point, highlighting the action required from the signer.
  • Personalize the message by addressing the recipient by name and mentioning the specific document or agreement.
  • Convey a sense of urgency when necessary, but avoid language that appears demanding or aggressive.
  • Include any relevant context or additional information that may help the signer prioritize the task.

By crafting clear, persuasive reminder messages, you can motivate signers to complete their actions promptly without causing undue stress or frustration.

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Customizing DocuSign reminder frequency empowers you to optimize your document signing process, reducing completion times and minimizing the need for manual follow-up. By finding the ideal balance of frequency and message content, you can keep your agreements on track while maintaining positive relationships with signers.

Up next, we'll dive into how leveraging DocuSign reminders can significantly boost your completion rates and take your agreement workflow to the next level. Get ready to discover the secrets of automating follow-ups!

Leveraging DocuSign Reminders to Increase Completion Rates

DocuSign reminders are a powerful tool for keeping your document signing process on track. By understanding how reminders impact completion rates, implementing best practices, and combining reminders with other features like expiration dates, you can significantly improve the efficiency of your agreement workflow. Let's explore how to make the most of DocuSign reminders to drive better results.

1. The Impact of Reminders on Completion Rates

Studies have shown that sending reminders can dramatically increase the likelihood of recipients completing their required actions. For example, a company that implemented DocuSign reminders saw a 30% increase in document completion rates within the first week of sending.

This improvement can be attributed to several factors:

  • Reminders keep the agreement top-of-mind for signers, preventing it from getting lost in a cluttered inbox.
  • They create a sense of urgency, encouraging recipients to prioritize the task.
  • Reminders serve as a helpful prompt for signers who may have forgotten or procrastinated on completing the document.

By leveraging the power of reminders, you can keep your agreements moving forward and avoid unnecessary delays.

2. Best Practices for Effective Reminders

To maximize the impact of your DocuSign reminders, consider the following best practices:

  1. Timing is key: Send the first reminder 1-2 days after the initial request, and follow up at regular intervals (e.g., every 2-3 days) until the document is completed.
  2. Personalize your messages: Address the recipient by name and mention the specific document or agreement to make the reminder more engaging and relevant.
  3. Keep it concise: Clearly state the action required and provide a direct link to the document to make it easy for signers to complete the task.
  4. Use a friendly tone: While conveying urgency is important, avoid language that appears pushy or aggressive, as this can deter signers from completing the document.

By following these best practices, you can craft reminders that effectively motivate signers to take action without causing frustration or disengagement.

3. Amplifying Urgency with Expiration Dates

In addition to sending reminders, setting expiration dates for your envelopes can further increase the sense of urgency and encourage timely completion. When signers see that a document will expire on a specific date, they are more likely to prioritize the task to avoid missing the deadline.

To maximize the effectiveness of expiration dates:

  • Set a reasonable timeframe: Give signers enough time to review and complete the document, but avoid overly long expiration periods that may reduce the sense of urgency.
  • Communicate clearly: Ensure that signers are aware of the expiration date and the consequences of not completing the document before it expires (e.g., having to restart the process).
  • Combine with reminders: Send a reminder shortly before the expiration date to give signers a final nudge and prevent last-minute scrambles.

By leveraging expiration dates in conjunction with reminders, you can create a powerful sense of urgency that drives signers to complete documents promptly.

4. Monitoring and Adjusting Your Reminder Strategy

To ensure that your reminder strategy remains effective over time, it's important to regularly monitor the status of your envelopes and adjust your approach as needed. Keep an eye on metrics like completion rates, time to completion, and recipient engagement to identify areas for improvement.

If you notice that certain types of documents or recipient groups consistently have lower completion rates, consider:

  • Adjusting the frequency or timing of your reminders
  • Revising the content of your reminder messages to be more compelling or informative
  • Experimenting with different expiration date settings to find the optimal timeframe for your specific use case

By continuously monitoring and refining your reminder strategy, you can optimize your DocuSign workflow and achieve even better results over time.

DocuSign reminders are a powerful tool for driving higher completion rates and keeping your agreement workflow running smoothly. By implementing best practices, leveraging expiration dates, and monitoring your results, you can unlock the full potential of this feature and take your document signing process to new heights.

Phew, that was a lot of information to digest! Give yourself a pat on the back for making it this far – you're well on your way to becoming a DocuSign reminder expert. Just don't forget to actually implement these strategies, or you might find yourself sending reminders to read this article again!

For more insights on improving your sales process, check out sales demo best practices.


Understanding DocuSign's reminder frequency settings is crucial for keeping your document signing process running smoothly. In this comprehensive guide, you discovered:

  • The ins and outs of DocuSign's reminder settings, including default frequencies and configuration levels
  • Step-by-step instructions for customizing reminder frequency to suit your needs
  • Proven strategies for leveraging reminders to boost completion rates and keep your agreements on track

Don't let your DocuSign skills become rusty – put these tips into practice, or risk falling behind in the fast-paced world of digital agreements! For example, you can build a prospect list to manage your workflow better.

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