What Is Klaviyo Email Marketing? Complete Guide 2024

September 4, 2024
Jason Gong
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Klaviyo is an email marketing platform for ecommerce businesses.

By the way, we're Bardeen, we build a free AI Agent for doing repetitive tasks.

If you use Klaviyo, you might love Bardeen's AI for email automation. It helps automate follow-ups and outreach, saving you time and boosting efficiency.

Did you know that automated email flows can generate up to 30x more revenue per recipient than one-time campaigns? That's the power of Klaviyo email marketing. In this comprehensive guide, we'll break down exactly what Klaviyo is, how it works, and why it's a game-changer for ecommerce businesses looking to skyrocket their sales. Plus, we'll explore how AI automation tools like Bardeen can take your Klaviyo strategy to the next level. Get ready to become a Klaviyo expert and watch your revenue soar!

What Is Klaviyo Email Marketing? A Complete Overview

Klaviyo is an email marketing platform designed specifically for ecommerce businesses. It allows you to create targeted email campaigns, automate your email marketing, and analyze the performance of your emails.

With Klaviyo, you can:

  • Segment your email list based on customer behavior and preferences
  • Create personalized email campaigns that drive sales and engagement
  • Automate your email marketing with pre-built workflows and triggers
  • Analyze the performance of your emails with detailed reporting and analytics

Klaviyo integrates with popular ecommerce platforms like Shopify, Magento, and WooCommerce, making it easy to import customer data and create targeted email campaigns. Its drag-and-drop email builder and pre-designed templates make it easy to create professional-looking emails without any coding knowledge.

Whether you're just starting out with email marketing or looking to take your ecommerce business to the next level, Klaviyo provides the tools and features you need to succeed. To further improve your process, consider using AI email management tools to keep your inbox organized and efficient.

Klaviyo's Features: Tailored for Ecommerce Success

Klaviyo email marketing offers a suite of powerful tools designed to help ecommerce businesses increase sales and customer loyalty. With Klaviyo, you can:

  • Create highly targeted segments based on customer data like purchase history and behavior
  • Integrate seamlessly with popular ecommerce platforms like Shopify and Magento
  • Automate personalized email flows for abandoned carts, welcome series, and more
  • Analyze email performance with detailed reporting and revenue attribution

For example, an online clothing store using Klaviyo could:

  1. Sync customer and order data from their Shopify store
  2. Build a segment of high-value customers who purchased in the last 30 days
  3. Send this segment an exclusive early access sale campaign
  4. Set up an abandoned cart flow to recover lost sales
  5. Track the revenue generated from each email campaign and flow
Want to save time and focus on growing your ecommerce business? Try using AI sales prospecting tools from Bardeen to automate tasks like customer data syncing and email segmentation.

Advanced segmentation is key to sending hyper-relevant content that drives action. Klaviyo's ecommerce-specific features and integrations make it easy to leverage your data for targeted, personalized email marketing that delivers results.

Hyper-Targeted Segments for Personalized Email Campaigns

Klaviyo email marketing allows you to build granular segments based on a wealth of customer data, empowering you to send highly relevant, personalized email content to specific groups.

For example, you could create a segment of customers who:

  • Purchased in the last 30 days
  • Have an average order value over $100
  • Live in a specific zip code
  • Viewed a certain product category 3+ times

You could then send this segment an email campaign with:

  • Early access to a new product line
  • An exclusive high-value customer discount
  • Recommendations based on past purchases and browsing history

By leveraging Klaviyo's advanced segmentation capabilities, you can provide a hyper-targeted, personalized email experience that drives engagement and conversions. The more relevant your email content is to each recipient, the more likely they are to open, click, and purchase.

Klaviyo makes it easy to turn data into actionable segments, so you can ditch the one-size-fits-all email blasts and build prospect lists that send the right message to the right person at the right time.

Seamless Integrations with Top Ecommerce Platforms

Klaviyo offers native integrations with popular ecommerce platforms like Shopify, Magento, BigCommerce, and WooCommerce. This allows for automatic, real-time syncing of vital customer and order data.

With ecommerce data flowing seamlessly into Klaviyo, you can:

  • Trigger automated email flows based on customer actions like making a purchase or abandoning a cart
  • Personalize email content with product recommendations, dynamic coupons, and more
  • Build high-performing segments using metrics like average order value and customer lifetime value
  • Analyze the revenue impact of your email marketing down to the individual customer level

Native integrations eliminate the need for manual data imports or exports, saving you time and ensuring your email marketing is always in sync with your ecommerce store. Klaviyo becomes an extension of your ecommerce platform, so you can focus on growing your business, not juggling data between systems.

Automated lead management can further enhance your email marketing efforts by streamlining data handling and customer engagement.

Klaviyo email marketing maximizes the value of your ecommerce data, turning one-time buyers into loyal, profitable customers through targeted, relevant email experiences. The seamless integration with your online store makes it all possible.

Make your data handling smooth by integrating Google Sheets with your platforms using Bardeen. Save time and avoid manual entry.

Get Up and Running Fast with Klaviyo's Prebuilt Email Templates and Automations

Klaviyo offers a library of prebuilt, ecommerce-focused email templates and automated flows that you can quickly customize for your brand. This allows you to launch proven email campaigns and start driving revenue without starting from scratch.

Klaviyo's template library includes:

  • Abandoned cart emails to recover lost sales
  • Welcome series to introduce new subscribers to your brand
  • Post-purchase follow-ups to cross-sell and drive repeat business
  • Winback campaigns to re-engage lapsed customers

Simply choose a template, adjust the copy and design to match your brand voice and aesthetic, and launch. Klaviyo's drag-and-drop editor makes it easy to build on-brand emails, even without coding skills.

In addition to templates, Klaviyo offers prebuilt automations (called flows) for key ecommerce scenarios. These include abandoned carts, post-purchase thank you's, and more. The prebuilt flows come with suggested timing and content, but can be fully customized to fit your strategy.

If you want to improve your outreach, consider using AI message generators to personalize your emails further. With Klaviyo's templates and automations, you can launch revenue-generating email campaigns in days, not weeks or months. Klaviyo email marketing allows you to quickly take advantage of the highest ROI opportunities, so you can grow sales on autopilot.

Automate Personalized Emails at Scale with Klaviyo's Flow Builder

Klaviyo's automated flows allow you to send the right message to the right person at the right time, all without manual effort. You can create email sequences that automatically trigger based on a subscriber's actions, making it easy to deliver relevant, timely content. For more advanced automation, consider using AI for sales prospecting to streamline your tasks.

Some common examples of automated flows include:

  • Welcome series for new subscribers
  • Abandoned cart reminders for shoppers who leave items behind
  • Post-purchase follow-ups to educate customers and drive reviews
  • Winback campaigns to re-engage lapsed buyers

Klaviyo's drag-and-drop flow builder makes it simple to map out the customer journey. You can define the enrollment criteria, add and remove steps, set delays between emails, and insert conditional splits to further personalize the experience.

For example, you could split an abandoned cart flow based on cart value, sending different content to high AOV vs. low AOV shoppers. Or split a welcome series by engagement, with a different path for those who do or don't open the first email.

With Klaviyo, you can also create cross-channel flows that include email, SMS, and push notifications. Klaviyo email marketing flows put your subscriber data to work, so you can build stronger customer relationships and drive more sales on autopilot. To further enhance your sales process, explore the automation field guide for lead enrichment and qualification.

Bardeen's tools allow you to automate enrichment and qualification, making prospecting more efficient. Save time with automation and focus on nurturing high-quality leads.

Abandoned Cart Flows to Recover Lost Sales

Klaviyo makes it easy to automatically send reminder emails to shoppers who leave items in their cart without purchasing. This abandoned cart flow is a powerful tool for recovering potentially lost revenue.

To set up an abandoned cart flow in Klaviyo:

  1. Define the trigger, e.g. when someone adds to cart but doesn't purchase within X hours
  2. Specify the flow timeline, e.g. send first email 1 hour after abandonment, second email 24 hours later, etc.
  3. Customize the email content, pulling in the abandoned products dynamically
  4. Consider including an incentive like free shipping or a discount code
  5. A/B test subject lines, content, and timing to optimize performance

Many ecommerce businesses find a 3-email abandoned cart series most effective. The first email is a simple reminder, the second introduces an incentive, and the third creates a sense of urgency.

With Klaviyo, you can track the revenue recovered from each abandoned cart email. This allows you to continually iterate and improve your abandoned cart flow over time, turning lost sales into won opportunities.

Post-Purchase Flows: Turning One-Time Buyers into Loyal Customers

After a customer makes a purchase, your work is just beginning. Post-purchase email flows in Klaviyo allow you to continue the conversation and build a lasting relationship.

A well-designed post-purchase flow can include:

  • A sincere thank you email showing appreciation for their business
  • A request for a product review or feedback on their experience
  • Personalized cross-sell recommendations based on what they bought
  • An incentive to make a second purchase, like a discount code or free gift
  • Educational content to help them get the most out of their purchase

With Klaviyo's advanced segmentation, you can tailor your post-purchase flow to different types of customers. For example:

  • First-time buyers could receive a special welcome and onboarding sequence
  • Repeat customers could get early access to new products or exclusive perks
  • High AOV customers could receive premium service or personalized offers

The key to an effective post-purchase Klaviyo email flow is making the customer feel valued. Show them you appreciate their business, care about their experience, and want to continue providing value. When done right, post-purchase emails create loyal customers who buy again and again.

Save time and focus on what matters while automating your tasks using Bardeen's automation playbooks. Turn repetitive emails into a single click.

Winback Flows: Re-Engaging Dormant Customers and Rekindling Loyalty

Even your most devoted customers can lose interest over time. But with Klaviyo's winback email flows, you can reignite that spark and bring them back into the fold.

Winback flows are typically triggered when a customer hasn't made a purchase in a certain number of days, depending on your business's natural sales cycle. For example:

  • A daily necessity brand might trigger a winback after 30-60 days of no purchases
  • A gifting-oriented business may wait 120-180 days to account for longer gaps between buys

Once triggered, the winback flow sends a series of personalized emails designed to re-capture the customer's attention and interest. Effective winback emails often include:

  • A reminder of the value your brand and products provide
  • Incentives like discount codes or free shipping to sweeten the deal
  • New product announcements or best-seller showcases to pique interest
  • A clear CTA to come back and shop

For subscribers who still don't bite, you can move them to a "Sunset Flow" - a last-ditch attempt to engage before removing them from your list. This keeps your list clean and full of your most engaged customers.

When crafting your Klaviyo winback flows, segment your audience to ensure the messaging resonates. A loyal customer with 6+ purchases should get a different message than a one-time buyer. Your flows are key to transforming lapsed customers into active brand advocates once again. Understanding the difference between cold and warm leads can help tailor your approach.

Klaviyo's Analytics: Unlock Insights to Optimize Your Ecommerce Email Strategy

Klaviyo email marketing provides powerful analytics that give you a complete picture of how your campaigns are driving business results. With native integrations to major ecommerce platforms, Klaviyo ties every email sent directly to revenue generated.

You can see exactly how each campaign and automated flow is contributing to your bottom line. Klaviyo's reporting dashboards allow you to:

  • Track critical email metrics like opens, clicks, and conversions
  • Determine which subject lines engage subscribers the most
  • Identify your most profitable campaigns and highest performing segments
  • Monitor revenue per recipient for every email you send

Beyond top-level reporting, you can drill down into the details with Klaviyo. Individual campaign reports show you:

  • A breakdown of performance by audience segment
  • Recipient activity details, like who opened, clicked, or converted
  • Link tracking to see which CTAs drove the most engagement
  • Website activity after someone clicked through from your email

Klaviyo also offers benchmarks, so you can see how your core email metrics compare to similar businesses. With this industry data, you can gauge where you're excelling and where you have room to improve your data enrichment strategy.

By leveraging Klaviyo's robust analytics, you gain the insights needed to continually optimize your campaigns and automated flows to maximize email revenue for your ecommerce store.

Unlock Granular Insights with Klaviyo's Flow and Campaign Reporting

Klaviyo email marketing provides detailed reporting on the performance of each individual flow and campaign you send. At a high level, you can track key metrics like:

  • Open rate: the percentage of recipients who opened your email
  • Click rate: the percentage who clicked a link in your email
  • Conversion rate: the percentage who completed a desired action, like making a purchase
  • Total revenue: the money generated directly from a particular flow or campaign

But Klaviyo's reporting capabilities go much deeper. You can analyze detailed performance to see exactly which emails in an automated series are driving the most sales, or which specific links in a campaign are getting the most engagement. This granular data is gold for optimizing your Klaviyo email strategy.

For instance, if you notice the third email in your welcome series has a significantly higher conversion rate, you might adjust the content of emails one and two to be more similar. Or if a particular product link in a campaign is getting tons of clicks but not purchases, you may need to improve the landing page.

By diving into the details of each flow and campaign, you can do more of what's working and less of what's not. Klaviyo's reporting gives you the insights to continually improve your email performance and drive more revenue for your ecommerce business.

See How Your Klaviyo Email Marketing Measures Up to Industry Standards

Ever wonder how your email performance compares to others in your industry? Klaviyo makes it easy to find out with built-in benchmark data.

You can see average open rates, click rates, and revenue per recipient for businesses similar to yours. This gives you a quick sense of where you stand.

For example, if your automated welcome series has a 15% open rate but the benchmark shows an average of 25%, you know there's work to do. Maybe you need a more compelling subject line or to adjust the timing of when the emails send. To make your email campaigns more effective, consider using AI sales prospecting tools.

On the flip side, if your campaigns are consistently outperforming the benchmarks, give yourself a pat on the back! You're crushing this whole Klaviyo email marketing thing.

Of course, every business is unique, so it's important not to get too hung up on comparisons. But benchmarks are a useful guidepost to make sure you're on the right track and identify areas for improvement. To further streamline your sales process, you can automate sales prospecting with advanced tools.

Use Klaviyo's Predictive Analytics to Send Emails That Hit the Mark

Klaviyo takes the guesswork out of email marketing with machine learning and predictive analytics. Its algorithms crunch your customer data to provide valuable insights you can use to fine-tune your strategy.

Want to know a customer's lifetime value so you can give your VIPs the white glove treatment? Klaviyo has you covered. Curious which customers are at risk of churning so you can win them back? Klaviyo can tell you that too.

You can leverage these predictions to build laser-targeted segments for your email campaigns. No more blasting the same message to your entire list and hoping something sticks.

For example, you could:

  • Create a segment of high CLV customers and send them exclusive early access to new products or special events
  • Build a segment of "at risk" customers who haven't purchased lately and enroll them in a winback flow with a juicy incentive
  • Target customers who are predicted to make a purchase soon with timely offers or product recommendations

By using Klaviyo's predictive insights to send the right message to the right person at the right time, you'll create email experiences that truly resonate. That means better open rates, more clicks, and ultimately, more sales for your ecommerce business.


Understanding Klaviyo email marketing is critical for ecommerce success in today's highly competitive digital landscape. Here's a quick summary of the key points covered in this Klaviyo email marketing overview:

  • Klaviyo offers powerful features built for ecommerce like advanced segmentation, native platform integrations, and prebuilt automations
  • Automated email flows in Klaviyo allow you to send the right message at the right time based on customer actions
  • Klaviyo's analytics and reporting provide deep insights to continually optimize your email strategy and drive more sales

Don't let a lack of Klaviyo expertise hold your ecommerce growth back. Learn how to automate sales prospecting to stay ahead of your competitors.

Automate Email Marketing with Bardeen's AI

Bardeen's AI Agent makes automating email tasks in Klaviyo easy and efficient.

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