Why Are My Klaviyo Emails Going to Spam? Fixes & Tips

September 4, 2024
Jason Gong
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Check your sender reputation, list hygiene, and email content.

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If you're managing email lists, you might be interested in Bardeen's email automation. It helps keep your list clean and engaged, improving deliverability.

Are your Klaviyo emails landing in spam folders instead of inboxes? It's a frustrating problem that can hurt your email marketing results. In this troubleshooting guide, we'll dive into the common reasons why Klaviyo emails go to spam and share best practices to improve your deliverability.

You'll learn how to maintain a good sending reputation, keep your email list clean, and create engaging content that gets through spam filters. By the end, you'll have the knowledge to ensure your Klaviyo emails reach your subscribers' inboxes every time.

Common Reasons Klaviyo Emails Land in Spam Folders

There are several factors that can cause your Klaviyo emails to end up in spam folders instead of your subscribers' inboxes. IP reputation, domain reputation, and sender reputation all play a role in email deliverability. Issues like poor email list hygiene, high bounce rates, and spammy content can negatively impact these reputations and increase the chances of your emails being flagged as spam.

1. Reputation Issues: IP, Domain, and Sender

Your IP reputation, domain reputation, and sender reputation are key factors that influence email deliverability. IP reputation refers to the reputation of the IP address you use to send emails. Domain reputation is based on the domain in your "From" address. Sender reputation takes into account your overall sending practices and engagement metrics.

Poor reputations in any of these areas can lead to emails landing in spam. Factors like high complaint rates, low engagement, and sending to invalid or unengaged recipients can damage your reputations and deliverability.

2. Poor Email List Hygiene and High Bounce Rates

Maintaining good email list hygiene is crucial for deliverability. Sending emails to invalid, inactive, or unengaged recipients can result in high bounce rates and complaints. This signals to inbox providers that you may be a spammer.

Regularly clean your email list by removing invalid, bounced, and unengaged subscribers. Implement a double opt-in process to ensure you're only adding valid, interested subscribers to your list. Monitor your bounce rates and aim to keep them below 2%.

3. Spammy or Misleading Email Content

The content of your emails can trigger spam filters if it appears spammy or misleading. Using excessive exclamation points, all caps, spammy phrases like "100% FREE!", and misleading subject lines can all raise red flags.

Aim for a balanced mix of text and images in your emails. Avoid using too many links, especially to unfamiliar domains. Include an unsubscribe link and your physical mailing address to comply with anti-spam laws. Personalize your emails and provide valuable, relevant content to keep subscribers engaged.

4. Risks of Shared IP Addresses

If you're using a shared IP address to send your Klaviyo emails, your deliverability can be impacted by the practices of other senders on that same IP. If other senders have poor reputations due to spammy practices, it can negatively affect your deliverability as well.

Consider setting up a dedicated IP address for your Klaviyo sending. This gives you greater control over your IP reputation. However, be sure to properly warm up your dedicated IP before sending high volumes of email to establish a positive reputation.

The key to avoiding the spam folder is maintaining positive reputations, practicing good email list hygiene, providing valuable content, and following best practices for email sending. By monitoring your engagement metrics and proactively addressing any issues, you can improve your Klaviyo email deliverability and reach your subscribers' inboxes more consistently.

In the next section, we'll dive into the best practices you should follow to improve your Klaviyo email deliverability and maximize your chances of landing in the inbox.

Best Practices to Improve Klaviyo Email Deliverability

To keep your Klaviyo emails out of spam folders and ensure they land in your subscribers' inboxes, it's important to follow email deliverability best practices. This includes setting up proper email authentication, maintaining a clean email list, creating engaging content, and ramping up your sending gradually. By implementing these strategies, you can improve your sender reputation and avoid triggering spam filters.

1. Set Up Email Authentication and Dedicated IPs

Email authentication protocols like SPF, DKIM, and DMARC help verify your identity as a legitimate sender. Setting these up correctly can improve your deliverability and prevent your emails from being flagged as spam.

For high-volume senders, using a dedicated IP address can also be beneficial. This allows you to establish your own sending reputation, rather than sharing an IP with other senders who may have poor practices. However, be sure to properly warm up your dedicated IP before sending large volumes of email.

2. Maintain a Clean, Engaged Email List

Regularly cleaning your email list is crucial for maintaining good deliverability. This means promptly removing invalid or bounced email addresses, as well as unengaged subscribers who haven't opened or clicked your emails in a while.

Implementing a double opt-in process can also help ensure that your list consists of valid, engaged subscribers who actually want to receive your emails. Additionally, consider sunsetting inactive subscribers by sending a re-engagement campaign before removing them from your list.

3. Create Valuable, Relevant Email Content

To keep your subscribers engaged and avoid spam complaints, focus on creating email content that provides value and is relevant to their interests. Personalize your emails based on subscriber preferences and behavior, and always include a clear unsubscribe link.

Avoid using spammy or misleading subject lines, and strike a balance between text and images in your email design. Regularly A/B test your subject lines and content to see what resonates best with your audience and improves engagement.

4. Ramp Up Your Sending Gradually

When you're first starting out with Klaviyo or switching from another email service provider, it's important to ramp up your sending gradually. Suddenly sending a large volume of emails can trigger spam filters and damage your sender reputation.

Start with a smaller segment of your most engaged subscribers, and gradually increase your sending volume over time as you establish a positive sending history. Maintain a consistent sending schedule to avoid sudden spikes in volume that could raise red flags with inbox providers.

To save time managing your email lists and improve engagement, try using Bardeen to automate repetitive tasks. Focus on creating valuable content while Bardeen handles the rest.

By implementing these email deliverability best practices, you can improve your chances of landing in the inbox and avoid having your Klaviyo emails go to spam. Regularly monitoring your engagement metrics and proactively addressing any issues can help you maintain a strong sender reputation and maximize the impact of your email marketing efforts.

Thanks for sticking with us through this in-depth guide! While it may seem like a lot to take in, mastering these deliverability techniques will pay off in the long run with better inbox placement and more engaged subscribers. Stay tuned for our final thoughts and key takeaways in the next section.


Understanding why your Klaviyo emails may be going to spam is crucial for effective email marketing. In this guide, you discovered:

  • Common factors that can cause Klaviyo emails to land in spam folders, such as poor sender reputation and spammy content
  • Best practices to improve your Klaviyo email deliverability, including email authentication, list hygiene, engaging content, and gradual sending

Don't let your hard work crafting the perfect email campaign go to waste in the spam folder. Master these techniques to keep your messages landing in the inbox where they belong! For more tips, check out building a prospect list to improve your outreach.

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