How to Reach Alumni on LinkedIn: Key Scripts

October 9, 2024
Jason Gong
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Use LinkedIn's alumni search tool and personalized scripts to connect.

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Connecting with alumni on LinkedIn can be a game-changer for your job search. By tapping into your shared college experiences and leveraging the power of alumni networks, you can gain valuable insights, referrals, and opportunities.

In this step-by-step guide, you'll learn how to find the right alumni to connect with, craft personalized messages that get responses, and maintain long-lasting professional relationships. Plus, discover how AI tools like Bardeen can automate repetitive tasks and save you hours of time. Ready to unlock the hidden potential of your alumni network? Let's dive in!

Why Alumni Connections Are Valuable for Your Job Search

Connecting with alumni from your alma mater can be a game-changer in your job search. Alumni share a common bond and are often more willing to help fellow graduates succeed. By reaching out to alumni on LinkedIn, you can tap into a powerful network of professionals who can provide valuable insights, advice, and even job opportunities.

1. Alumni Are More Likely to Help Fellow Graduates

When you reach out to an alumnus on LinkedIn, you instantly have something in common: your shared college experience. This connection creates a sense of camaraderie and makes alumni more inclined to assist you in your job search. They understand the challenges of starting a career and are often happy to offer guidance or make introductions to help a fellow graduate succeed.

For example, imagine you graduated from XYZ University and are now seeking a marketing position. By searching for XYZ University alumni on LinkedIn who work in marketing, you can identify potential contacts who may be willing to offer advice or even refer you for open positions at their companies.

2. Shared College Experiences Create an Instant Connection

Your college years are filled with memorable experiences, from attending sporting events to participating in student organizations. When you connect with an alumnus on LinkedIn, you can reference these shared experiences to build rapport quickly. This instant connection can make the alumnus more receptive to your outreach and more likely to respond to your message.

For instance, if you were both members of the same student club or participated in a similar volunteer project, mentioning this in your initial message can help break the ice and establish a common ground. The alumnus may be more willing to chat with you about your career goals and offer insights based on their own experiences.

3. Alumni Can Provide Insider Information on Companies and Industries

Alumni who work in your target companies or industries can be invaluable sources of insider information. They can share insights on company culture, hiring processes, and the skills and experience that are most valued in their field. This information can help you tailor your job search strategy and make a stronger impression when applying for positions.

For example, if an alumnus works at a company you're interested in, they may be able to provide tips on how to stand out in the application process or even recommend you for an open position. They can also offer honest feedback on the company's work environment and growth opportunities, helping you make a more informed decision about whether to pursue a role there.

4. Alumni Networks Are an Underutilized Resource

Many job seekers overlook the power of alumni networks in their job search. While they may focus on applying to job boards or attending general networking events, they often fail to leverage the connections they already have through their alma mater. By actively seeking out and integrating LinkedIn with tools, you can tap into a valuable resource that can help you uncover hidden job opportunities and get your foot in the door at your dream companies.

Connecting with alumni on LinkedIn can give you a competitive edge in your job search. By leveraging the power of shared college experiences and tapping into insider knowledge, you can uncover valuable opportunities and get the guidance you need to succeed.

In the next section, we'll dive into the basics of finding alumni to connect with on LinkedIn and provide actionable tips for making the most of these valuable connections.

Finding Alumni to Connect With on LinkedIn

LinkedIn's alumni search tool is a powerful resource for connecting with fellow graduates who can provide valuable insights and opportunities in your job search. By filtering your search results by graduation year, location, company, industry, and more, you can quickly identify alumni who are most relevant to your career goals. Joining your university's official LinkedIn alumni group is another great way to engage with this valuable network.

1. Leverage LinkedIn's Alumni Search Tool

LinkedIn's built-in alumni search tool allows you to easily filter and find graduates from your school based on various criteria. Start by navigating to your university's LinkedIn page and clicking on the "See Alumni" button. From there, you can filter results by graduation year, location, company, industry, job function, skills, and how you are connected.

For example, if you're interested in working for a specific company, you can search for alumni who currently work there or have in the past. This can give you valuable insights into the company culture and hiring process, as well as potential contacts for informational interviews or referrals.

2. Join Your University's Official Alumni Group

Most colleges and universities have official alumni groups on LinkedIn, which can be a great way to connect with fellow graduates and stay up-to-date on relevant news and events. Joining these groups allows you to participate in discussions, share content, and message other members directly.

Alumni groups often post job openings, networking events, and other career-related opportunities that may not be available elsewhere. By actively engaging in these communities, you can build relationships with alumni who can provide advice, introductions, or even job leads.

3. Identify Alumni in Your Target Companies and Roles

When conducting your job search, prioritize finding alumni who work at companies or in roles that align with your career goals. These individuals can provide firsthand insights into what it's like to work in your desired industry or position, as well as advice on how to break in.

For instance, if you're aiming for a marketing role at a tech startup, search for alumni who currently hold similar positions at companies that interest you. Reach out to them for informational interviews or advice on how to position yourself as a strong candidate.

4. Focus on Shared Experiences and Interests

When reaching out to alumni, look for common ground beyond just your shared alma mater. Perhaps you were involved in the same student organizations, studied abroad in the same country, or have similar hobbies or volunteer experiences. Mentioning these shared interests can help build rapport and make your message more personalized.

Additionally, if you have mutual connections on LinkedIn, consider asking for an introduction or referencing your shared acquaintance in your outreach. Having a common connection can increase the likelihood of receiving a response and building a stronger relationship.

By leveraging LinkedIn's alumni search tools and groups, focusing on shared experiences, and prioritizing contacts in your target companies and roles, you can effectively tap into the power of your alumni network to advance your job search. Next up, we'll dive into crafting compelling personalized messages to make the most of these valuable connections. To automate the process of gathering LinkedIn data, consider using a LinkedIn data scraper to efficiently collect profile details.

Save time on data collection by using Bardeen for scraping LinkedIn profiles automatically. This tool integrates easily with apps like Google Sheets and CRM systems.

How to Write Compelling LinkedIn Messages to Alumni

When reaching out to alumni on LinkedIn, crafting personalized messages is key to capturing their attention and increasing the likelihood of a response. Mentioning shared experiences, interests, or connections can help establish an instant rapport and make your message stand out in their inbox. Keep your messages concise yet friendly, aiming for around 200 words to maintain engagement.

1. Personalize Every Message with Shared Connections

Take the time to review each alumni's profile and identify commonalities you can mention in your message. Perhaps you attended the same university, participated in similar extracurricular activities, or have mutual connections on LinkedIn. Highlighting these shared experiences demonstrates that you've taken a genuine interest in connecting with them. Consider using tools to enrich LinkedIn profiles for more personalized outreach.

For example, you might say, "I noticed we both graduated from [University Name] and were involved in [Club or Organization]. I'd love to hear more about your experience in [Industry or Company] and any advice you might have for a fellow alum."

2. Keep Messages Concise and Friendly

While it's important to personalize your messages, be mindful of the recipient's time. Aim for around 200 words, which is long enough to establish a connection and briefly explain your purpose, but short enough to maintain their attention. Use a friendly and professional tone, as if you were writing to a colleague or acquaintance.

Structure your message with a greeting, a brief introduction, your reason for reaching out, and a clear call-to-action. For instance, "I'm currently exploring opportunities in [Industry] and would greatly appreciate any insights or advice you could share. Would you be open to a brief 15-minute phone call to discuss your experience and any recommendations you might have?"

3. Clearly State Your Purpose and How They Can Help

Be transparent about why you're reaching out and how the alumni can potentially support your job search. Whether you're seeking industry insights, company-specific advice, or potential referrals, make sure your request is clear and specific. This helps the recipient understand how they can best assist you and increases the chances of a positive response. Enhance your outreach by learning how to generate messages with AI to improve engagement.

You might say, "As a [Job Title] with [X] years of experience in [Industry], I'm particularly interested in learning more about your transition from [Previous Role] to [Current Role] at [Company]. I'd greatly appreciate any advice you could share on successfully navigating this career shift and making the most impact in my next role."

4. End with a Clear Call-to-Action

Close your message with a specific call-to-action, such as requesting a short phone call or virtual coffee chat to further discuss your career goals and seek their guidance. Providing a clear next step makes it easier for the alumni to respond and engage with your request. Be sure to express your appreciation for their time and consideration.

For example, "I would be incredibly grateful for the opportunity to learn from your experience and discuss how I can best position myself for success in [Industry]. Would you be willing to connect for a brief 20-minute phone call next week? I'm happy to work around your schedule. Thank you in advance for your time and insights."

By crafting compelling, personalized messages that clearly state your purpose and include a specific call-to-action, you'll be well on your way to building meaningful connections with alumni on LinkedIn. Remember, every interaction is an opportunity to learn, grow, and potentially unlock new career opportunities. Next up, we'll explore best practices for following up and maintaining these valuable relationships over time.

Nurture Alumni Relationships for Long-Term Success

Following up and maintaining alumni relationships after they've assisted you in your job search is crucial for fostering long-term connections and creating a supportive professional network. By expressing gratitude, keeping them updated on your progress, and providing value in return, you can strengthen these valuable ties and open doors to future opportunities.

1. Send a Timely Thank You Message

Within 24 hours of an alumni helping you, whether through a referral, advice, or an introduction, be sure to send a heartfelt thank you message. Express your sincere appreciation for their time and effort, and let them know how their assistance has positively impacted your job search. A prompt and personalized thank you note demonstrates your professionalism and leaves a lasting positive impression.

For example, "Dear [Alumni Name], I wanted to reach out and express my deepest gratitude for referring me to the marketing position at [Company]. Your support and belief in my abilities mean the world to me, and I'm excited to explore this opportunity further. Thank you for being such an incredible resource and advocate. I'll keep you updated on my progress!"

2. Provide Regular Job Search Updates

As your job search progresses, keep your alumni contacts in the loop with periodic updates. Share any significant milestones, such as landing interviews, receiving offers, or starting a new position. By keeping them informed, you show that their efforts have made a tangible difference in your career journey. Plus, they may offer additional guidance or connections based on your latest developments.

You might say, "Hi [Alumni Name], I wanted to share some exciting news with you! Thanks to your valuable advice and introduction to [Contact Name], I've secured an interview for the business development role at [Company]. Your insights on crafting a compelling pitch were spot-on, and I feel well-prepared for the conversation. I'll let you know how it goes, and I'm truly grateful for your continued support."

3. Share Relevant Industry Insights and Opportunities

To maintain a mutually beneficial relationship with alumni, look for ways to provide value in return. Keep an eye out for articles, events, or opportunities that align with their interests or professional goals. By sharing relevant content and insights, you demonstrate your commitment to their success and position yourself as a knowledgeable and thoughtful connection. Consider automating your outreach for efficiency.

For instance, "Dear [Alumni Name], I came across this upcoming conference on the future of [Industry] and thought of you. Given your expertise in [Specialization], I believe you'd find the keynote speakers and networking opportunities invaluable. I've attached the event details for your reference. If you decide to attend, I'd love to hear your key takeaways!"

Save time and avoid repetitive tasks by using automate outreach features from Bardeen. Focus on building relationships while Bardeen handles the follow-up automatically.

4. Offer Your Own Assistance and Expertise

As you progress in your career, look for opportunities to pay it forward and assist your alumni connections. Offer to make introductions, provide recommendations, or share your own expertise when appropriate. By reciprocating the support you've received, you strengthen the bond and create a culture of mutual assistance within your alumni network.

You could offer, "Hi [Alumni Name], I noticed that you're looking to expand your team and hire a new [Position]. I recently worked with a fantastic candidate who I believe would be a perfect fit for the role. With your permission, I'd be happy to make an introduction and share my thoughts on their qualifications. Please let me know if you'd like me to connect you two."

By nurturing your alumni relationships through timely follow-up, regular updates, shared insights, and reciprocal support, you can transform one-time interactions into lasting, mutually beneficial connections. Remember, your alumni network is a valuable asset that can continue to open doors and provide guidance throughout your career journey.

Thanks for sticking with me through this guide – I know it's been a lot of information to digest! But trust me, mastering the art of alumni outreach on LinkedIn is well worth the effort. Just think of all the incredible opportunities and connections you could be missing out on if you don't put these strategies into action. Don't let your alumni network go to waste – start reaching out and building those relationships today!


Reaching out to alumni on LinkedIn is a powerful way to tap into valuable job search resources and opportunities. This guide covered the essentials:

  • The value of alumni connections for insider information, rapport, and underutilized networking potential
  • Strategies for finding the right alumni to connect with based on shared backgrounds and career goals
  • Crafting personalized, concise LinkedIn messages that clearly explain your purpose and request
  • Maintaining strong alumni relationships through timely follow-up, updates, shared interests, and mutual assistance

By mastering the art of alumni outreach on LinkedIn, you'll open doors to incredible career opportunities. Don't miss out on the power of your alumni network – start connecting today! For more insights, explore how to automate sales prospecting effectively.

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