How to Add Unsubscribe Link in Klaviyo: Complete Guide

September 19, 2024
Jason Gong
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Go to your email template, add the {% unsubscribe %} tag.

By the way, we're Bardeen, we build a free AI Agent for doing repetitive tasks.

If you're managing emails, you might love Bardeen's AI email management tools. They can automate adding unsubscribe links and keep your lists clean.

Adding an unsubscribe link to your Klaviyo emails is crucial for legal compliance and maintaining a strong sender reputation. In fact, the CAN-SPAM Act requires all commercial emails to include a clear opt-out mechanism. Without it, you risk spam complaints that can tank your deliverability.

But don't worry, this step-by-step guide will show you exactly how to add an unsubscribe link in Klaviyo, customize its appearance, and manage subscriber preferences. Plus, discover how AI tools like Bardeen can automate the process and save you time. Ready to become an unsubscribe link pro and keep your email list happy? Let's dive in!

Why Including an Unsubscribe Link is Important for Email Campaigns

Including an unsubscribe link in your email campaigns is not only a legal requirement, but it also benefits your email marketing efforts in several key ways.

First, having a clear unsubscribe option helps you avoid frustrating customers who no longer want to receive your emails. If someone can't easily opt out, they may mark your messages as spam, hurting your deliverability.

Unsubscribe links also allow you to:

  • Get valuable feedback on why people are leaving your list
  • Maintain a clean, engaged list of subscribers who want your content
  • Improve inbox placement by reducing spam complaints
  • Comply with anti-spam laws like CAN-SPAM, CASL, and GDPR

As of 2024, major email providers like Gmail and Yahoo now require senders to include a one-click unsubscribe link to reach their users' inboxes. So adding this option is critical for landing in the inbox and protecting your sender reputation.

While it may be hard to see people go, keeping your list full of active, interested subscribers is better for your email performance and ROI in the long run. Focus on sending relevant, valuable content to maintain a healthy list.

In the next section, we'll cover the best places to put the unsubscribe link in your Klaviyo emails to make the process clear and simple for your subscribers.

Best Practices for Placing the Unsubscribe Link in Your Klaviyo Emails

Placing the unsubscribe link strategically in your Klaviyo emails is crucial for maintaining a positive subscriber experience and complying with email regulations. The unsubscribe link should be easy to find but not distract from your main message.

Consider these best practices when deciding where to put the unsubscribe link in your Klaviyo emails:

1. Include the Link in the Footer

The footer is the most common and expected location for an unsubscribe link. Place it at the very bottom of your email, separated from the main content. This makes it easy for subscribers to find if they want to opt out, without drawing too much attention away from your message.

Most email clients also automatically scan the footer for an unsubscribe link, so including it there can help your deliverability.

2. Make the Link Visible but Not Prominent

While you want the unsubscribe link to be easy to find, it shouldn't be the most prominent element in your email. Use a smaller font size than your main text and a muted color that doesn't clash with your design.

Avoid using eye-catching colors or phrases like "click here to unsubscribe" that pull focus from your content. A simple "Unsubscribe" or "Manage Preferences" link in plain text is usually sufficient.

3. Provide an Update Preferences Option

Instead of just an unsubscribe link, consider offering an "Update Preferences" link as well. This leads subscribers to a page where they can choose to receive fewer emails or only certain types of content from you, rather than completely opting out.

Giving subscribers more control over what they receive can help keep them on your list and maintain a positive relationship.

4. Optimize for Mobile Viewing

With more than half of all emails now opened on mobile devices, it's essential to optimize your unsubscribe link placement for small screens. Make sure the link is large enough to be easily tapped and not too close to other clickable elements.

Test your emails on various mobile devices to ensure the unsubscribe link is accessible and functions properly.

If you want to save time and automate your email management, explore AI email management tools. They can help keep your inbox organized and maintain a clean email list.

By following these unsubscribe link placement best practices, you can provide a good user experience, stay compliant with laws like CAN-SPAM, and maintain a clean, engaged email list in Klaviyo.

Next, we'll walk through the exact steps to add an unsubscribe link to your Klaviyo email templates.

Step-by-Step Guide: Adding an Unsubscribe Link to Your Klaviyo Emails

Adding an unsubscribe link to your Klaviyo emails is a straightforward process that ensures compliance with email regulations and maintains a positive subscriber experience. In this section, we'll walk through the steps to include an unsubscribe link using Klaviyo's built-in tags and customization options.

1. Insert the Unsubscribe Tag in Your Email Template

The easiest way to add an unsubscribe link to your Klaviyo emails is by using the {% unsubscribe %} tag. Simply navigate to your email template, select an existing text block or add a new one, and click on the "Personalization" option. From the "Links and preview" menu, choose "Unsubscribe" to insert the tag.

By default, this tag will generate a link with the text "Unsubscribe," but you can customize it to fit your email's style and tone.

2. Customize the Unsubscribe Link Text

To customize the text of your unsubscribe link, modify the tag by adding your desired text within single quotes, like this: {% unsubscribe 'Click here to opt-out' %}. This allows you to maintain brand consistency and clarity in your email communications.

For example, if you want the link to read "Remove me from this list," you would use the following tag: {% unsubscribe 'Remove me from this list' %}.

3. Use the Unsubscribe Link URL in Custom HTML

If you're using custom HTML in your Klaviyo emails, you can still include an unsubscribe link by using the {% unsubscribe_link %} tag. This tag provides just the URL for the unsubscribe link, which you can then insert into your own HTML anchor tag.

For instance, you might use the following code to create a custom unsubscribe button:
<a href="{% unsubscribe_link %}" style="background-color: #ff0000; color: #ffffff; padding: 10px 20px; text-decoration: none; border-radius: 5px;">Unsubscribe</a>

4. Unsubscribe Link Clicks Don't Affect Email Performance Metrics

It's important to note that when a subscriber clicks on an unsubscribe link in your Klaviyo email, it does not count towards your email click rate. This ensures that your email performance metrics accurately reflect engagement with your content, rather than including unsubscribe actions.

However, it's still crucial to monitor your unsubscribe rates and analyze the reasons behind opt-outs to continually improve your email strategy and maintain a healthy, engaged subscriber list.

By following these steps, you can easily add an unsubscribe link to your Klaviyo emails, customizing it to match your brand while ensuring compliance and a positive subscriber experience.

With your unsubscribe link in place, let's explore how to manage subscriber preferences and unsubscribes within Klaviyo to maintain a clean, engaged email list.

Managing Subscriber Preferences and Unsubscribes in Klaviyo

Klaviyo provides various tools to help you manage your subscribers' email preferences and handle unsubscribes effectively. By giving your subscribers control over their email preferences and making it easy for them to opt out when needed, you can maintain a healthy, engaged email list while complying with email regulations.

1. Understanding Klaviyo's Global and List-Specific Unsubscribe Settings

Klaviyo offers two types of unsubscribe settings: global and list-specific. Global unsubscribes remove a subscriber from all of your email lists, while list-specific unsubscribes only remove them from a particular list. You can configure these settings in your account to determine how unsubscribes are handled.

For example, if you have separate lists for marketing emails and transactional emails, you may want to allow subscribers to opt out of marketing emails while still receiving important transactional messages.

2. Manually Unsubscribing Email Addresses

In some cases, you may need to manually unsubscribe an email address from your lists. This can be done easily within Klaviyo by navigating to the subscriber's profile and clicking the "Unsubscribe" button.

Manual unsubscribes are useful when a subscriber contacts you directly to request removal from your email lists or if you need to quickly remove an address that has previously unsubscribed.

3. Maintaining List Hygiene with Automatic Unsubscribes

Klaviyo automatically unsubscribes email addresses that consistently bounce or are marked as invalid. This helps maintain the hygiene of your email list by removing addresses that are no longer active or deliverable.

Regularly monitoring your list for inactive or invalid addresses is a crucial part of effective email list management. By keeping your list clean and up-to-date, you can improve your email deliverability and ensure that your messages are reaching engaged subscribers.

4. Empowering Subscribers with a Manage Preferences Page

Providing a manage preferences page allows your subscribers to control their email preferences, such as email frequency and the types of content they receive. This can help reduce unsubscribes by giving subscribers the option to tailor their email experience to their liking.

In Klaviyo, you can create a custom manage preferences page that includes options for subscribers to update their email frequency (e.g., daily, weekly, monthly) and select the types of content they're interested in receiving (e.g., product updates, promotions, blog posts).

By empowering your subscribers to manage their preferences, you demonstrate respect for their inbox and can foster a more positive, long-lasting relationship with your email audience.

Implementing effective strategies for managing subscriber preferences and unsubscribes is essential for maintaining a healthy, engaged email list. By leveraging Klaviyo's tools and best practices, you can create a positive experience for your subscribers while ensuring compliance with email regulations.

Phew, that was a lot of information! Thanks for sticking with us through this deep dive into email list management. Remember, if you don't master these techniques, your email list might just stage a mutiny and leave you stranded on the shores of the spam folder!

Save time and focus on important work by using automated workflows to keep your email lists clean and up-to-date.


Knowing how to add an unsubscribe link in Klaviyo is crucial for maintaining a healthy email list and complying with legal requirements. In this guide, you discovered:

  • The importance of including an unsubscribe link for legal compliance, deliverability, and building trust with subscribers
  • Best practices for placing and styling the unsubscribe link in your Klaviyo emails
  • Step-by-step instructions for adding the unsubscribe link using Klaviyo's built-in tags
  • Strategies for managing subscriber preferences and unsubscribes to keep your email list engaged and clean

By mastering the art of the unsubscribe link, you'll keep your subscribers happy and your email campaigns thriving. Learn more about managing cold and warm leads to avoid your emails ending up in the spam folder!

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