How to Message a CEO on LinkedIn: Proven Steps

October 15, 2024
Jason Gong
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Start with a concise subject line, then personalize your message.

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Connecting with CEOs on LinkedIn can be a game-changer for your career or business. By crafting compelling messages, you can open doors to invaluable insights, strategic partnerships, and unique opportunities. In this step-by-step guide, we'll show you how to message a CEO on LinkedIn effectively, using both classic manual techniques and cutting-edge AI tools like Bardeen.

Discover the secrets to grabbing a CEO's attention, demonstrating value, and building lasting relationships. Whether you're seeking mentorship, collaborations, or business growth, this guide will help you save time and achieve your goals. Get ready to take your LinkedIn outreach to the next level!

Crafting a Compelling Subject Line to Grab the CEO's Attention

When messaging a CEO on LinkedIn, your subject line is the first thing they will see. It's essential to make it attention-grabbing and intriguing to entice them to open your message. Here are some tips for crafting a subject line that will stand out in a CEO's crowded inbox:

1. Keep It Concise Yet Impactful

CEOs are busy people who receive hundreds of messages. Keep your subject line short and to the point, ideally under 10 words. Make every word count by focusing on the key benefit or reason for reaching out.

For example, instead of "Introducing our new marketing automation platform," try "Boost sales 25% with automated sales prospecting."

2. Personalize Based on Their Interests

Do your research on the CEO and their company. Look for common interests, recent news, or challenges they may be facing. Then craft a subject line that shows you've done your homework.

For instance, "Congrats on the new product launch, John! Ideas to drive adoption" shows you're aware of their recent company milestone and have valuable insights to share.

3. Avoid Clickbait or Misleading Tactics

While you want your subject line to be compelling, don't resort to sensationalism or misleading claims just to get the open. CEOs can quickly see through this and it will hurt your credibility.

Skip the "You won't believe this shocking new way to 10X your revenue!" hyperbole. Focus on genuine value and building trust from the start.

To sum up, an attention-grabbing subject line is key to getting your LinkedIn message opened and read by a CEO. Next up, we'll dive into how to structure the contents of your message for maximum impact and response.

Structuring Your LinkedIn Message to Get a Response from CEOs

To maximize the impact of your LinkedIn message to a CEO and increase the chances of a response, you need a clear, concise structure. A well-structured message makes it easy for the busy executive to quickly grasp your purpose and value proposition. Learn more about effective cold outreach strategies.

Save time and increase your outreach effectiveness by using AI to generate tailored emails. Let Bardeen personalize your LinkedIn messages and emails automatically, ensuring that your communication stands out and resonates with busy CEOs.

1. Start with a Strong Introduction

Begin your message by introducing yourself and briefly stating your reason for reaching out. For example, "Hi John, I'm Jane Doe from ABC Company. I'm reaching out because I have some ideas on how to improve your sales process."

Keep your intro to 1-2 sentences. Show that you've done your research by mentioning something specific about their company or role.

2. Follow a Simple Message Framework

After the introduction, follow this basic 3-part framework for the body of your message:

  1. Purpose: Clearly state why you are messaging them and what you want.
  2. Value proposition: Explain how you can help them or their company, backed up by brief examples or stats if possible.
  3. Call-to-action: End with a specific request, such as a 15-minute phone call or permission to send more information.

3. Keep Length to 200-300 Characters

CEOs are short on time, so keep your message concise. Aim for 200-300 characters max. That's about 2-3 short paragraphs.

If you have more to say, offer to send details in a follow up email after they respond to your initial outreach.

4. End with a Question

To boost response rates, end your message with an open-ended question that prompts a reply. For instance, "Does this align with your current priorities?" or "When would be a good time to discuss this further?"

Avoid yes/no questions that are easy to ignore.

By using a clear, concise message structure with a strong opening and closing, you'll capture the CEO's attention and make responding easy. Up next, discover how to generate emails with AI to demonstrate value and relevance to get your foot in the door.

Showing Your Value in a LinkedIn Message to CEOs

When messaging a CEO on LinkedIn, it's crucial to clearly demonstrate your value and relevance to their company. This means aligning your expertise and offerings with the CEO's needs and priorities. Showcase your unique value proposition in a concise, compelling way to capture their attention. For more tips, you might explore building a strong prospect list for targeted outreach.

1. Highlight Your Unique Value Proposition

Your value proposition is what sets you apart from others in your field. It's the unique combination of skills, experience, and insights you bring to the table.

For example, if you're a marketing consultant specializing in tech startups, emphasize how your strategies have helped similar companies achieve rapid growth. Quantify your impact with specific metrics, such as "Helped XYZ startup double revenue in 6 months."

2. Align Your Expertise with Their Needs

Research the CEO's company thoroughly to understand their current challenges and objectives. Then, tailor your message to address how your expertise can help them meet those specific needs.

For instance, if the company recently launched a new product, you might say: "I noticed your latest product launch and have some ideas for boosting adoption based on my experience with similar launches. Would love to share some insights that helped a client increase sign-ups by 30%."

3. Show Genuine Interest and Knowledge

CEOs appreciate when you've taken the time to learn about their company and industry. Demonstrate your knowledge by referencing recent company news, industry trends, or the CEO's own content.

You could open with something like: "I really enjoyed your latest LinkedIn article on the future of AI in healthcare. Your insights on data privacy resonated with me, as I've been working on similar challenges with clients in the space."

4. Back Up Claims with Social Proof

As you discuss your value proposition and expertise, weave in social proof to build credibility. This could include client testimonials, case studies, awards, or media mentions.

For example: "In the past year, I've helped 3 fintech startups secure Series A funding by revamping their investor pitch decks. One client called our work together 'instrumental' to their $5M raise."

By showcasing relevant value, aligning with company needs, and demonstrating genuine interest, you'll craft a message that resonates with CEOs. Position yourself as an asset worth connecting with.

To make your message truly stand out when reaching out to CEOs on LinkedIn, pair a compelling value proposition with thoughtful personalization and social proof.

Nurturing the Relationship After Your Initial LinkedIn Message

Following up after your initial LinkedIn message to a CEO is crucial for building a meaningful relationship. The right approach and timing can make all the difference in whether you create a valuable connection or come across as just another random contact. Consider using automation tools for outreach to efficiently manage your follow-ups.

Boost your productivity and never miss an opportunity by learning how to automate outreach follow-ups with Bardeen, ensuring timely and personalized communication.

1. Wait 1-2 Weeks Before Following Up

Avoid seeming overly eager or pushy by giving the CEO some breathing room after your first message. Wait at least a week, but no more than two, before reaching out again.

For example, if you sent your initial message on a Monday, mark your calendar to follow up the next Monday or Tuesday. This gives them time to read and process your original message without feeling bombarded.

2. Reference Your Previous Message

When you do follow up, make sure to reference your initial message to jog their memory. CEOs receive countless LinkedIn messages, so a reminder of your prior contact will help you stand out.

You might say something like, "I wanted to briefly follow up on the message I sent last week about [topic]. I know how busy you must be, but I thought this might be of interest given [reason]."

3. Provide Additional Value

Use your follow-up message as an opportunity to provide additional value to the CEO. Share an article, report, or insight that relates to the topics you discussed in your initial message.

For instance, "I came across this recent study on [industry trend] and thought of our conversation. It offers some compelling data to support the strategy we discussed. Let me know if you'd like me to send it over!"

4. Suggest a Brief Phone Call

If you've built enough rapport through your messages, consider asking for a brief phone call. Propose a short, specific agenda to set expectations and show you respect their time.

"I'd love to have a quick 15-minute call to discuss how [your company] could potentially support [their company's] goals in the next quarter. Happy to work around your schedule if you have any availability next week."

By allowing some space before following up, referencing prior conversations, offering further value, and proposing a focused next step, you'll increase your chances of building a real relationship with a CEO on LinkedIn.

Remember - every interaction is a chance to provide worth and make a memorable impression. Treat your follow-up messages as an extension of the thoughtful, relevant conversation you aim to have.


Knowing how to message a CEO on LinkedIn can open doors to valuable connections and opportunities. This guide covered:

  • Crafting compelling subject lines that grab attention without being misleading
  • Structuring your message for maximum impact and clarity
  • Demonstrating your value and relevance to the CEO's needs and interests
  • Following up strategically to nurture the relationship over time

By mastering the art of messaging a CEO on LinkedIn, you'll stand out from the crowd and build meaningful professional relationships. Don't let this powerful skill slip away - automate sales prospecting to ensure your next big break is just one well-crafted message away!

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