For businesses that wish to streamline their processes and improve efficiency, the integration of Clearbit and Salesforce offers a powerful solution. Clearbit is a data API that enriches your person and company records with social, demographic, and firmographic data, providing valuable insights to enhance your marketing and sales strategies. Meanwhile, Salesforce is a leading CRM platform that helps businesses manage and interact with their customers effectively, offering a centralized hub for storing, analyzing, and leveraging customer data.

By combining these two platforms with, businesses can automate processes such as updating a Salesforce lead's record with new information or retrieving the social profiles of a Salesforce contact. This powerful integration not only saves time but also enables businesses to focus on the best leads and align their marketing and sales teams effectively.

Try popular Clearbit + Salesforce automations

How to integrate Clearbit + Salesforce

Install from Chrome Web Store Icon
Step 1
Install Bardeen extension from Chrome Web Store.
Find a Bardeen Automation Icon
Step 2
Find a pre-built automation.
Bardeen AI Icon
Step 2
Let AI build the automation for you.
Run Bardeen Automations Icon
Step 3
Run your automation.
Party Emoji
That’s it! More time to work on other things.
Bardeen Extension Window
Bardeen Builder Flow

Build your own Clearbit + Salesforce workflow in no time with AI

Everyone’s workflow is unique. Build an automation in minutes with a few line of text.

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Discover what you can automate

Integration tips for Clearbit + Salesforce

Loved by over 300k users

“Since using Bardeen, my productivity has skyrocketed, freeing up hours for crucial tasks. What once took an hour per lead profile now takes just 1-2 minutes. Plus, I can concentrate on 5-10 high-quality leads each week rather than sifting through 20-30. Bardeen is a game-changer for any sales professional.”
"This playbook saves me at least 2 hours everyday. It normally takes me 60-90 mins to scrape 30 new jobs and the accompanying information each day. This playbook will do it in about 5 minutes. Absolute game changer!"
"Bardeen has improved our market research methods, increasing our efficiency and allowing us to focus more on strategic growth initiatives."

Available actions & triggers

Find company info
Create Salesforce opportunity
Create Salesforce account
Find records in Salesforce using SOQL query
Get Salesforce contact
Get social media links of event participants
Create a record in Salesforce
Create Salesforce contact
Get Salesforce account
Find social media links from email (as text)

Learn more about the apps

Integrate any app with Clearbit + Salesforce

Affinity Airtable Amazon Appsumo Asana Bardeen Bardeen Enrichment Capterra ClickUp Clutch Coda Craigslist Crunchbase DeepL Dropbox eBay Eventbrite Facebook Fiverr FlexJobs Github Glassdoor Google Calendar Google Docs Google Drive Google Jobs Google Mail Google Maps Google Meet Google News Google Search Google Sheets Google Translate Google Travel Google Trends HubSpot Indeed Instagram Jira Lemlist LinkedIn Meetup Microsoft Excel Microsoft OneDrive Microsoft Outlook Mail Microsoft Outlook Calendar Microsoft Teams Miro Notion OpenAI Outreach Pipedrive Product Hunt Reddit Redfin Remote OK Salesloft SEEK Slack Smartlead SmartSuite SMS Telegram ThemeForest TikTok Trello Upwork Webex WhatsApp WordPress Yelp YouTube Zapier Zillow Zoom

Frequently asked questions

Is my data secure when using the Clearbit and Salesforce integration with
How can I share a Clearbit and Salesforce automation playbook with others?
What kind of data can Clearbit provide for lead enrichment?
Can I run Clearbit and Salesforce automations even when my computer is off?
Can I automate lead management with the Clearbit and Salesforce integration?
How to get started with Bardeen
Is my data secure?
Do I need to create an account?
How much does Bardeen cost?
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Actions & Triggers

Bardeen provides two types of automations called Playbooks and Autobooks.

Playbooks are automations that you launch manually. And Autobooks are the automations that get triggered automatically when something happens or on a specific date / time.

All automations are just a series of actions connected to each other.
Triggers tell the automation when it has to start the series of actions.
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