Getting Started: How to Create a Flow in Klaviyo

September 4, 2024
Jason Gong
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Go to the Flows tab, click Create Flow, and choose your trigger event.

By the way, we're Bardeen, we build a free AI Agent for doing repetitive tasks.

If you use Klaviyo, you might love Bardeen's Agent for sales. It helps automate email marketing, saving you time and boosting efficiency.

Klaviyo flows are a game-changer for email marketers looking to automate personalized sequences that drive engagement and sales. In this step-by-step guide, you'll learn how to harness the power of Klaviyo flows to nurture leads, recover abandoned carts, and boost customer loyalty. We'll cover everything from planning your first flow to analyzing performance and optimizing for better results.

Plus, discover how AI tools like Bardeen can help you save time on repetitive tasks. By mastering Klaviyo flows, you'll be able to create targeted, timely campaigns that convert up to 3 times more than traditional email blasts. Ready to level up your email marketing? Let's dive in!

Understanding Klaviyo Flows: Automating Email Sequences

Klaviyo flows are automated email sequences triggered by specific user actions or behaviors. Flows allow you to send targeted, personalized messages to your customers at key points in their journey with your brand.

Klaviyo offers various types of flows, including welcome series, abandoned cart, post-purchase, and more. These flows help you nurture relationships, recover lost sales, and drive repeat purchases.

1. Define Klaviyo Flows and How They Differ from Campaigns

Klaviyo flows are pre-configured email sequences that are automatically triggered based on user actions, such as subscribing to a list, abandoning a cart, or making a purchase. Unlike campaigns, which are one-time broadcasts sent to a specific segment, flows continue to run in the background and send emails to individual users as they meet the trigger criteria.

For example, when a new subscriber joins your list, they will automatically receive the emails in your welcome series flow, regardless of when they subscribed. This ensures a consistent experience for each new subscriber.

2. Explore the Main Types of Klaviyo Flows

Klaviyo offers several types of flows to cover key customer touchpoints:

  • Welcome Series: Greet new subscribers, introduce your brand, and encourage a first purchase.
  • Abandoned Cart: Remind shoppers of items left in their cart and incentivize them to complete their purchase.
  • Post-Purchase: Thank customers for their purchase, provide order updates, and suggest complementary products.
  • Winback: Re-engage inactive customers and encourage them to return to your store.

By leveraging these different flow types, you can create a comprehensive email marketing strategy that nurtures customers at every stage of their lifecycle.

3. Understand the Benefits of Using Klaviyo Flows

Klaviyo flows offer several key benefits for ecommerce businesses:

  1. Automation: Flows run automatically in the background, saving you time and ensuring timely communication with customers.
  2. Personalization: Flows can be customized based on individual user actions, preferences, and purchase history, allowing for highly targeted messaging.
  3. Improved Conversion Rates: By sending relevant, timely emails, flows can help drive more sales and revenue for your business.

For instance, an abandoned cart flow can recover 10-15% of lost sales by reminding shoppers of items they left behind and offering an incentive to complete their purchase.

4. Learn Key Flow Concepts: Triggers, Filters, Splits, and Delays

To create effective Klaviyo flows, it's essential to understand these key concepts:

  • Triggers: The specific user action that initiates the flow, such as subscribing to a list or abandoning a cart.
  • Filters: Conditions that determine which users enter the flow, such as having a specific tag or meeting a certain criteria.
  • Splits: Branching points that allow you to send different emails based on user actions or characteristics.
  • Time Delays: Scheduled pauses between emails in the flow, allowing you to space out your messages and avoid overwhelming subscribers.

By mastering these concepts, you'll be able to create sophisticated flows that adapt to your customers' individual journeys and preferences.

Klaviyo flows are a powerful tool for automating personalized email sequences that drive engagement and sales. By leveraging key flow types and concepts, you can create a robust email marketing strategy that nurtures customers at every stage of their lifecycle.

In the next section, we'll dive into the steps for planning and building your first Klaviyo flow, so you can start automating your outreach for your business.

Plan and Build Your First Klaviyo Flow

Creating a new flow in Klaviyo involves careful planning and setup to ensure it aligns with your goals and targets the right audience. By outlining your flow's purpose, choosing the appropriate trigger, and mapping out the sequence of messages, you can craft an effective automated series that nurtures your subscribers and drives conversions.

1. Outline the Flow Planning Process

Before diving into building your flow, take time to plan out the key elements:

  1. Set a clear goal for your flow, such as welcoming new subscribers, recovering abandoned carts, or nurturing post-purchase relationships.
  2. Choose the trigger event that will initiate the flow, like subscribing to a list, abandoning a checkout, or making a purchase.
  3. Map out the sequence of emails or SMS messages you want to send, considering the timing and content of each message.

For example, if you're creating a welcome series, your goal might be to introduce your brand, your trigger would be subscribing to a list, and your sequence could include 3-4 emails spaced out over a week, each highlighting different aspects of your brand and products.

2. Create a New Flow in Klaviyo

With your plan in hand, it's time to create your flow in Klaviyo:

  1. Navigate to the Flows tab and click "Create Flow".
  2. Choose your flow's trigger event, such as "List" for a welcome series or "Metric" for an abandoned cart flow.
  3. Name your flow clearly, like "Welcome Series" or "Abandoned Cart Flow".
  4. Set any additional trigger filters to refine who enters the flow, such as "If someone is added to list 'Newsletter Subscribers'".

Pre-built flow templates in Klaviyo can save time and provide a solid foundation to build upon.

Use Bardeen to automate your workflow management and save hours each week. Find out how to automate sales prospecting tasks with Bardeen.

3. Add and Configure Flow Components

With your flow created, you can start adding and configuring the individual components:

  • Drag and drop email or SMS components onto the canvas to create your messages.
  • Use time delays to space out your messages, like adding a 1-day delay between welcome emails.
  • Insert conditional splits to create different paths based on subscriber actions, such as whether they opened or clicked a previous email.
  • Configure each component's settings, like the email subject line, content, and sender information.

As you build out your flow, keep your initial plan and goals in mind. Each component should serve a specific purpose and guide subscribers towards your desired action, whether that's making a first purchase, completing an abandoned checkout, or engaging with your brand.

4. Organize, Test, and Activate Your Flow

Before activating your flow, take time to review and refine it:

  • Organize your flow's structure, ensuring a logical progression from one step to the next.
  • A/B test different email variants, like subject lines or CTAs, to optimize performance.
  • Set your flow messages to "Manual" mode to test them thoroughly before going live.
  • When you're confident your flow is ready, switch your message statuses to "Live" to activate the flow.

Remember, your flow is a dynamic asset that you can continue to optimize over time based on performance data. Regularly review your flow's metrics, like open rates, click rates, and conversions, to identify areas for improvement and make data-driven updates.

By planning your flow carefully, building it out thoughtfully in Klaviyo, and optimizing it continuously, you can create personalized, automated series that effectively nurture your subscribers and drive results for your business. In the next section, we'll dive into analyzing flow performance and making data-driven optimizations.

Analyze Flow Performance and Optimize for Better Results

Analyzing the performance of your Klaviyo flows is crucial for understanding how well they engage your audience and drive conversions. By monitoring key metrics like open rate, click rate, conversion rate, and drop off rate, you can identify areas for improvement and make data-driven optimizations to continuously refine your flows and achieve better results.

1. Track Essential Flow Performance Metrics

To gauge the effectiveness of your Klaviyo flows, focus on these core metrics:

  • Open rate: The percentage of recipients who opened your flow emails, indicating the relevance and appeal of your subject lines and preview text.
  • Click rate: The percentage of recipients who clicked links within your flow emails, reflecting the engagement and interest in your content and calls-to-action.
  • Conversion rate: The percentage of recipients who completed a desired action, such as making a purchase, after receiving your flow messages.
  • Drop off rate: The percentage of recipients who exited your flow at each step, helping you pinpoint where engagement declines and optimization is needed.

For example, if you notice a high drop off rate after the first email in your welcome series, you might need to reassess the content, timing, or overall value proposition of that message to better retain new subscribers.

2. Leverage Klaviyo's Flow Analytics Dashboard

Klaviyo provides a comprehensive Flow Analytics dashboard that makes it easy to access and interpret performance data for your automated sequences. Simply navigate to the Analytics tab within each flow to view key metrics, trends, and insights.

Look for patterns and anomalies in your flow analytics, such as:

  • Consistently high or low open and click rates on certain messages
  • Spikes or dips in conversion rates over time
  • Specific points in your flow where drop off rates increase

Use these observations to guide your optimization efforts and experiment with changes to your flow structure, content, and timing to drive better results. Consider using sales prospecting automation tools for more efficient analysis.

3. Implement Data-Driven Flow Optimizations

Armed with insights from your flow analytics, take action to optimize your automated sequences for improved performance. Some strategies to try include:

  • A/B testing subject lines, content, and calls-to-action to improve open and click rates
  • Adjusting the timing and frequency of your flow messages to align with audience preferences and behaviors
  • Segmenting your flows based on recipient actions, preferences, or characteristics to deliver more targeted, relevant experiences
  • Continually refreshing and updating flow content to maintain engagement and account for changing customer needs and interests over time

Remember, even small tweaks and optimizations to your flows can yield meaningful improvements in performance when applied strategically and consistently.

4. Establish a Process for Ongoing Flow Monitoring and Iteration

Optimizing your Klaviyo flows is not a one-time task, but rather an ongoing process of monitoring, analysis, and iteration. Make it a habit to regularly review your flow analytics, identify opportunities for improvement, and implement and test optimizations.

Consider setting performance benchmarks and goals for your key flow metrics, and track your progress over time as you continue to refine and enhance your automated sequences. Celebrate successes and learn from setbacks as you work towards building highly engaging, effective flows that drive real results for your business.

By leveraging Klaviyo's analytics and adopting a data-driven, iterative approach to flow optimization, you can unlock the full potential of your automated sequences and achieve better outcomes for your email marketing efforts. And while mastering the art of flow optimization takes time and effort, the rewards - in terms of engagement, conversions, and customer loyalty - are well worth it! For more tips, check out our sales prospecting tools guide.


Learning how to create a flow in Klaviyo is crucial for automating your email marketing and driving better results. Here's a quick recap of what we covered:

  • Klaviyo flows are automated email sequences triggered by specific user actions or behaviors, and they differ from one-time campaigns.
  • Planning a new flow involves setting goals, choosing triggers, and mapping out your sequence, while building the flow requires configuring settings, adding emails and other components, and activating it when ready.
  • Analyzing flow performance using key metrics like open rate, click rate, conversion rate, and drop off rate is essential for identifying areas to optimize and continuously improving your results.

By mastering Klaviyo flows, you'll be able to create personalized, timely email experiences that nurture leads and drive more sales - so don't miss out on this powerful tool! For more on recognizing buying signals, check out our resources.

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