How to Remove Bounced Emails from Klaviyo: Step-by-Step Guide

September 16, 2024
Jason Gong
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Identify and remove bounced emails in Klaviyo by creating a segment and filtering by bounce type.

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Struggling with bounced emails in Klaviyo? You're not alone. Over 20% of emails sent through Klaviyo bounce, hurting your deliverability and sender reputation. But fear not! This complete guide will walk you through the steps to identify, filter, and remove bounced emails, keeping your list clean and healthy. Plus, discover how AI agents like Bardeen can automate the process, saving you hours of manual work. Ready to become a bounce-busting pro?

Understanding Bounced Emails in Klaviyo

Bounced emails are messages that cannot be delivered to a recipient's inbox for various reasons. In Klaviyo, it's crucial to understand and manage bounced emails to maintain a healthy email list and ensure optimal deliverability. This section will explain what bounced emails are, how they impact your email marketing, and Klaviyo's default handling of bounces.

1. Hard and Soft Email Bounces

There are two main types of bounced emails in Klaviyo:

  • Hard bounces occur when an email cannot be delivered due to a permanent reason, such as an invalid or non-existent email address. Klaviyo automatically suppresses any email address that hard bounces.
  • Soft bounces happen due to temporary issues, like a full inbox or a momentarily unavailable email server. If an email soft bounces more than 7 consecutive times, Klaviyo will suppress the address.

2. Impact on Email Deliverability and Sender Reputation

Bounced emails can negatively impact your email deliverability and sender reputation. High bounce rates signal to inbox providers that you may be sending emails to invalid or unengaged recipients, which can lead to your emails being filtered into the spam folder or blocked altogether. Maintaining a low bounce rate is essential for ensuring your emails reach your subscribers' inboxes.

3. Klaviyo's Default Bounce Handling

By default, Klaviyo automatically suppresses email addresses that hard bounce or soft bounce more than 7 consecutive times. Suppressed addresses are removed from your email lists to prevent further sends to those invalid or undeliverable addresses. This helps protect your sender reputation and maintains a clean email list.

4. Proactively Managing Bounced Emails

While Klaviyo's default bounce handling is helpful, it's essential to proactively manage bounced emails to maintain a healthy email list. Regularly review your bounced emails, identify any patterns or issues, and take steps to remove invalid or inactive addresses from your list. This can include implementing double opt-in, regularly cleaning your email list, and segmenting your audience based on engagement. Using AI email management tools can also help streamline this process.

In summary, understanding bounced emails is crucial for maintaining a strong sender reputation and ensuring your emails reach your subscribers' inboxes. By monitoring and managing bounced emails, you can improve your email deliverability and overall email marketing performance.

In the next section of this guide, you'll learn the essential steps for removing bounced emails in Klaviyo, ensuring you have a clean and engaged email list.

Steps to Remove Bounced Emails in Klaviyo

Removing bounced emails from your Klaviyo account is crucial for maintaining a healthy email list and optimal deliverability. In this section, we'll walk you through the step-by-step process of identifying bounced emails, filtering them by bounce type and frequency, exporting the list, and suppressing those addresses in Klaviyo. By following these best practices, you can ensure your email campaigns reach engaged subscribers and avoid potential deliverability issues.

1. Creating a Segment to Identify Bounced Emails

To remove bounced emails in Klaviyo, start by creating a segment that identifies the bounced addresses. Navigate to the Lists \u0026 Segments tab and click Create List/Segment. Choose Segment, then select the Bounced Email metric as the condition.

Specify the number of times an email has bounced (e.g., at least 3 times) and the time frame (e.g., in the last 30 days). This segment will now include all email addresses that have bounced according to your criteria.

2. Filtering the Segment by Bounce Type and Frequency

Once you've created the bounced email segment, you can further refine it by filtering based on bounce type (hard or soft) and the number of bounces. This allows you to prioritize which addresses to remove first.

For example, you may want to suppress email addresses that have hard bounced even once, as these indicate a permanent delivery issue. For soft bounces, consider suppressing addresses that have bounced multiple times (e.g., 3-5 times) to prevent potential long-term deliverability problems.

3. Exporting the Bounced Email Segment as a CSV

After finalizing your bounced email segment, export the list as a CSV file. Click the Actions dropdown menu within the segment and select Export as CSV. This will download a file containing all the email addresses that match your bounce criteria.

Having the bounced emails in a CSV format makes it easy to upload them to your suppression list in the next step.

4. Uploading the CSV to the Suppression List

To suppress the bounced email addresses in Klaviyo, navigate to the Profiles tab and click Suppressed Profiles. Then, click Upload CSV and select the file you exported in the previous step.

Klaviyo will process the CSV and add all the email addresses to your suppression list. These profiles will be excluded from future email campaigns, helping to maintain your sender reputation and deliverability.

5. Best Practices for Suppressing Bounced Emails

Regularly monitoring and suppressing bounced emails is essential for a healthy email list. Consider implementing the following best practices:

  • Review bounce data monthly and suppress addresses that consistently bounce
  • Suppress hard bounces immediately, as these indicate invalid or non-existent email addresses
  • For soft bounces, set a threshold (e.g., 3-5 bounces) before suppressing to allow for temporary issues to resolve
  • Implement a double opt-in process to reduce the likelihood of invalid email addresses joining your list

By proactively managing bounced emails, you can improve your email deliverability, maintain a strong sender reputation, and ensure your campaigns reach engaged subscribers. Learn more about automating lead enrichment for better email list management.

Save time on repetitive tasks by using automated workflows to manage your email list more efficiently. Bardeen can help you focus on engaging with your subscribers while automating the rest.

Congratulations on making it this far in the guide! By now, you should have a solid understanding of how to effectively remove bounced emails from your Klaviyo account. Remember, consistency is key when it comes to email list hygiene - don't let those pesky bounces pile up like unwashed dishes in the sink!


Removing bounced emails from your Klaviyo account is essential for maintaining strong email deliverability. Understanding what bounced emails are, how they impact your sender reputation, and Klaviyo's default handling of them sets the foundation for proactively managing your email list hygiene.

  • Bounced emails explained, including hard and soft bounces and their effects on deliverability
  • Step-by-step process to identify, filter, export, and suppress bounced emails in Klaviyo

By becoming an expert at removing bounced emails from Klaviyo, you'll avoid the email marketing equivalent of a bounced check - a surefire way to damage your sender reputation and deliverability. Don't let bounced emails bounce your emails out of your subscribers' inboxes!

Additionally, learn how automating sales prospecting can enhance your email marketing strategy.

Automate Email List Cleanup

Bardeen's AI automates removing bounced emails from Klaviyo, saving you time and effort.

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